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Member Since 04 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active May 31 2020 11:14 AM

#106879 Please program the stats for snails!

Posted by Cmattiacci on 07 August 2017 - 10:29 AM

Currently if you walk to Mort Myer Swamp and try to attack a snail it says "Odd.. you can't seem to attack this enemy." I wish to kill these snails because they always drop there shell, which can be turned into a snelm. I would then sell them for only 15000 coins each in my tp. I would call my shop "Cmattiacci's Snelm Shop" (the C in my name is pronounced as a C or see or sea.) I would also wear it very often, because it is a cool hat.

Snail stats: (unfortunatly the stats for Bark Blamish and Ochre blamish aren't on the osrs wiki)

Bark Blamish Snail Cb lvl:15

Ochre Blamish Snail Cb lvl (round):10 Cb lvl (pointy):15

Blood Blamish Snail Cb lvl(round):20 Cb level:(pointy): 20

Bruise Blamish Snail Cb lvl(round): 20 Cb level(pointy):20

Myre Blamish Snail Cb lvl (round): 9 Cb level (pointy): 10

#106711 add a teleport to regular crabs!

Posted by Cmattiacci on 06 August 2017 - 08:28 PM

Currently if you walk to port khazard and talk to Murphy it says "Murphy does not wish to speak to you right now." On real osrs he will ask you if you want to dive. You can head to mogre camp, here there are mud skippers and crabs. I wish there was either a teleport to mogre camp, or they spawn the crabs near rock crabs or something. If you kill the crabs the drop fresh crab claws and fresh crab shells. If you have level 15 crafting, you could turn the crab claw into a wearable crab claw (glove slot) and turn the crab shell into a crab helmet. These are my favorite wearables and I had my hopes up that it would be here because:

  • on the crafting guide armor section you can see the crab helmet
  • the quest you are required to complete (recipe for disaster) to get to mogre camp is added
  • this is the most complete rsps i have ever played (meaning all of the doors work, the skill guides open, ect.)
  • upon arriving to port khazard Murphy is there, so I thought I could talk to him and I could get the crab armor

As you may know, recipe for disaster has many requirements to start, and it took two tries for me to complete. port khazard is a long walk from Edgeville, so it took me a hour or two to get all of the requirements, complete the quest and to walk to port khazard. You can imagine how It felt, after all of this work to discover its not added.