Account Name:Darius HUN
Account Type:Normal/super donator
Discord:I dont have discord atm.
Time-zone:+1 GMT
Playtime: (Please post or link a screenshot of in-game playtime)4 day 26 hours :) CAnt link atm sorry
Game Stats: (Please post or link a screenshot of your stats)Maxed of course. :)
PVM Gear: (Please post or link a screenshot of your best in slot PVM gear) Maxed gears only dont have tob items and t bow
Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?)no
Reason for joining:I'm looking for a pvm clan wich is active i want to do lot of raids 1-2 and corp btw i was in that clan before for like 1-2 months but did some "pause" of the game. :)
Recruited by:Time W4arp,Classic joke