Depends on the offence, i was banned due to a silly mistake when i was staff a year ago and my account "Hexza" is gone. Now i wouldn't mind having the name back but at the end of the day this was my mistake so i think the banning thing could be done maybe after a set time lets say how xbox do it when they release GTs after like 4 years but obviously a lot sooner. I do agree though that if someone makes an account with a very og name lets use mine for example with "Matt" plays for 20 minutes and then quits forever then that's their fault and it should be reset after being inactive for a set period. Obviously Jay, Omi and other staff team members can decide this if accepted.
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Well the problem with this is the "risk" or chance of someone coming back to the game and "poof" their name is changed or there whole account is gone, also the problem with banned players is that they might be unbanned in the future (unsure how Alora's staff team manages banned players etc) but if they get unbanned and they lost their username they most likely wont return, both for good and bad i guess since they broke rules.
But i dont really support this because of the chance that players might return in the future and to rob them off their name is not right.
This is however just my point of view and its up for change if someone can show some good solutions or alternatives.