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Member Since 25 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2017 02:45 PM

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In Topic: 24 Hours In - Suggestions & Feedback

27 June 2017 - 11:25 PM

To be quite honest, I wasn't expecting an overwhelming amount of support for things to stay the way there are, but if the community is satisfied with the way things are, I'd say don't fix what's broken. As a closing statement to elaborate a bit more on the second suggestion, as someone who deals with economics on a daily basis, I understand the fundamental principles upon which inflation is based off of, and in my lifetime I've seen many economy servers fall over time because of this. Monetary sinks are a good start to begin minimizing inflation, but if the playerbase is receiving a substantial amount of money from thieving as quick as they are, we're going to need to find something that can drastically remove the amount of wealth that is flowing through the game, and as the playerbase increases it's only going to become more of a concern. Also, just to be clear, I'm not arguing that thieving is a great way for a consistent source of money, but I simply believe it is too rewarding, too quickly. I was shocked by the amount of players in this thread that justified clicking in one place for hours on end (something that could be easily macro'd/auto-clicked) as something that should be rewarding when other skills that require much more effort to be put in, reward little or nothing. At that point, what is the motive to train other skills other than to just achieve the 99 if the skills don't have an impact on financial gain or benefit the player in any way? Just a thought, thanks everyone for the feedback.  

In Topic: 24 Hours In - Suggestions & Feedback

27 June 2017 - 06:51 AM

With all due respect Resent,


Exp rates are fine, if you disagree you should quit your regular account and start a Iron or Hardcore Ironman
10,8m an hour is one of the vew constant money makers in the game, y take that away?

I disagee with all your points, sorry.


Thank you for thinking along so early on though.

Thanks for your feedback! I understand ironman accounts offer slower XP rates, but I personally believe that the XP rate gap between ironmen and normal accounts is simply too large. As for thieving, I think it offers way too much reward as I've often heard players state that its pointless to participate in other skills or slayer because the rewards often don't compare to that of thieving. I'm not arguing that it's a consistent moneymaker, but I believe that offering players 10.8m per hour after 30mins of thieving seems like too much, too quick. I'm glad we are able to come to terms to agree to disagree.