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Member Since 18 Jul 2017
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In Topic: Increasing the rate of Molch Pearls

23 June 2022 - 09:36 PM

Thanks for the feedback and a look at the other opinion. I didn't realize you could sell the golden tench for pearls, but I dont think that quite justifies leaving it as is in my opinion. I know for sure, if I get one ill definitely be selling it now. 

That's just what happens when you play on a sped up game mode... like 40x normie game mode or 6x gim.   


The xp rate doesn't match the time it takes to unlock items.  


If you actually want to unlock skilling gear prior to 99, I suggest playing on the Realism 2x xp game mode. 


Aside from that, you haven't really provided any concrete reasons for making pearls more common.  


Full outfit technically only takes 2 lucky clicks (1/15000), since 2 golden tench will exchange for enough pearls to buy the entire outfit.


Keep in mind, there is already a vote book perk for boosted pearls and a donator perk for additional pearls.