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#109766 Classic Mode Announcement and Competition/Tournament (Over $350 in prize...

Posted by Omicron on 16 August 2017 - 01:57 PM


Classic Mode

With the massive support for Classic mode, and many of us still on Summer vacation, there’s no better time to release Classic mode than now! Lets dive right into it:

Classic mode is a game mode that is more challenging than other game modes — it has the lowest experience rate of any previous mode. It has trading restrictions like ironman modes, but here’s the kicker: Classic mode players can trade between each other, meaning a Classic-only economy will exist! This is a bit different than the usual Ironman mode which makes it slightly less of a solo game style.

We’re looking to release this game mode this weekend! The planned release date is 9:00 PM Eastern time on Saturday, August 19th!


  • What will be the experience rate?
    • 5x experience.
  • Will experience boosts (well of goodwill, wilderness bonuses, vote book bonuses, etc) apply to Classic mode accounts?
    • Most boosts will not be applicable to Classic mode players!
      • With that being said, vote books WILL grant extra experience, but can only be opened once every 12 hours.
  • Can I trade/stake other players?
    • You can only trade/stake other classic mode players. Of course, this means the Trading post is disabled for Classic mode players.
  • Will there be an icon in-game for Classic players?
    • Yes! An icon with two swords crossed will be shown in-game for Classic mode players.
  • Will shops be available?
    • Yes, although the items in the shops may be nerfed and adapted to suit the game mode.
  • Will I be able to use the donation store?
    • Yes, although it will be similar to the ironman store where you can only purchase cosmetic and mid-tier items.
    • Some donator perks will be nerfed on this game mode.
  • Are there any other things I should know about this mode?
    • Gold obtained from thieving will be at a lower rate than other game modes.
    • Bonds can be transferred between normal accounts, but vote books can only be transferred between Classic players.


Classic Mode Competition/Tournament


Huge thank to @uTorrent for organizing this event and coming up with the idea!


The release of Classic mode brings with it an exciting competition with huge prizes (Over $350 in cash, as well as many in-game prizes) to be won! To ensure that all players can participate, we have divided this competition into two sections:

  • Classic Competition ($150 prize):
    • The Classic competition is our way of rewarding the players who put the most effort into their Classic mode accounts. Here's how it works:
      • Point-based event:
      • This event will last 10 days from the release of Classic mode.
      • Assuming the release is on Saturday the 18th at 9pm, this means that the competitition will end on Monday, August 28th at 9pm.
    • Points are earned for the following achievements:
      • All recorded drops, monsters killed, total level, and experience gained throughout this time period will award points. The top three players with the most points at the stopping time win prizes!
    • ​Points earned for:
      • Rare drops:
      • Points are given based on drop rate. A whip with a D.R of 1/400 will award 400 points. Every consecutive whip gives 20% less points until 20% (20% is minimum).
      • There is a maximum of 2,000 points for any particular drop.
    • Achievements
    •          10 points per easy task completed
    •          45 points per hard task completed
    • Monsters killed:
      • One point per 10 NPCs killed
      • 8500 total NPCs killed / 10 = 850 points for monsters killed.
    • Total level:
      • For total level, 2 points will be awarded for every level obtained.
    • Number of 99s (combat and non-combat):
      300 points per 99. 
    • Total experience:
      • For total experience, 10 points will be awarded per 1M experience obtained.
  • Notes:
    • For recorded drops, players MUST obtain proof (via picture/video) of the item(s) & record the date and server time (for proof).
      • Only high tiered items will be counted. For example, Leaf-bladed items would not be counted.
    • The points calculations are subject to change.
    • At the end of the week, players need to submit their own portfolio of rare drops/total levels/total experience. We will verify everything on our end to make sure that no player has cheated.
  • Rewards:
    • 1st Place:
      • $150 in cash OR $200 worth in tokens
    • 2nd Place:
      • 600 tokens OR 6 bonds
    • 3rd Place:
      • 400 tokens OR 4 bonds
  • Classic PvP Tournament ($200 prize):
    • Similar to the Ironman tournament we held months ago, this tournament will open for registration a few days before it is held, and players will battle it out in a fight-to-the-death until only one competitor remains! This type of battle will be very interesting to watch, as we will see what style of combat players will choose and which items they have brought to the battle after their week long grind. The last man standing will take the full $200 prize, although 2nd and 3rd places will receive alternative prizes as shown below:
      • 1st Place:
      • $200 in cash OR $250 worth of tokens
    • 2nd Place:
      • 800 tokens OR 8 bonds
    • 3rd Place:
      • 500 tokens OR 5 bonds
  • Rules:
    • The tournament will be 1v1 brackets. You must be registered before it begins.
    • You are limited to 9 Saradomin brews. Inventories will be checked before you fight, and you will be forced to stay within this limit.
      • We want the tournament to be fair and for the fights to last a reasonable amount of time, but not to take hours.
    • These rules are subject to change before the tournament begins.
      • A separate tournament thread will be created once registration opens.
  • Our very own @Lowkey will be live-streaming and commentating the event, so you can watch it all unfold live!
  • Schedule:
    • Tournament registration is undetermined, but will be announced soon. A new thread will be posted soon after the Classic mode release this weekend, wherein we will announce the exact time for the tournament.
    • As a rough estimate, it will be the weekend immediately after release (Between August 25-27) and will likely be held on the 27th of August.

