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Member Since 28 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2017 11:20 AM

#102923 [7/25/17] Hotfixes for the previous update

Posted by QUAVOHUNCHO on 25 July 2017 - 07:55 AM

you ruined it so wildy's back to all mystic raggers. Might as well just take the update out completely.

#102871 [7/25/17] Hotfixes for the previous update

Posted by FASTCLICKS7 on 25 July 2017 - 04:33 AM

Shit update. Gg I quit 

#102558 Fix this

Posted by FASTCLICKS7 on 24 July 2017 - 09:45 AM

You're not being ragged if they're intending to kill you using mystics. At least by this servers' definition.

That is where you are wrong.

Its simple, don't complicate it further


If you don't wanna lose good gear, then don't risk it 


It is not the fault of a pker if you are dying to a welfare brid


And risk value manipulating to your own advantage? Cmon lol be serious now.

You started that by abusing ur protect item prayer 

#102572 Fix this

Posted by FASTCLICKS7 on 24 July 2017 - 09:54 AM

Incorrect, just because I bring mystics does not mean I dont have a b ring, mage's book, master wand, gmaul, etc. Often risk more then you lot. 


Please refrain from slandering me with false claims.


However, you lot stack up worthless 3a items putting your risk wealth at max, making it capable of being attacked to suit your advantage.


When you're interested in having a logical astute cordial discussion let me know. Until then.. BRAIN LOC???

https://gyazo.com/87...78150cb7157d917 Location  b ring, mage's book, master wand, gmaul, etc.