- Alora
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Super Donator - Active Posts 16
- Profile Views 2,843
- Time Online7d 2h 26m 29s
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- Age Age Unknown
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Game Activity
Subs received 1 x Armadyl chestplate as a drop!
Aug 9, 2017 2:28 amSubs received 1 x Beginner wand as a drop!
Aug 7, 2017 8:25 pmLatest Visitors
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Thunk's Guide to the Illustrious Music Cape
02 September 2017 - 11:27 PM
Man, I'm real proud of my man thunk. This guide is really great, very in depth. This is very much appreciated. I'm glad to see how well you been doing since I've been gone. Keep it up my main man ;P
In Topic: Cannonball Mould/Ability to Make Cannonballs
08 August 2017 - 01:01 PM
I'm mixed on this, Cannonballs aren't too hard to acquire, you can purchase at slayer store, and various monsters drop them. It's very easy to acquire a lot especially if you corp, since corp will drop 2k at a time, and can make a nice stack of cannonballs in a short amount of time. Plus, I feel if you were to make this, than cannon's would be far more popular in PvM area's and would aggravate other player's in a particular area. Therefore no support.
In Topic: Move Points Overlay in Raids
08 August 2017 - 12:52 PM
Simple yet meaningful, I support this.
In Topic: Yell tokens to Alora
08 August 2017 - 12:23 PM
I'm kinda mixed on this, since I like how yell is exclusive to donor's, and almost loses an incentive when upgrading donor, cause I like the shorter yell time and want to upgrade further. However, I think it would be beneficial to those who aren't donor and would like to advertise, prevent flaming over yell, since they'd literally be paying for it they did flame. Lastly, from any community I've ever been on, there is no guaranteed anti-flaming method. It's going to happen no matter what you do.
I'd support non-donor's getting the ability to yell, through tokens; but not donor's having to purchase yell tokens. Ultimately, I can't support this.
In Topic: Add lootshare?
04 August 2017 - 02:58 PM
I like the idea +Support.