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Member Since 29 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2024 06:23 AM

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In Topic: [7/9/17] New Homepage

10 July 2017 - 03:13 PM

I think the update looks great! I have a few nitpicky things that are hyper-specific but I think it would make the site look & feel more responsive overall.


-Change the transition animation of links & from 0.5s to 0.2s 

-Make transition animations on the homepage links (forums, store, vote, etc.) match those on the forums (currently none on homepage)

-When hovering social media icons on the top left corner, change the color of the icons to dark blue, red, and light blue respectively to match the site's theme colors. (can be done with SVG's rather than images and then just change the fill color with a transition)

-Maybe find a way to make these corners look a bit less sharp (image below)


-Replace the "|" character with "by" on Homepage in News & Updates and Forum Activity

-The "Advanced Search" and the gear icon do the same thing and the "Advanced Search" text pushes the content down and looks awkward


-Under Game Activity on the homepage, clicking a user's name won't actually take you to their forum profile

-Remove displaying the year from the posting date within Forum Activity

-Remove the min-height attribute on the highscores

-Capitalize "username" in the highscores search placeholder (( I don't know why this bothers me so much but it's probably fine either way ))

-Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy don't have a link location

-Missing background color for shoutbox smilies


-In donations, remove the bottom margin on "ipsSideBlock" (provided you aren't putting any more side blocks in the column). The misaligned border is really hard to notice if you're just scrolling so it might not even need to be changed (below image)




Other than those few things, I think the update looks great!

The next big site update in my opinion would be a new store page & a new shoutbox to replace the IPB one.


Thanks for the updates!

In Topic: bob option

10 July 2017 - 01:12 PM

Support, there are a few things like this around Alora. Would surely make for a much smoother interaction between Bob and the PC.

In Topic: Tztok-Jad BEST TIME ON ALORA

10 July 2017 - 11:20 AM

I think the records from testing and ::event should be removed.

I've never done Corp or seen Corp get killed, but I think the following must have been done during testing.


Corp in 0:31 by Omicron


Should some cosmetic rewards be added if you beat a boss time?

In Topic: PvP Delay - Extend time before you can be pj'ed

10 July 2017 - 11:08 AM

I've seen it happen all too many times to Lowkey, you have my support.

In Topic: Huge PKing Update (List of PKing Suggestions)

07 July 2017 - 10:51 AM

I agree with all of these ideas because, in my opinion, the wilderness needs to be revived in order for Alora to meet it's maximum potential. There are a good amount of people who come to private servers who want a good PKing experience and to not focus so much on PVM. 


As I said in another post, I think that there should be some sort of incentive for pking with a lower level account like a pure or zerker. I can't think of any solutions or suggestions off the top of my head, but in my opinion it's definitely something that should be given some thought.