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Ill max soon

Member Since 03 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2017 06:38 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Amethyst Ore + arrows/bolts/javs

14 September 2017 - 04:12 PM

100% support this, this could be helpful for leveling on irons/classics now.


Not to mention its a new high tier pking tool.

In Topic: Raids nerf for DUO

14 September 2017 - 03:20 PM

I agree on scaling raids to the people in so you can solo/duo, might make raids active again, but i don't agree on the same points as a 7 man.


If you're wanting to scale difficulty you'd have to scale points too otherwise they'd be no point in a 7 man as 2-3 or even solo would be so much easier for the same points.

In Topic: Alora Newspaper 9/14/17

14 September 2017 - 12:00 PM

Congrats to those who got promoted :) those resigned i wish you the best, i still see you playing thoe so pleasure still having you.


Glad the player of the month is coming back also :)

In Topic: Giant mole instance

14 September 2017 - 09:28 AM

Sure don't see why not, support it.

In Topic: New Comp cape idea

14 September 2017 - 09:13 AM

looks like ava's, too similar to the max cape too can't just be recoloured needs to have a certain achievement to it.