Username: IronTesticle
Discord Tag: USMC2053#8464
Game Mode: IronMan
Playtime: 53 Days
Proof of Combat/Skills: (Virtual Levels RL plugin is on)
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Absolutely!
Reason for applying to Paragon?: Been playing Alora since 2017, Figured it is about time I join a good clan! And tbh Some of the other clans are a bit stuck up and toxic.
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Advertised on ;;yell
- Alora
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Community Stats
- Group Ironman
- Active Posts 16
- Profile Views 1,873
- Time Online4d 19h 48m 38s
- Member Title Ironman
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Game Activity
IronTesticle received
1 x Dragon chainbody (2nd) from Kalphite Queen! (#269)
Dec 3, 2023 4:18 pmIronTesticle has slain
Lizardman shaman a total of 4,000 times!
Jun 29, 2023 2:36 amFriends
IronTesticle hasn't added any friends yet.
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes
10 June 2023 - 10:45 PM
In Topic: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes
07 June 2023 - 09:10 AM
I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]
(Main - Irontesticle)
(Alt- FiveOh)
II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?
Ironman, and Classic
III. What is your Discord ID?
IV. What is your game-time?
V. What is your total Boss Kill count?
VI. How did you find out about us?
General popularity in the community, yell, etc.
In Topic: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes
06 June 2023 - 07:28 PM
In Topic: How do I Get Forum Awards?
25 March 2023 - 06:18 AM
Is there a topic #? I can't seem to find the correct thread for the list of awards. The one under support -> forum awards says "no topics found"
Got it! thank you for the help!
In Topic: Is HighScores Bugged/Broken?
25 March 2023 - 05:43 AM
Yeah, i'm not sure what the deal is. Thank you for the help though!