Dope! Thanks for making this! I am slowly getting into bossing or "end game" type things. Just k/o'd 50 lizard man shamans last night with no luck... I will have to try gorillas now!
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Dope! Thanks for making this! I am slowly getting into bossing or "end game" type things. Just k/o'd 50 lizard man shamans last night with no luck... I will have to try gorillas now!
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Ha, they trolled ya good. I do remember making those low level F2P pures back in the day. I remember real well that I was combat level 38 and it was my strongest account and I was doing really well Pking. I saved up some dollar bills and some change and mailed in just enough for membership. The moment I got membership I was so happy and all the pure Pking videos looked so good. Shortly after I got the magic bow, a guy told me that I can get a bunch of str xp quickly if I used a butterfly net at rock crabs and he kindly gave me one. He showed me where the crabs where and about half a crab in, I got 2 defense. I was pissed!!!! I just made that account a 5 def pure and used it until I quit. Got to like 60 attack and 80 or so strength along with 90 range. Made me tons of GP.
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Dope! Thanks for making this! I am going to Max my stats and then start bossing. This is gonna help so much