As an economist I can tell you that taxation is not the solution for problem. What you should do is to cut money supply. First of all what you should do is to cut thieving. As central bank is the one which isues money and controls money supply by intrest rate so you could control the money supply by changing how much you receive by thieving. A small inflation is good, that means a healthy economy if there would not be any inflation it would get harder and harder to buy items from each other. But it is necessary to keep an eye for it for it won't get to high.
Back on thieving. I don't know the exact statistics but what I have seen I think thieving is the main instrument to introduce liquid money to economy. So by manipulating how much money stalls give you can control economy. And by lowering these values when necessary you could livin up the game. People would go to fish, woodcut, hunt, slay and craft etc. more instead of thieving for money. And trading post would be a great place a great place to sell it for other players as it wont be time consuming.
If you want more of my knowledge how real life economy tendencies could work in game contact me
Member Since 25 Jun 2017Offline Last Active Sep 04 2023 10:35 PM