yikes, cya man
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What is your suggestion?: Being able to dismantle vesta/statius pieces for pkp
Is this in OSRS?: no
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no
How would this benefit Alora?: irons that get useless pvp drops can dismantle them for pkp so its not just a rare shit drop
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Unfortunately I started the grind before the collection log was released and its not 100% accurate but I cant believe I finally fucking finished it, it came so unexpected I was just afking rex while watching streams holy shit im so beyond happy right meow
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What is your suggestion?: I'd like to see ancient shards added to the PVP shop and the daily task shop, at least one of those shops should sell them
Is this in OSRS?: No
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: I understand they arent hard to get but as a normie the last thing I wanna do is afk slayer for shards, would just be a nice and simple QOL to add them to the shop, not sure if ironmen should have this option to buy them but I really don't see the harm in selling them in 1 or both the pvp shop and the daily task shop.
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What is your suggestion?: Id like to see a larger block list, either for donor ranks or for completing achievements since in osrs its the most quest points you have the more blocks you get but ofcourse alora only has 10 quests so I feel the more achievements you do, the larger the list could be to block tasks
Is this in OSRS?: Yes In a way but modified for alora
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: Just being able to block tasks you've either completed log for or do not need to kill anymore
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What is your suggestion?: For each donor rank to have a slight discount in the slayer unlocks
Is this in OSRS?: No
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: Just give another good benefit to ranks and make the grinds of all the slayer helmets/unlocks a little quicker
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Support! I just want the new slayer helmets please, whatever it takes. Also I feel like the achievements would have to be heavily modified for Alora, some of them seem weird like taking no damage at zulrah.
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its been a while since I've post a bank picture and I think its interesting to see the progress of banks throughout the players career. I've taken a lot of breaks and built my bank back up over since the last time I my bank - https://www.alora.io.../61885-my-bank/ (This was my old bank picture)
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What is your suggestion?: Being able to add 30k charges to 1 blood fury (using 3 shards)
https://oldschool.ru...effect triggers.
Is this in OSRS?: Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: Not quite sure honestly just a simple QOL update so you are able to do more content without worrying about running out of charges in the middle of pvming
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What is your suggestion?: To add the new gauntlet bow and the recolors for the bow and the blade. It also couldn't hurt to touch up the crystal armor if you are going to add the bow
Is this in OSRS?: Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?:Adding another good weapon to the gauntlet will make it a lot more popular and worth doing I think, it could change the meta around a bit with how good it is with the full crystal armor.
(The bow has the same color selection as the blade)
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Discord Accounts: Jokerr#6277 Procreator#9420 Lukey#5851 Aranree#7729
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