Note: These two competitions are completely separate and you could choose to participate in one of them, both, or neither.

We hope you're as excited for this competition and game mode as we are, and we wish the best of luck to all who choose to participate in the competition/tournament.


#109579 Crash Item Prices in Alora and Save Billions!

Posted by pizzapants on 15 August 2017 - 07:27 PM

Do you ever dream of a world where sought after late game items are dirt cheap on the trading post?

Do you ever dream of a world where you have single-handedly manipulated the price of an item?

Hi, I'm Pizzapants, and today I'm going to help you realize that your dreams can become reality.

The Introduction:

I know at this point you may all be thinking:

"Manipulating prices? Is this guy nuts?"


Well, I am nuts, but my insanity is not due to my belief in price manipulation, no, no, no...

Price manipulation is so easy, it can be broken down into a simple five-step process. I know that some of you may have a hard time remembering five whole steps, so I've come up with a handy little acronym to help you remember them:

  1. Price
  2. Earn
  3. "New Method"
  4. Information
  5. Sales

or, P.E.N.I.S.


Price, is the first step of the P.E.N.I.S. protocol.

It involves finding an item on the Alora trading post who's price is way too high for your tastes.


Earn, is the second step of the P.E.N.I.S. protocol.

It involves doing a little bit of research on where the item comes from and how easy it is to acquire, or earn said item.

The item you want to crash has to be an item with a relatively high drop rate, as we want to try and flood the market with its juicy deliciousness.

"New Method":

"New Method", is the third and most important step of the P.E.N.I.S. protocol.

We all know that people don't click on posts for information. They click on post for that sweet, juicy, big 'ole title.

It's like click-bait: the more flashy and exciting your title is, the higher probability that someone will click on your forum post.


Take a look at the title of this thread, for example.

We don't want our title to actually inform people about what our thread is about. We want to fool people into thinking that our thread is the solution to all of the worlds problems.

If you need some examples, here are a few...


The Attention Grabber:



The Not Enough Information Title:

Tips and Trix for Muney Makeing


My Personal Favorite:

Watch as the forum moderators actually do their job.


None of your titles have to be true, in fact, none of the example titles have an inkling of truth about them.

The point I'm trying to make here is: don't be afraid to lie with your title. We want BIG and flashy, not honest and informational.

Also make sure to include "New" somewhere in the title. Really gets everyone's hopes up.


Information, is the fourth and second most important step of the P.E.N.I.S. protocol.


Honestly, who has time for typing up a guide anymore?

I know I don't

Videos are the way to go. No one would ever, in their right mind, read a giant wall of text. *COUGH, COUGH COUGH*

So, make sure your video has at least two of the following:

  1. An obnoxiously long intro video.
  2. An incredibly pixelated screen capture of you doing the money making method.

That's it. That's all you need.


Now, what you actually do in the video is somewhat important. Remember, we're trying to crash the price of a sought after item in the trading post.

Try and go into some detail on how your item is acquired/what skill requirements you need to acquire said item.



If you need a reference point for this, fart into your microphone. If the audio recording of your explanation doesn't resemble this, you're doing everything wrong.


