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Member Since 04 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2021 04:27 AM

Topics I've Started

Hexza [Explanation]

05 January 2018 - 07:55 PM

Hey guys, so many have asked me the why did you resign and are you quitting so just thought i would make a quick thread to explain.


1. I resigned due to numerous things but the most important being irl things and not being able to play as much while also losing a huge amount of motivation due to certain things that have happened the past 2 days. 


2. I will not be quitting at all but plan to focus on "Hexza" account with bossing/raids and getting my comp cape because when i do have the time to play i want to just have fun with all the lads. 


I will still be helping people constantly because the title didn't really mean that for me, i am just a helpful person regardless so if you guys ever need anything feel free to pm me in-game or on the forums. 



I want to take this time to thank all the staff members for letting me be apart of something great as although a short period of time on the team both times now they were incredible. 


Much love to Elise, Jay, Brandon, Elveymagey aka Roy, Xuf, Casual, Dennis, Ramon, Postimees (because your new ign sucks), Justin, Haris, Hondenei, Chase and anyone i missed + grats to sav for getting support today. Thanks <3



My List of Suggestions! (READ)

03 July 2017 - 09:37 AM

Over the past few weeks i have come across certain things i think need improving or adding to the game so please take the time to read over these and Support or Decline.


I have suggested some of these on different topics and just to make sure i am not trying to spam these but more trying to put all of my suggestions into one amazing post! Thanks!



Giant Mole


The Need of the "Falador Shield 3" which when placed in your inventory acts as a locator for Giant Mole. This is in OSRS and i really think it should be added here being that every time i get Mole at the moment i just want to skip. 

The Falador shield 3 also makes Giant Mole drop noted Mole Skin and Claws.

This is in OSRS and i think this should be somehow implemented here maybe adding it to the "Achievement" shop.



I have also noticed after killing Giant Mole it spawns again randomly when i am most definitely sure it respawns in the middle of the cave on OSRS. 


Block Task


I understand this is a private server and it is really easy to skip tasks but i honestly think this feature needs to be added in future updates. Not all people enjoy doing certain tasks or tasks that take much longer than others.

Even if the point cost was a bit more than OSRS to complement having the feature.


Black Jacking (Thieving)


Blackjacking is where you use one of the 3 types of blackjack to knock and lure certain npcs before pick pocketing.

While there is a good number of easy thieving ways i think this would really help towards getting 200m XP. 

Not a bigger but would be cool if looked over. http://oldschoolrune.../wiki/Blackjack


Lunar Spells


Certain lunar spells need to be activated. 

- Tan Leather

- Magic Imbue

- Spin Flax

 "Vengeance" works and is obviously needed for PvM/Pking but i really think these need to be added especially for Irons. Credit to @Iron bo v3


Ancient Shards & Dark Totems (Arclight/Skotizo)


While this has been suggested i really want to make sure it has been thought over. 

At the current time with Skotizo being a wilderness boss i have had no real motivation to do it as i have never really enjoyed bosses that have been changed to other things. 

The fact they are dropped but have absolute no use is a tad mehh for me. Pretty sure i have 3/4 pieces of each and a couple of ancient shards. I would love to see Arclight in the game as it looks amazing and destroys demons.

Please really think over this one guys as i think it will make the boss a whole lot more enjoyable for a number of people.


I will be updating this post with anymore i find or think that are necessary to the players of Alora.




More ;; Teleports!

21 June 2017 - 12:47 PM

I was wondering if more of the main ones could be implemented into the game


For example to go to Donor Zone its ;;dz - Duel Arena it's ;;duel and so on.



Pest Control = ;;pc


Black Chins = ;;chins


WC Guild = ;;wc


Fish Guild = ;;fish


Cerberus = ;;cerb


Zulrah = ;;zul or ;;Zulrah


Kraken = ;;krak or ;;kraken



Obviously these are just very basic but hopefully you catch my drift.


Thanks! :)




Blackjacking (Thieving)

20 June 2017 - 04:03 AM

So @Diva was helping with the rocky pet event.


While this is not a serious issue i do think it should be implemented in the near future after Inferno & construction.


It would take the strain off trying to get rocky and 200m xp in thieving.


Please let me know if any of you guys support this. thanks!



08 June 2017 - 03:44 PM

No more than 20-25 mins ago a person named bambabkuhpow yelled about giving 2b away if you was to click the link in his video.

Now i was half asleep and didn't think anything of it at first but shortly afterwards realised the link was close, very close to aloras but it has a slight change!

Currently scanning my pc and this has been found so far.





If you was 1 of these people please scan your pc asap!


Malwarebytes is a great tool and is highly recommended by microsoft staff/admin!



Thankyou and be careful guys!