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Member Since 28 Jul 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2020 06:55 PM

#194427 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Maria on 17 June 2018 - 07:30 PM

Hey, im " Maria " AKA " Iron Maria " and im looking forward to apply for recruit on my iron account in ICE cc although im new and i but im really helpful in the clan ive been helping cc with all kinda things such as questions or even events..
Im applying for recruit rank cause i really think i do deserve it cause i know that i could sort things in cc and i do follow every single rule ingame, and cc rules..
Ive been staff in many other rsps such as grinderscape, near reality.. and not staff as in cc, like ingame staff.. so i have knowledge about what am doing.
Much love, Maria ..  <3