Wouldn't classify myself as a 'dedicated forum user' as much as I would a secret adviser.
- Dylain likes this
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Should've always been a rule; there's no possible way to fully moderate it other than to treat it like other forms of advertising.
Plenty of people have used their YT channels to support other servers along with the current server they are playing on which in turn creates this dynamic where players are looking up your channel and being drawn to your off-topic content (other servers).
Where as posting your videos in the video section of the forum posts an embedded link to the video and any further clicking from the consumer is at their own discretion, meaning if they truly are interested in watching more videos of the user they're watching, then they physically have to click past the embedded link and begin surfing the channel, where as the current system, players are advertising their channel that could potentially have 1 Alora video, and 50 Ikov videos (using an old closed server as an example) which in turn may draw the viewer toward Ikov.
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This would take
There's literally a section for anime but not television.
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I very much dislike this idea because excessive userbars are extremely tacky.
Esp if people are going to be duo/trio clanning different clans w/userbars.
Trashy RSPS typically do this and create a plethora of stupid ranks.
Alora has a very clean and straight forward way of operating user groups, and I think changing that to add specialized user groups isn't necessary and takes away from the clean simplistic look that we currently have.
Justifying this as a money sink is abysmal, as it would only serve less than 1% of the community for a trade off that was negative to the forums.
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I'm 99 slayer on osrs with 2.4b bank. I know what I'm talking about. By the way, if you get pked with blowpipe, you don't lose your darts. I don't know where you got that from. Magic is super useful in osrs pvming. I used to boss and PvM a lot, and my magic gear was extremely helpful. Mage use in Alora PvM is nonexistent. Even if you consider the necessity of magic in barrows, zulrah, kraken, scorpia, idk steel dragons/lava dragons, etc etc etc, to be insignificant, that does not mean that Alora is not SEVERELY lacking in magic use. I'm really quite not sure how you can defend this:
Here is a list of ALL the uses for the abundance of mage gear for all the PvMers!
1. Barraging in inferno.
2. Killing Daganoth Rex.
If you're actually going to range Scorpia you're going to need to be in near max range bonus (all of which protects over BP) to make it even remotely worth using range (due to her high range def), ergo; your BP will be either your +1 or you won't be protecting it, I have no idea how you took 'he means lose darts by dying' out of that, that literally makes no sense -- If you lose your bp you lose your darts. Not to mention, ranging ANY wilderness boss is extremely costly versus using trident against them (except Chaos fanatic).
EDIT: Just went with max range bonus & rune darts to Scorpia on osrs, and I couldn't even hit her with range.
But overall the entire point of trident in pvm is because it's cheap and requires no bonuses to hit well. (on monsters who have low magic def)
Assuming you're an efficient player, you'll know that barraging certain tasks is really efficient slayer exp.
In terms of general PvM outside of what we've listed, mage isn't used and I have no idea what sort of 'I use to PvM a lot' you did, but I can assure you magic efficiency in PvM is extremely limited in osrs by ONLY monster weaknesses and is more often used for PvP & Slayer.
I don't what you're hoping to expect, but I can 1000% assure you magic will NEVER be the meta for anything that range/melee already meta for, simply because it's a weaker style of combat.
On Alora however, BP being overtuned is highly complemented by the fact that you can easily teleport around. For example, you could BP cerb with max range & imbued slayer helm faster than max melee & simply restock in between kills.
Final note:
Like I have said previously, there is no way of making mage 'better' without adding those resistances to bosses.
I'm all for adding resistances to bosses, but idt in anyway would it make mage anymore useful, seeing as people will more than likely just trident everything on here as they do on osrs.
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I mean, majority of osrs mage uses are primarily for efficient slayer exp/PvP.
The only bosses that differ from Alora are:
Zulrah: Switches are practically required to do Zulrah efficiently
Barrows: Mage barrows is still the most meta method
Kraken: You ONLY mage kraken on osrs
So essentially we're not really missing too much.
Idk why you found it necessary to address this topic without looking into where magic is used on osrs.
Magic is mainly used for PvP, both on Alora & osrs.
The problem with both Zulrah/Kraken is that BP is too overtuned that it's not even worth maging, because you can efficiently abuse bosses because of BP.
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You chose the game mode knowing the handicaps it came with.
Why should it be any cheaper because you choose a more difficult game mode?
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Buffing an item to make as good as an item which is currently overtuned just creates two problems instead of one.
The logical thing to do would be to nerf the blowpipe to how it is on RS.
On RS though ACB has very few niche uses compared to BP, and a lot of methods where you CAN ACB for its distance advantage you can typically use another form of combat/strat.
For example, safespotting Vene with ACB is good, but using veracs is 100x better.
Using it @ Sara is good but the current meta for Sara on RS is to use black/red chins.
