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Member Since 25 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2017 02:45 PM

#94277 24 Hours In - Suggestions & Feedback

Posted by Resent on 26 June 2017 - 10:38 PM

So in my short time here at Alora, I've come to learn a lot about both the game and the community. With that being said, there are a few things I would like to address. 


It is evident that Alora is one of the most well rounded servers out at the moment. No, I'm not sucking up; it's the truth and the success of this project thus far speaks for itself. The content is unique, while keeping the originality of Old School Runescape. I for one, dislike customs, and the development does an excellent job with creating new content without leaving the roots of the base game, not to mention being the only server with the latest OSRS models including, but not limited to, Raids and the Inferno. This is something many development teams struggle with doing, so I commend Omicron and Blank for being able to do so.


In my short time here, a few things have come to mind that I would like to suggest. Keep in mind, I'm a new player and the following suggestions are based off of my first impressions. Feel free to add input as to why certain things are the way they are, and why they should stay that way. 


1.) Slightly Lowering XP Rates: XP rates seem a little quick, and I've heard of a few players complaining about getting bored because of how quick they were able to max out their accounts. Now I'm not here to complain, as I'm sure some things are set a certain way for a reason, but with combat rates being x325, I was able to achieve max combat within a matter of 2-3 hours (Mage took 15 minutes with alching, granting about 25k xp per alch, but I'm not sure if there may have been any bonus XP events going on at the time). Of course I understand that a large part of the private server motive is to be able to achieve higher skills/levels much faster than the average pace of Runescape, but at this rate I feel as if achieving these stats were more of a nuisance rather than an achievement. Lowering XP rates slightly, not drastically, would create much more of a variety of combat levels within the community, and with a playerbase as large as Alora's, I feel as if this would have a positive impact on the game, as well as give players something else to work for.


2.) Reducing The Rewards From Thieving: I'm sorry, I promise I'm not here to recommend everything should be nerfed, and believe me there is a method behind my thought process, as I only want what's best for the future of the community. A full inventory of thieving takes 1min 30sec and yields 270k of profit with a cash stack in the first slot, assuming the player has 90 thieving which really only take about a half hour (back to my first suggestion) which constitutes to approximately 10.8m per hour. Taking into account all of the players that are starting off thieving to make money, that's a lot of GP being introduced into the game in a very short period of time. With that being said, the Well of Goodwill is an excellent addition to give players an incentive to donate some of their GP in order to prevent inflation from harming the economy. If thieving rewards were reduced slightly, I believe that this would be less of a concern to the economy.


So to sum it all up, to the development team, keep up the great work I'm having a great time playing. To the community, feedback on my suggestions and feedback on my feedback (does that make any sense?) would be greatly appreciated!

