100% support this, this could be helpful for leveling on irons/classics now.
Not to mention its a new high tier pking tool.
- 2 swords likes this
Posted by Ill max soon
on 14 September 2017 - 04:12 PM
100% support this, this could be helpful for leveling on irons/classics now.
Not to mention its a new high tier pking tool.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 14 September 2017 - 03:20 PM
I agree on scaling raids to the people in so you can solo/duo, might make raids active again, but i don't agree on the same points as a 7 man.
If you're wanting to scale difficulty you'd have to scale points too otherwise they'd be no point in a 7 man as 2-3 or even solo would be so much easier for the same points.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 14 September 2017 - 12:00 PM
Congrats to those who got promoted :) those resigned i wish you the best, i still see you playing thoe so pleasure still having you.
Glad the player of the month is coming back also :)
Posted by Ill max soon
on 14 September 2017 - 09:28 AM
Posted by Ill max soon
on 13 September 2017 - 05:24 PM
To be honest, Yes it's true omicron can better focus on coding different important things, but i never said this should be released tomorow it can be released any time, and i don't really think you see the concept of this, This is basicly ironman with a friend, to make this server more unique apart from others.
Classic is like a big ironman mode with friends.
Let's say this was released, and i paired up with someone, they quit and i had no one to pair with, i pretty much would have started a brand new ironman for no reason.
Classics still a fresh release i just don't see this being a thing anytime soon, maybe when osrs release it to bring new players in.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 13 September 2017 - 05:12 PM
This will be a waste of time like dish said, all the time to code it when Omi can be coding different important things.
I mean just look at classic, was a hit sure but how many have stuck to it?
No support from me, just play classic.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 13 September 2017 - 11:00 AM
Things i don't agree on.
Clan wildy war event, simply because anyone can come and ruin it, we already do kind of clan battles at on the weekend events which gets split up into teams. This won't promote the wildy as the ones that go to the wildy will be the only ones there, just look how dead the crystal stuff is now, not to mention the actual events on a weekend which you loose stuff and that are PVP it's just the hybrids that hybrid all day which will go.
Slayer task, it tells you where to go after you get a task, unless you're meaning a whole other list like; Teleport with the wizard, run north then south to get to here, but that's just confusing.
Rares tab; whoever donated for the rare which could be implemented into it would feel out of cash as i can just buy in-game bonds and get it for free pretty much, plus this will take a toll on donations wanting custom donations.
supplies tab; another one, will most likely make things fall in price due to high amount you can buy in such a short time.
Other things i got no issue with.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 10 September 2017 - 01:52 PM
Posted by Ill max soon
on 09 September 2017 - 05:54 PM
Thanks F 8 great guide for this, iknow many have asked questions about it.
got the golem pet too congrats
Posted by Ill max soon
on 09 September 2017 - 03:42 PM
Posted by Ill max soon
on 09 September 2017 - 12:39 PM
Posted by Ill max soon
on 09 September 2017 - 11:23 AM
With ;;dz getting a revamp and now possibility of construction then fossil island, i'd want to see Omi work on some of the stuff already in the suggestion list and little fixes here and there, rather then another island of content like above.
Good suggestion i just don't think it's at the right time when there's pages of suggestion lists already to do.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 09 September 2017 - 06:53 AM
Posted by Ill max soon
on 08 September 2017 - 11:15 AM
Yes, that is exactly what I'm expecting. And that weirdly enough is exactly what I'm looking forward to.
Bringing a market to currently useless boss drops is also an incentive.
Does the skill bring anything more to the game than fire-making or agility? No, not really, But is that really a decent excuse to continue putting it off indefinitely. You have to remember that construction has been coming soon™ for about 9months or something now, and the server has over 1800 "maxed" players all sitting around with 1 construction, and I'm not even including Ironmen/HCIM/UIM/Classic maxed accounts.
Fossil island is cool and all, but as previously mentioned, I think it would be better to wait a while, let Jagex iron out any problems themselves and finish construction in the meantime to make everyone happy. I am a fan of new content too, I think it's fresh and exciting, but when it is paired with a game that is missing some fundamentals it eventually just becomes annoying.
I voted on con because I value fixing/adding existing content before adding new content ontop.
If it were up to me I would prefer Omicron just worked through this list http://www.alora.io/...ggested-topics/ to make the game more full and enjoyable to play before releasing more content.
TL: DR I would prefer Omicron finish the update he is already working on (supposedly) and then tackle fossil island afterwards.
it's more of taking things away from regular players and donators and adding it to a skill level total, many people have voted just to jump on the 'add construction' bandwagon without even thinking it through.
Sure it gives people the incentive to sell planks ect, but so many are hoarding them.
This is just going to create a market for those hording thousands of them which inturn gives them profit & leaves other people pissed off because they can no longer restore their spec because it was removed for construction.
i just don't see the point in adding construction it brings nothing new to the table, where as other content which you linked or fossil island, is new content and can bring people in.
Posted by Ill max soon
on 08 September 2017 - 06:59 AM
Fossil island is new and may bring people in, construction has been on Pservers for along time.
Besides all the work into construction i just see it as another 99 and nothing useful, we already have spec restore pool, altar,nurse, free glory teleports and city teleports pretty much.
only thing i can think of being useful is the max hit dummy. i'd rather see the island.