So not entirely certain what you're trying to get out of this, but the weapon itself is extremely lackluster in most cases and thus the reason BP is better in most scenarios, also given the fact BP on Alora is extremely overtuned.
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This is the problem when creating game modes on RSPS.
Though, like every other absurd advantage that other game modes wish to be given; this one is unfair.
By choosing classic game mode you knew exactly what you signed up for and were well aware of the handicaps that come with that game mode.
It would be unfair to create a separate looting/reward system for classic mode simply because normal players are locked behind an incredible time wall, as they would have to create classic acc's to get these advantages.
If you wish to pk and want loots/rewards, then create a normal account.
The normal game mode has no limitations on it and therefore can do exactly what you're suggesting on this thread, without creating any sort of unfair advantage for any game mode.
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It is not healthy or economically good to split your community up in an RSPS by a paywall.
By this I mean, you shouldn't add QoL updates to donator zones but rather donator advantages.
By creating QoL updates like this behind paywalls (donator status), you take away from the games playerbase @ popular areas such as Edgeville for instance.
This makes the game look dead or less populated in areas (home) that need to be active for the sake of server growth.
Imagine logging into an RSPS where there was only a handful of people at (::home), but the server had 600 players online.
A real time example of this is RS3, in RS3 nobody uses the standard G.E that everybody is familiar with.
They use the one @ the Elf city that is locked behind a ton of quests & membership paywall.
Because of this G.E the regular G.E is completely dead besides trade worlds.
Seeing as donator status on here is a one time payment and not monthly, these sort of updates aren't very beneficial and in fact do more harm for the server than they do good.
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In efforts to keep the server as close to OSRS as possible, Zulrah has been changed to a 'dangerous death' (FOR HCIM).
Before this, many HCIM were able to farm Zulrah for its very beneficial drops and benefit greatly from it.
My suggestion meets as a middlepoint as us newer HCIM are so far behind the curve of those HCIM who were able to farm Zulrah whilst it was safe. I propose that Zulrah should have 1 safe death per day as it is in OSRS after completing the 'Western Provinces Diary'. This change would allow us HCIM that are so far behind, a chance to catch up. It also keeps with the servers theme of trying to keep similar with OSRS.
Perhaps once the HCIM has completed all of the easy diary or easy + some of the hard, this change could come into effect.
Thankyou for taking your time to read this suggestion.
I think this would be fair given we had diaries.
Also it's not a 'safe death' it's just a Resurrection which grants you 99 prayer/hp once a day if you're to be killed during the fight.
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I support this, it's really infuriating and unfair.
This is a bug and really damaging for gameplay as it prevents you from advancing in certain situations.
Gonna suggest that 2 swords adds this to his AIO list.
Also if you could, make a bug report about this, as it is a bug and this way Omicron will see it.
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I think the suggestion you're trying to promote doesn't make a ton of sense and really seems like a lot of work for something that sits temporary based on the current situation.
However, your comment about how pking is just financially difficult is true the problem. I too have experienced this very thing (spending a ton of time getting max gear to be able to pvm efficiently to get extra money so that I can risk dying while learning the servers mechanics).
As is stands, pking is too expensive for any new player coming off R-L toplist.
They'll login, thieve for an hour and buy their welfare rune pking gear, then they'll die only to lose it to "COOLCLOWN999" who's got a +1 (ags/claw/elder) and realize that if they wish to pk efficiently, they need to get torso, ddef & a +1 because the other rune pker you're going to fight is going to have one 95% of the time.
This is where the loop comes in, to pk you're forced to do it as primarily endgame content. It's not something you can just really jump into from the get-go.
To actually profit from it in a reasonable manner you need a +1. To get a +1 you'll be spending a good chunk of your time pvming to be able to obtain said +1.
Once said +1 is obtained your next challenge you're faced with is, "I have to buy dharoks/food".
Dharoks is very fairly priced imo, but the price for BIS food is obscene and the method of acquiring it is risky.
Then of course after you've dealt with all those issues your final one arises. Combat pots. Sure you can get away with Super sets while pking, but ideally when pking you want to be efficiently managing your space (Especially for hybridding/Nhing).
Combat pots are expensive and their main source of coming into the game is via skilling, which keeps them naturally at a high price.
The only way to fix the current state of pking is to fix the financial aspect of it and a great start would be combat pots & anglers.
Having combat pots/anglers in the shop for a fair price would not only act as a gold sink, but would increase the availability to players who're not on the server trying to get a max cape.
It also boils down to perspective.
In my opinion an RSPS should promote pking/pvm as their primary focus.
Skilling should mainly be for the rewarding max cape.
I could speak about this for days, so perhaps I'll take some time one of these evenings to create a giant thread regarding it.