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Member Since 17 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2024 09:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Combat Renouncement

25 September 2017 - 06:35 AM

I never really understood the idea of renouncing from Ironman to normal account but feel that this could be a good idea for those that want to commit to being a skiller (level 3) FOREVER.


To renounce from Combat, you must:


  • Pay 10m GP
  • All combat stats should be 1 (meaning combat level 3)
  • Normal armour requirements (no ironman armour)


This will completely lock your Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Magic, Prayer and Hitpoints stats going forwards - no going back.


By doing this, you will get a small Axe or Pickaxe symbol next to your name to signify this change. Donor status prioritises over this (maybe recolour depending on donor level?)




I appreciate that this is a very specific request but I have met a small community of players that are committing to skilling on the server and it seems that there is very little to offer. PKing and PVM have huge content areas, why not target another niche?


Further suggestions around skilling to follow in another post...

Supporting and Not Supporting Suggestions

24 September 2017 - 04:42 PM

So - it happened.


Got an infraction for sharing my thoughts by posting - "Supporting" on a suggestion. Supposedly spamming, but whatever - not going to lose sleep over it.



My suggestion:


Rather than throwing around warnings about 1 word posts giving feedback to community posts; why not make a mandatory poll for all new suggestions for people to total up the number of supporters AND THEN use the comments for feedback? 


  • Less administration from moderators (since I presume posts are reviewed before warnings are sent)
  • Accurate reporting on what features players actually want
  • Feedback on the suggestion in the comments to enhance the feature




Maybe this is just me being sour for a giving some feedback to the community and getting a negative response from staff but please consider this and take a positive out of it. I do this kind of stuff for a living and it will help with your roadmap for releases and fixes.

Wilderness Resource Zone

21 September 2017 - 05:56 PM

I have checked the existing topics and couldn't find anything for this so here goes....




So over the last week, I have been frantically dabbling with the wilderness resource zone and have found one major flaw.


On OSRS, upon logging out you are teleported to the front gate to prevent spawn killing/bashing. I feel that this should be implemented into the Alora zone too to prevent the same thing happening.




Don't really feel there is a need to pad this topic out more as I know this has affected a lot of you. My main gripe is players that are multi-logging to check whether the zone is populated and then logging in an alt to kill those players.


As always, I welcome feedback on this and if you have any other suggestions - fire away!


Thanks for reading :)