Sales, is the final step of the P.E.N.I.S. protocol.


This step involves convincing people that the selling price of the farmed item is waaaaaay cheaper than what it should be.

Make sure you stress this in your video. If you don't sell it well enough, you won't have any hopes of crashing the price of your chosen item.


Well guys, I hoped you enjoyed my informational guide. As long as you remember your P.E.N.I.S. you'll be crashing item prices in no time!


tl;dr start a bot farm

#109650 Crash Item Prices in Alora and Save Billions!

Posted by Omicron on 15 August 2017 - 11:44 PM

Vouch. This worked for me.


Also, moved to spam (so that people don't oversaturate the method, of course)

#109379 Staff Update 12-08-2017

Posted by FASTCLICKS7 on 15 August 2017 - 02:39 PM

King promoted to Global Moderator got me ...................................

#108610 [8/13/17] Bloody chest, Crystal enemies, Skotizo altar & more!

Posted by Omicron on 13 August 2017 - 03:27 AM

Hello everyone!


Today’s update consists of some exciting new content along with, of course, some much needed bug fixes. Among this new content is a unique wilderness update consisting of brand new enemies to defeat, along with a rare chest in deep wilderness which you might be lucky enough to unlock! 



In other news..

Many of you are also curious as to the release date of Construction which has been in the works for awhile now, and after this update we will be diving right back into it and putting nearly the entire development focus on completing Alora’s final skill to get it out as quickly as possible. The core (most difficult) part of this skill is already completed, most of what is lacking at the moment is configurations and extra functionalities to tie in with the skill and give it a sense of completeness. Keep an eye out for a developer blog soon with more details :)


Additionally, we received great feedback and support for the Classic mode which many of you have asked me to provide an ETA for, and although we are not entirely sure of a date for release yet, it is very near.



Wilderness updates:

  • Wilderness/combat changes:
    • Dragon claw special attack fixes:
      • Dragon claws accuracy increase:
        • You should now find that your claws land a hit more often (damage is unchanged)
      • Fixed another bug with the claws special which may have lead to a weird damage calculation.
    • Dangerous teleport warnings:
      • When using the teleportation interface, if the destination is in the wilderness, you will be shown a confirmation box before proceeding. 
      • The only place you will not be warned is the PVP page. You are already viewing PVP teleports and should assume that they are all dangerous, so there is no forgiveness there.
      • This warning is also shown if you try the right-click option for the “Previous” teleport on the wizard, as well as if you click one of the previous 3 destinations.


  • Skotizo updates:
    • You can now summon Skotizo in the Wilderness!
      • You can do so by using a Dark totem on the Dark altar in at the Demonic ruins (level 44 Wilderness).
        • This is in a multi-combat area, and other players can attack the Skotizo that you spawn.
        • You can spawn Skotizo once every 12 hours per account. This is to throttle the existing Dark totems in the game that previously had no use.
          • Dark totems are also untradable.
        • You CANNOT summon Skotizo if there is already one in the world. That means if another player just spawned one, or if the world-event Skotizo is spawned, you cannot spawn another until that one is killed.
      • Notes:
        • World-event Skotizo upgrades any Mysterious emblems in your inventory when killed. This does not happen when you kill the player-spawned Skotizo.
        • Once spawned, it will announce to the world that Skotizo has been summoned.
      • Dark totems:
        • Dark totems can be obtained from many different monsters in the Catacombs of Kourend. (All monsters excluding ghosts). 
    • Skotizo will now be counted as a boss (will appear in the boss killcount records and record the time it took to kill it in the case of a solo fight)
    • Skotizo’s hitpoints have been nearly doubled.
    • Ancient shards:
      • Break-shard option to tele to Skotizo if he is summoned in the world. If not, it will teleport you to the altar.  A warning will be shown before confirming.
      • You can also use your Ancient shard on the Dark altar to restore prayer. (Use your shard on the altar or simply use the “Pray-to” option.
    • New teleport option in PvP menu:
      • You can now teleport to the “Demonic ruins” option.



