Member Since 20 Sep 2016Offline Last Active Aug 13 2017 03:42 AM
About Me
The cake is a lie
there are only cookies.
Through Cookie's I gain weight.
Through weight I gain obesity
And in obesity my chair is broken.
Calorie's will set me free.
I am a male from Norway. Home of the vikings. I like to play videogames and be with friends. I am currently in my second year in computer engineering at the University of Agder in Norway.
Gaming accounts:
Steam: Kytronix
Origin: Kytronix
PSN: SnipeAssault
RSN: Lorden Kriss
Battle-net: Kytronix #2992
Uplay: Kytronix
Twitter: FuzzyKriss
Skype: Not something I give out to everyone
Please let me know who you are if you add me.
Community Stats
- Group User
- Active Posts 21
- Profile Views 3,825
- Time Online19h 7m 42s
- Member Title Member
- Age 28 years old
- Birthday November 21, 1996
Playing video games, watching tv-series and be with friends.