Best Event Manager: Moe
Best Administrator: Mufasa
Best Global Moderator: Not Shadow
Best Forum Moderator: YeetMcSkeet
Best Server Moderator: Ruwk
Best Server Support:
Most active on Discord: Logan
Most active In-game: H
Most active on Forums: Kareem sqr
Most Respected: Moe
Most Potential Promotion:
Funniest Staff Member: YeetMcSkeet
Overall Best Staff Member: Omicron
Most Active In-game: SCIM Tamber
Most Active Yapper: Variant
Most Active on Forums: Variant
Most Active on Discord:
Most Active Overall: SCIM Tamber
Most Wealthy: Sell to me
Most Addicted to Gambling: Chloe
Most Friendly: Sagacious
Coolest Veteran: Sagacious
Best Planker:
Best Fashionscaper: 0320you
Best Bankstander: SCIM Tamber
Best Helper:
Best PKer: 46
Best PvMer: Mochiii
Best Raider: Zarzay
Best Skiller: XP
Best Clan: Aftermath CC
Best Ironman: 96
Best Hardcore Ironman: Technoblade
Best Ultimate Ironman: UIM Goofy
Best Elite Ironman: Bonk
Best Group Ironman (Player): Gimslaving
Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): Julewicki
Best Realism Player: Phanny Phart
Best Classic Player:
Best GFX Designer:
Best Youtuber:
Best Streamer: Smoland
Top Overall: Zarzay