Crystal enemies & Ancient chest:

  • Crystal dragons and demons:
    • A whole new class of enemies have descended upon the wilderness! 
      • Crystal dragons can be found directly south of the Red Dragon Isle in level 38 Wilderness.
        • These powerful dragons are similar to Mithril dragons, and are able to use all 3 combat styles.
          • Notable Drops:
            • Always:
              • Dragon bones
            • Uncommon:
              • Noted anglerfish
              • Noted dark crabs
              • Noted super restores
              • Noted saradomin brews
              • Noted super combat potions
            • Rare:
              • Crystal blood
              • Ancient key
            • Very rare:
              • Dragon full helm
              • Dragonic visage
      • Crystal demons can be found at the Demonic ruins in level 44 Wilderness.
        • These less powerful Crystal enemies are similar to Black demons, but slightly more powerful.
          • Notable Drops:
            • Uncommon:
              • Noted dark crabs
              • Noted super restores
            • Rare:
              • Crystal blood (less common than dragons)
              • Ancient key (less common than dragons)
            • Very rare:
              • Amulet of the damned
    • Crystal enemies can now be assigned as Wilderness slayer tasks.
  • Bloody chest
    • The bloody chest can be found in deep wilderness within the Rogue’s castle.
      • It can only be opened using a Bloody key.
        • You can create this key by combining an Ancient key with Crystal blood.
          • These two items are only dropped by Crystal enemies at the moment.
      • Once opened, the world will know that a player has opened the chest as it will be announced.
      • Loot:
        • You will receive between 1 and 3 items as loot.
        • There are over 60 unique items that can be received from the Bloody chest!
          • Notable items include:
            • Any tier emblem
            • Noted anglerfish, dark crabs, super combat potions, etc
            • Malediction/odium shards
            • Mysterious emblems (t2-10)
            • Ahrims or Dharoks set
            • Bounty teleport scroll
            • Fremennik rings
            • Godswords
            • Arcane spirit shield
              • This is the rarest item in the chest and will likely not be found for awhile!
            • And many more items!
          • There are also standard junk items such as noted lobsters/sharks, bolts, etc. You are not guaranteed any rare items.
      • Bonuses:
        • Donators have a better chance to hit the rare loot table:
          • Regular: 5%
          • Super: 7.5%
          • Extreme: 10%
          • Legendary: 14%
          • Uber: 18%
  • Items of interest:
    • Ancient key:
      • This item is TRADABLE.
    • Crystal blood:
      • This item is untradeable.
    • Bloody key (combined, final item):
      • This item is untradeable.
        • With that being said, if you kill someone for this item it will be reverted to the Ancient key form as a drop. This means you lose the crystal blood on it, but you can still PK someone for this key.


General updates:

