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Member Since 10 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2024 05:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Music Cape Stats

24 September 2019 - 11:08 PM

I just noticed the stats for the Music Cape are different from the other capes of accomplishment. I'm not sure what the stats are for the Quest Point Cape, but all the capes should have the same base stat bonuses. My suggestion is to have the Music Cape match the stats of the other skillcapes. 


Strength Cape Bonuses



Music Cape Bonuses


Taking a break?

26 August 2019 - 12:18 AM

I'm not really sure what to call this, but I'm essentially taking a break from Alora. Not because I want to, but because I've got a lot going on in my personal life and a lot of work to do. The place I live at right now doesn't really offer decent internet (https://www.speedtes...sult/8533087125), so I'm focusing on moving. That's the other reason I won't be online for a while. Once I figure out where I'll be working when I move, I have to box up my computer and everything so I won't be able to use it for a little while. 


Might be a few weeks or a couple months. I'm not really sure yet. I'll probably be active on the forums from my phone, but my internet won't let me play the game without lagging or crashing randomly. 


(I realize most of you don't know who I am. This is for those of you who do and who care lol)



Staff vs Players Event Screenshots

25 August 2019 - 02:36 PM




Here's another one that won't post for some reason:



Better Client

08 August 2019 - 12:12 AM

This is something that I've personally wanted to try for a while, but have never had a server to try it on. Hopefully, you guys can use this.


Instead of using the traditional .jar file for people to download, use ElectronJS to create an actual application. Electron uses the basic fundamentals of web development to create cross-platform applications, meaning the application will run on any operating system. It is completely customisable, which means you can add tools and whatever you want to the application. It also comes built-in with Squirrel updater, so any updates to the client would be handled automatically. The .jar file would still be included in the .asar package, but would not need to be accessed by the end user. Instead, it would embed the .jar file into the application and run it as it would on a browser. 


But JRE embeds don't work on browsers! Not to worry! There's a solution for that too. Since Electron uses Chromium, it's completely customisable. You can use the node-jre npm package https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-jre to embed the client into the application. Tons of applications currently use Electron as a base. I'm pretty certain OSBuddy and RuneLite both use Electron. 


I really hope this suggestion comes to fruition. If you need any help, I've been making websites for around 10 years, and I'm definitely willing to help out. 

