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[Iron Man] Ultimate Herblore Guide

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Posted 03 February 2017 - 01:32 AM #1


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Gigabyte presents you the Ultimate Herblore Guide for Ironman! This guide will go over essential information on collecting herbs, gathering secondaries and the experience gained from  herbs and potions made.


Basically, to make a potion you will need the following

- Vial of Water

- Clean herb

- Secondary Ingredient


By combining all these ingredients, you will get the potion.





You can purchase Vial of Water at the Ironman shop located west of Edgeville bank. Talk to Paul, to open up the shop.





The first ingredient is the herbs. You can gather herbs through killing monsters, farming and participating in raids. Herbs that are dropped by monsters or received as a raid reward will be a grimy herbs. Herbs collected from farming patches will be cleaned by default. To make a potion, you will have to clean these herbs before mixing it with a Vial of Water. Below shows the experience you'll get from cleaning each Herbs.


NOTE: These exp rates are only accurate when the Well of Goodwill is activated. Since the Well is constantly being filled, I will be providing exp rates with the Well being active.


Level 1 - Guam 130 exp

Level 5 - Marrentill 197 exp

Level 11 - Tarromin 260 exp

Level 20 - Harralander 327 exp

Level 25 - Ranarr weed 390 exp

Level 30 - Toadflax 416 exp

Level 40 - Irit Leaf 457 exp

Level 48 - Avantoe 520 exp

Level 54 - Kwuarm 587 exp

Level 59 - Snapdragon 613 exp

Level 65 - Cadantine 650 exp

Level 67 - Lantadyme 681 exp

Level 70 - Dwarf weed 717 exp

Level 75 - Torstol 780 exp



You can obtain herbs through PvMing, farming or doing raids. It is suggested that you don't focus too much time gathering specific herbs, you will gather a lot of herbs along the way; by doing slayer,  bossing and farming.  



Secondaries are the second and last ingredients required to make your potions. Secondaries are dropped by various monsters across Alora; However you can buy eye of newts in the Ironman shop which is an ingredient for Attack Potions and Super Attack Potions.

I will only be including the essential potions that every Ironman uses.


Level 38 Prayer Potion dZEdYmQ.png - Snape Grass - Ranarr Weed - 4550xp

Talk to Teleport Wizard > Dungeons > Waterbirth Island

Run a little northwest, and there will be 6 spawns of Snape Grass




Level 45 Super Attack Potion jUSfL6S.png - Eye of Newt - Irit Leaf - 5200xp


Eye of Newts can be bought at the Ironman Store.


Level 55 Super Strength Potion GOl9PWT.png - Limpwurt Root - Kwuarm - 6500xp


You can farm Limpwurt roots by planting Limpwurt seeds onto the flower patch. Each seeds yields 10-12 Limpwurt roots (26 Farming required). You can get Lumpwurt seeds by pickpocketing Master Farmers at Daynor village (38 Farming required).




You can also kill the wilderness bosses Callisto and Venenatis as they drop 15-100/100 respectively.


Level 63 Super Restore 74IsRSQ.png - Red Spiders' Eggs - Snapdragon - 7410 xp


Red spider eggs can be picked up in level 4-5 wildy edge dungeon or Forthos dungeon in masses.

Another alternative is killing Venenatis for 75-500.

Last but most definitely not least is Tower of Life - Creature creation


;;home > run south into the egde graveyard > climb down ladder > run north then east until you get to the gate connecting to wilderness > go through the gate and run north


Beware this is located in the wilderness and you can be pk'd!


Teleport Wizard > Dungeons > Forthos Dungeon

Ardougne cape > Monastery > run east to the tower > climb down ladder


Wildy Edge Dungeon




Forthos Dungeon




Level 66 Super Defence Potion b45j39E.png - White Berries - Cadantine7800xp


You can get White Berries by slaying Kurasks (70 Slayer required), it drops 12 noted White berries as well as 10 noted limpwurt roots.


Talk to Teleport Wizard > Dungeon > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon

Follow the path until you're at the end of the dungeon.


Level 72 Ranging Potion CablvC9.png- Wine of Zamorak - Dwarf Weed - 8450xp

You can find Wine of Zamorak spawns at the Temple of Chaos located at level 38 wilderness.

(Having the Hard / full wilderness diary completed will increase amount of wines given each spawn +1/3 respectively.



Talk to Teleport Wizard > Bosses > Chaos fanatic

Run towards southwest and you will come across the temple!

Beware, the Temple of Chaos is located in the wilderness and you can be pk'd!


Level 81 Saradomin Brew fSXKOV9.png - Crushed Nests - Toadflax - 9360xp


You can get bird nest boxes by exchanging mole parts to Wyson the gardener.


Talk to Teleport Wizard > Bosses > Giant Mole

Guide to killing the Giant Mole!

(Having Hard Falador dairy done for noted mole parts helps a lot for kill trip length)


Level 90 Super Combat Potion txXrach.png - Torstol - 10400xp

Super Combat Potion can be made by combining Super Attack, Super Defence and Super Strength Potion with a Torstol. Note all doses of the Super Potions must be (4). 




  • Remember to activate 2FA! ::2fa for more info! 2FA not only grants you x2 exp when you use a Vote Book, but also secures your account!
  • Also pay attention of the Skill of the Day! You'll get more experience if Herblore is the Skill of the Day!
  • Your experience gained will decrease from 40x base to 15x base once you hit level 99 Herblore if you are a Normal/Ironman/Ultimate Ironman
  • If you're a donator you can decant your potions by talking to Zahur located at Edgeville furnace.



  • To the Ironmania CC for being helpful and supportive about this guide!
  • Tip.it/runescape for the wonderful GIF (Stolen :P)
  • https://www.alora.io...herblore-guide/ Please give this guide a visit as well!


Feedback is welcomed!

Edited by Logann, 27 January 2024 - 02:01 PM.
Png images fixed

Posted Image

Posted 03 February 2017 - 01:47 AM #2


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Nice and detailed guide, will help a lot of people out.







Posted 03 February 2017 - 02:10 AM #3


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Fantastic guide @Gigabyte, detailed and presented perfectly. This'll defiantly be useful for any ironman looking for tips on Herblore.


Posted 03 February 2017 - 05:49 AM #4


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Zamorak wines can also be obtained by killing KQ and Cerberus. Snape grass also spawn at Rock Crabs.

Posted 03 February 2017 - 10:28 AM #5

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Useful and helpful guide, thank you for this!

Posted 26 February 2017 - 05:42 PM #6

Iron Dizzy

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This helped me out so much thanks!

Posted 28 February 2017 - 04:32 PM #7

Heavy Balls
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I can appreciate this as UIM a lot. Thank you Gigabyte.

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