  • Slayer task blocking:
    • You can now block your Slayer tasks! 
      • Up to 5 tasks can be blocked using the Slayer interface.
      • The cost to block a single task is 100 points.
      • Blocking a task will also cancel your current task.
  • Hunter traps update:
    • Birds/chinchompas should no longer “walk through” your trap without triggering anything as often.
      • With this being said, a new formula for catch rate calculation has been implemented to match OSRS’s formulas as closely as possible, based on your hunter level and the requirement level for that hunter NPC.
        • Thanks to @uTorrent for working on the formula!
    • Fixed an issue with some bird traps bugging out.
  • Runecrafting update:
    • Double runes update:
      • A recent update on OSRS has increased the number of runes you can craft, so we have added this functionality to Alora:
        • You can now craft double Law runes at 95 Runecrafting!
        • You can now craft double Death runes at 99 Runecrafting!
      • Note:
        • You will not receive extra experience, only extra runes.
  • Boss record changes:
    • For time records and killcount records, a maximum of 3 player names will be shown for each type.
      • For example, if 20 players killed Kraken in 9 seconds, only 3 will be shown.
  • X-log fix:
    • Players who x-log and are killed by another player will now drop items as intended. X-logging is no longer a safe method of logging out and getting away from a fight.
  • Yell fix:
    • You can now use ::, ;;, and + as well as other characters within yell!
  • ::youtube command added:
    • Similar to the ::hitbox and ::twitch commands, you can now type ::youtube <channelname> to visit someone’s youtube channel!
      • For example, ::youtube lowkeyrsps will being me to Lowkey’s youtube page.
  • Dagannoth kings attack distance:
    • Dagannoth kings (and their surrounding monsters) will no longer attack you from afar within an instance. Their attack distance is now the same as it is in the regular dungeon.
  • Hardcore ironman change:
    • The Zulrah instance will no longer be a safe death. Although you keep your items here, you will lose your hardcore status should you die in this area.
      • HCIM will now be shown a warning before they teleport to Zulrah to warn them that it is not a safe death. This warning is shown only once per login.
  • Item examine values:
    • When examining an item, the values of the item will be shown in a separate message:
      • Exchange price
      • High alch
      • Low alch
  • Bond fix:
    • Once you “use” a bond on another player to trade it to them, it will become untradable as intended.
  • Chatbox text fix:
    • The lowest line in the chatbox would sometimes cut the bottom part of letters out. This has been fixed.
  • Raids changes: (Thanks to @Syntax, @The Buttplug and others for suggestions!)
    • Extra item reward:
      • Higher donator ranks will have a chance to roll for an extra item at the following rates:
        • Extreme donator: 5%
        • Legendary donator: 10%
        • Uber donator: 15%
      • You will see a green chatbox message in-game when you obtain this extra roll.
    • Point effect changes:
      • Points now have a much higher role in determining whether or not you will receive loot. Those with low points will find it harder to obtain loot, while those with higher points will have better luck.
        • This update also makes it slightly easier to obtain rares if you have very high points.
    • Scaling changes:
      • The way scaling works has been changed to start at lower HP so that solo/duo teams have an easier chance.
        • With this being said, teams from sizes 5-7 won’t notice much of a difference. Any team <= 4 players should be significantly easier. Teams larger than 7 people might find that hit points are slightly higher than before, though.
    • Overload pickup:
      • You can now only pickup an Overload one time during the raids session so that every team mate has a chance to loot one.
    • Overloads had the ability to kill players if they were above 50 hitpoints, and less than 60 hitpoints. Sipping an overload would deal 60 damage, rather than 50. Overloads will now deal the correct amount of 50 damage
    • The final boss Olm was previously still damaging players even after he was dead with his use of falling stalagmite damage and debuffs to players. This has been fixed.
  • Completionist monkey changes:
    • The cape will now be un-equipable to those who have not completed the Inferno.
    • The bonuses on the cape have been fixed.
  • Discord link permanently fixed:
    • Thanks to @Haris for getting a permanent link which should no longer expire!
  • “Lootshare” drop announcements:
    • If a boss is killed and you are in a clan chat, any nearby clan members will be shown what loot you received from the boss, regardless of its value. You must be in the same region to receive the lootshare announcements.
      • To avoid spam, this will not be announced publicly if you are at the Event area (top of GE), but it will show you your own loot share announcements.
  • Well of Goodwill update:
    • You can now donate items to the Well of Goodwill rather than GP!
      • Simply use an item (tradable) on the well and Brother brace will tell you how much the well will accept it for.
        • You can then choose to donate 1 of that item, or all of them in your inventory.
      • The value is based on the exchange price OR the high alch price, whichever is higher. It will equal HALF of the highest value.
    • When clicking on the Well of Goodwill, it will now tell you how much more is needed in the dialogue where you enter your GP donation amount.
    • A right-click option to show all of the information on the Well has been added.


  • The Inferno changes:
    • The start-wave for Inferno (previously the 1st wave) has been increased for:
      • 10 - Regular players
      • 15 - Donator
      • 20 - Super
      • 25 - Extreme
      • 32 - Legendary
      • 40 - Uber
  • Maxing and level-up announcements/fireworks:
    • When reaching level 99 in a skill, colourful fireworks will appear above your character.
    • When maxing out all of your levels:
      • Red/orange fireworks appear above your character
      • A public announcement to tell everyone that you have maxed out will be shown to everyone
  • Abyssal Sire changes:
    • The Font of Consumption will now announce news to the world when a player gets rare loot from it.
  • Battle Royale changes:
    • Admins can now optionally disable freezes(snares, barrage, etc) within a BR. Participants will be told before they join whether freezes are allowed or not.
      • You can still cast these spells, but the opponent will not get frozen.
  • Exchange prices update:
    • Updated exchange prices are now within the live game. They will periodically update  every item’s price based on what they are sold for in-game.
      • For low value items, the exchange price will not be updated.
  • Trading post exchange price QOL:
    • For items with an exchange price of 1gp, these will be updated to match the high alch value of the item instead (e.g. Arrows).


