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Member Since 03 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2021 08:35 AM

Topics I've Started

Reclaim lost untradeables prices

05 June 2017 - 11:51 AM

Well i just started a few days ago (so im not very rich) and i died accidently at slayer task.

Then i wanted to reclaim my items and ugh... 1m for ea void piece. That`s way too much money on my opinion. Specialy for newcomers like me it`s pretty hard to get fast money. I hope these prices will get lowered.


- viserbro

Mini Map in client?

05 June 2017 - 02:52 AM

I started doing farming today (its not my fav. skill so i dont really know where the patches are) so i searched them and i just found a few. Then i wanted to open the mini map and... there is none.

I`d suggest to add the mini map since osrs added it too.


- viserbro

Shop keeper prices

04 June 2017 - 06:48 AM

(Well i`m pretty new to this server and i dont know if this suggestion has been already made)

Today i accidently sold my dlong to the shop keeper and it sold for 0gp!?!?!??!

After this i checked the store where you can buy the dlong and there its 118k.

WTF is that? As i said im pretty new so i dont have alot of money and this is just shit

I Hope the prices in the general store are getting updated.


- viserbro