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Member Since 21 Jul 2017
Previous Username: Not Magnata
Offline Last Active Today, 08:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Move Lost Item Manager

Today, 07:19 PM

Dont Think thats needed, Nope.

In Topic: Buff ToB Drop Rates

Today, 07:35 AM

Support, make tob alive again
Maybe cox a little percent buff would be cool tho

In Topic: deadman comp cape

Today, 07:33 AM

Im sus to say since I dont support these things since not being in osrs but the overall idea sounds good.

In Topic: Alora Leagues 4.0 (Launching Oct 30th) In-game & IRL Prizes!

Yesterday, 09:26 PM

Best of luck on everyone!
Looking forward..

In Topic: TOA Supply swap left click.

Yesterday, 05:00 AM

Thats a great qol, support