Miscellaneous updates:

  • Fixed Saradomin boss attacking people from far away (at ::event)
  • Attackable pet fix:
    • Some pets were attackable with magic, this has been patched.
  • Boxing gloves animations added
  • All logs on the Staff Control Panel will now contain formatted numbers (e.g. 1,000,000 instead of 1000000).
  • Skill of the day will now be updated earlier.
    • Sometimes, it would update at 1am instead of at midnight. This should happen less often, and it will not be delayed more than 10 minutes.
  • Dark totem changes:
    • Previously, combining 2 pieces (instead of 3) would end up deleting your 2 pieces and not giving you anything. This has been fixed.
    • Dark totems will now only drop from monsters within the Catacombs of Kourend.
  • Box traps from collapsed traps will now eventually disappear.
    • Also, on logout traps should disappear for the player who logged out.
  • Moonclan outfit is now tradable.
  • Inverted Santa hat is now tradable.
  • Rogue set is now fixed/tradable.
  • Black h’ween mask is now tradable.
  • You are now able to kill Demonic gorillas on a Black demon task.
  • Veteran color is now more readable.



Store updates:

  • Imbued heart has been lowered to 100 tokens.


Website updates:

  • The “Game activity” box on the homepage now auto-scrolls.
  • Highscores are now fixed for searching 3 letter names.



































  • The max fireworks are on the left, and the level 99 fireworks are on the right.

























Some activity at Demonic ruins after the update:





As usual with an update this large, there very well may be some bugs. Please report them as soon as you find them.


Enjoy! :)




#108489 Staff Update 12-08-2017

Posted by Blank on 12 August 2017 - 05:15 PM

Hey guys,

There's been some big changes this week, losing an admin along with a global mod followed by increasing the size of our global team. Here's the latest.




The Kenpachi has been re-promoted to Server Support.

Mtam has been promoted to Server Support.

Monaco has been promoted to Server Moderator. 

King has been promoted to Global Moderator. 

Diva has been promoted to Global Moderator.



Lowkey has stepped down from Administrator you can read his farewell thread here: http://www.alora.io/...-resignation/. 


Lowkey has done a lot for Alora, maybe more than some of you can imagine. He's been there since the start of Alora, even before we actually officially registered the name Alora and whatnot. Back in the days that Omicron was still a pleb genius, and left us without saying a word for a while leaving us wondering what will ever happen to the project we all set out on. The relationship we might have with each other might be a little strained because of the actions we have taken and the paths that those actions have led, but I can say that Lowkey was an excellent admin. He committed himself to the project and stuck with it for so long, even when times got rough. I'm sure he's had as many burn outs as I've probably had, that probably goes to show how much he cared for Alora. I cannot say all the factors which tipped the scales for him finally calling it quits, but I do wish him the best as he closes this chapter of Alora and opens a new one.


Sheep has temporarily stepped down to focus on somethings IRL, he shall most likely be returning in the future.



None to state.


Congrats to everyone promoted and best of luck to those gone.


Alora Administration Team

#107324 Mofis' Mass Suggestion Thread

Posted by Mofis on 09 August 2017 - 12:26 AM


This thread was originally intended to only have one suggestion but as I wrote, more and more suggestions came into my head, therefore this thread is titled as my mass suggestion thread. 


Referral Program

A referral program that allowed players to recruit other players for a mutual reward would be an easy way to get more people to join the server and it's free advertising. To refer someone just type ::refer to get your code and when someone joins they can type it in to receive the reward. Players should only be able to refer a max amount of players to avoid abuse of the program, and obviously same IP's should be blocked. The reward should stray away from cash to avoid adding more money into the game. A new item such as a referral book (could give one option or a few options such as; bonus xp, pk points, vote points, donor tokens, etc...) would be a perfect reward, otherwise a vote book or 5m cash could be sufficient.



Allow normal players to use the ::yell command with a time limit but charge a small sum of cash (around 100k-1mil) therefore if a normal player has something to important to yell they can still yell but it's also helping the economy by taking out some cash.


Trading Post

When buying items you should have an option to buy the max you can afford. When pressing the "buy all" option if you don't have enough money it won't buy any so you are forced to calculate how much you can afford.

