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Member Since 21 May 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 18 2024 07:32 AM

Topics I've Started

SOTW #1 - 3/27/2019

27 March 2019 - 11:57 AM




Welcome everyone to the first SOTW for Alora, that I know of.  First the introduction of the competition I'll be hosting a "Open" event for any type of Tag to be created.

I've taken it upon myself to do this on behalf of my lack of "activity" where it should count, I'm usually the quiet person.  Anyone is welcome and yes, there will be a reward.













Yes Alorians there is a reward.  1st place or most voted Tag will receive 100m+1 Bond. Reward will be given out by Hellish.









Q: When is the competition going to be over?

A: The event will be completed on 4/5/19 with 4/3/19 being the end of submissions

A: A new time table will be posted in the following SOTW to regulate this event if it is received well.


Q: How will the Winner be named?

A: There will be a community poll on on 4/3/19 with everyone's submissions, most voted tag based on the community wins the reward. Ending SOTW #1 on 4/5/19.


Q: Can anyone submit

A: Absolutely anyone and everyone is welcome, test your skills, or try to learn a new hobby/skill.  Friendly competition for friendly people


Q: Will there be "Genre's" in later iterations?

A: Great question, Yes!  The fun of SOTW or moreso the challenge is the Genre's given each iteration testing the skills or having people change their prefer graphic style to meet this criteria.


Any other questions feel free to PM me or message on this topic.