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Member Since 25 May 2017
Previous Username: Maxy
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2024 01:58 PM

#472411 Maqpie Has Arrived =)

Posted by Maqpie on 08 November 2023 - 09:30 PM

Maqpie  - My introduction to Alora RSPS




  • My personal name is Nick. You can call me Maqpie (mag-pie) or Mag. I prefer not to be called my personal name unless we relate on a personal level  ;)
  • I have played Runescape since I was 6 years of age, not consistently, but enough to know every in and out of the game!
  • I maxed my first character when I was only 9 years of age, ign: Sawmaster6 at the time. My cousin (Jimmie) and I would play religiously. He however, was much older than I and would help me tons!
  • Approximately 632 days after the release of Ironman in OSRS  I achieved max rank and was one of the first to do such in-game. I of course, once again, burnt out entirely and took a fat break!
  • I would later return in 2017 (months after the release of Hardcore Ironman) to set out on the adventure of maxing again! I achieved this goal earlier on in 2022 and have since played VERY on/off.
  • I now get into RSPS as it takes far less of my time, and allows me to have the same fun I endured in RS in only half the time!


  • In May of 2023 I had my first born son and his name is Paxton! The mother and I are planning our marriage for early/mid 2024, and are happy and healthy!
  • I now do YouTube series and planned a healthy amount of upcoming series for Alora as I have enjoyed my time thus far playing! 
  • I relent to release my main in-game name and prefer to stay under the radar!


IF, and only IF you want to enjoy my series as I create them, feel free to check out my YouTube soon as I will release MULTIPLE videos on a weekly basis! Sometimes I will release more than other weeks, depending on life/work schedule. 


@MaqpieRS on YouTube


MY in-game I will be playing on for the new series is currently : Maqpie (HCIM) btw  B) 


Cheers to all, I hope to speak with you in-game aswell as on forums etc. I'm always available to connect with and enjoy meeting new friends/players

#471761 Alora's 7th Anniversary - Drop Party & $1100 Value Giveaway!

Posted by Moe on 02 November 2023 - 09:06 AM





#461810 Alora Boosting

Posted by H on 10 June 2023 - 08:27 PM

I'm curious how this doesn't violate Alora's rules as seen here:



Would this not qualify as a PvM service which is not permitted under this rule? 

A few have had this concern and it's best to explain it so that there's no further confusion.


The rule you're sharing is to do with people actually logging onto your account and progressing it in exchange for something.

This is addressed in the main thread under this question: Do you offer Inferno services or any other login service?


The service being provided is pretty much them carrying you through the content, them on their accounts, and you on your account, which is completely legal and safe to do.

This is pretty much the same thing as PVP protection or Corp boosting.

I hope this addressed the concerns many have had here, it will be appreciated if this conversation is not continued in this thread. 

Feel free to message a staff member if you wish to ask further questions.