#90026 Skilling Suggestions - ZMI , Motherlode Mine, Hunter

Posted by F 8 on 13 June 2017 - 11:38 AM

This list will consist of a few skills which i believe lack a bit of quality to them in terms of grinding out the skill, so adding more features for experience or other gians can help the skill as a whole. I've seen a few of these suggestions around in game and other places but not all sorted in one area. Adding these features may not increase the value for the skills but will most definitely help iron man and hopefully help increase experience gained / enjoyment when grinding these skills.


 Motherlode Mine:

Located in Falador Mine requires 30 mining for lower level and 72 for upper level, you mine ore veins that give u "pay-dirt" which give a chance to give you uncuts while mining. When you mine a full inventory you can turn in the pay-dirt to the hopper which it will clean the ores which range from coal to runite and you gain experience upon claiming ur ores. You may recieve Golden Nuggets after searching which you can use to buy items from the prospector (https://gyazo.com/7c...b8e4c35225a26fb). At the moment mining and smithing grind is mostly just subjected to wilderness resource area which should still be the best experience but would be nice to have a safezone alternative that can still give u decent experience/ores for skillers.


ZMI Altar (Ourania Altar):

Located South-West of Ardougne from what i know has no requirment but can be probably be set to something like 80+, It gives a number of random runes each time you use your essence on the altar. It's mainly used for its decent experience rates rather then the runes u obtain when doing it. On the Lunars teleport you can get there with the 71 magic teleport spell "Ourania Teleport". On OSRS when you craft the random runes you recieve double the experience normally from each of the different runes so on osrs its better for a bit lower runecrafting level while on here since runes are more accessible can be changed so its better for higher runecrafing experience while still recieving less runes.


Hunter Update:

At the moment hunter consist of 2 different things from 1-99, 1-53/63 of just imps which can be annoying and then 53/63-99 chins which they don't have as much of a impact on this server as it does on OSRS. 


A few suggestions that can help hunter:

- Add Tropic Birds to be catchable

- Add Swamp Lizard for early levels and Orange/Red or just Black Salamander as alternative for better exp then imps and chins. While late level imps still are useful for the ironman who need the supplies they can give. Salamanders can be made unusable as a weapon but are just used for experience.




These skills have been said to be the most dead or least enjoyable skills so adding any type of Quality of Life update towards them would be greatly appreciated. Most of these suggestions arent meant to make them more profitable but a more enjoyable skill to train. A lot of these skills were added later on in Runescape to do the same to the skills on the real game, to add more variety to the skill which would have the same affect here.

#106373 Staff Update 06-08-2017

Posted by Blank on 05 August 2017 - 05:25 PM

Hey guys,

There haven't been any staff updates in a while. Here are the changes:




Yin has been promoted to Server Support.

Lapis Lazuli has been re-promoted to Server Moderator. 

Postimees has been promoted to Server Moderator. 

Algalon has been promoted to Forum Moderator. 

Collerkar76 has been re-promoted to Global Moderator.



Jare has stepped down from Administrator due to unknown circumstances.

Cuddeh has decided to resign to do some other things for the time being, we wish him the best.

casual has decided to resign to follow other goals and enjoy other things, we wish him the best as well.

Iron Divine has decided to step down and focus on IRL duties, we wish him the best.



Hexza has been demoted due to not being active, nor letting us know of any update.


Congrats to everyone promoted and best of luck to those gone.


Alora Administration Team

#106374 Longer Vote Bonus XP on Weekends

Posted by Chase on 05 August 2017 - 05:30 PM

So this is just a suggestion that I guess other people can input their opinions on. Sometimes I find myself racing the clock when trying to use my hour of bonus XP correctly. It's also kind of annoying having to wait 12 hours only to receive one hour of bonus XP. My suggestion would be to increase the bonus XP from one hour to two hours. Possibly for weekends only as I could imagine people would be more available to spend time playing Alora. This suggestion could also help with getting more people to use the voting system.

#104187 Raids Update + QoL Fixes

Posted by Syntax on 29 July 2017 - 11:36 AM

I have formatted these suggestions to look like an update list, this makes it more understandable


These are my own suggestions, not official updates


Points will no longer be gained in rooms that are not currently aligned with the raid groups current progression, this should help with the issue of leeching


The hitpoints bar of enemies within a raid was displaying over a players point counter within raids, and has been moved onto the center of the screen to avoid overlapping 


When Tekton is killed, 1 overload is dropped per raid member - players were accidentally picking up multiple overloads. To avoid this issue, a player may only pick up 1 overload per raid


When playing in resizeable mode, killing a monster like tekton in a large raid group would cause an issue where right clicking the loot pile would prioritize the examine options. This has since been fixed to where it will prioritize the pickup options first


The final boss Olm was previously still damaging players even after he was dead with his use of falling stalagmite damage and debuffs to players, this has been fixed


Overloads had the ability to kill players if they were above 50 hitpoints, and less than 60 hitpoints. Sipping an overload would deal 60 damage, rather than 50. Overloads will now deal the correct amount of 50 damage


The top 2 players in 7 man raids, 3 in 14, and 4 in 25 man raids will now be given a slight boost (5%) at their chances in raids rewards to help provide an incentive in gaining points within the raids


Players who died on the tightrope before the olm area would previously respawn towards the start of the raid, this has since been fixed and the player will now spawn above the olm room


The vasa boss would often bug out, forcing raids teams to restart. This was caused by players clicking on the crystal too fast - it has since been fixed


The current amount of players within a raid will now display in the top right corner as players were previously having to dd or count every raid to see how many they had


Clanchats will now display how many players are inside so that hosting raids is much simpler

#103493 Some Suggestions

Posted by Mewtwo on 26 July 2017 - 08:18 PM

No support, the slayer counter is already on quest tab and the other suggestions are a alot unfair, you already can tele to all areas in the game without using runes or paying for anything and the experience rate is x30 already.

#102407 [RAIDS] They NEED Re-Working

Posted by The Buttplug on 24 July 2017 - 01:19 AM



Let me just say, I don't completely agree with most on this topic. However,  I DO agree, with 90% of active raiders, that they need to be re-worked.




  • Points - They need to matter more than they do. I currently have 212 raids done, and I've always been decent at raiding, and I know what I'm doing, and points have never seemed to make a difference, considering I leeched a prayer scroll with 14 points. This alone will provide incentive for people to Raid more.
  • Make it Solo-able - Everyone who raids knows that it's hard to find even a 7 man team, because raids have become dead content. Please make it solo-able and scale accordingly, based on how many players are in the raid. The scaling by 7's is unbearable. 
  • Add new content within - Perhaps make it so we've got more/less rooms, at random, and add another boss within Raids. This will bring more attention to Raids, and provide incentive for people to want to try.
  • Donor Ranks - MAYBE allow donors to have a chance at receiving a 4th item while raiding. Maybe 10%?


Let's hear what you guys think, feel free to respond below!

#103015 Add lootshare?

Posted by Kornfleks on 25 July 2017 - 02:13 PM

                                                           Hey everybody


I think i would be nice to have Some lootshare been added On this server 


I have been thinking to make a Suggestion for a while but was to lazy ;o But what i mean with lootshare The items u have received From a boss, Would be show in the Chat. like in this picture, 





Btw sorry for the bad grammar

#102886 PvM Suggestions

Posted by Jace on 25 July 2017 - 05:56 AM

Since I started my Ironman, there is a couple of things I'd love to see to improve the game and also the realism of the game towards OSRS;


Slayer Shop

  • Noted items for 3K points in the Slayer shop (D'hides, Herbs, skilling supplies in general). The ability to note items would be set to default items on the shop. For example, you would pay 3K points to unlock the ability to get noted D'hides, then another 3K to get Herbs noted, etc;
  • Ability to block tasks. This is more important to players that don't have donator status and need to use a lot of points to get a certain task or to skip certain tasks;
  • To make Slayer more challanging and not so easy to do, add the option to unlock certain monsters has Slayer tasks, and bosses;
  • Add the option to learn the ability to create a Slayer Helm for 1K points.


  • Bandos is to overpowered and unbalanced;
  • Bree isn't coded;
  • Melee minion on Armadyl doesn't attack back most of the times;

Dagganoth Kings (Instanced)

  • When they respawn, they instantly look for you and attack you, even if you're out of sight;
  • Rex can't be safespotted (I think) like OSRS;