What is your suggestion?:
I suggest making the Ancient medallion, effigy, and relic dropped by all revenants rather than only the Revenant Maledictus boss.
These drops could be quite rare from other revenants (maybe the standard 24% boost Alora has when comparison to OSRS), but still remain common from the Revenant Maledictus boss to continue making that worth killing.
This is currently an issue because the Revenant Maledictus boss only spawns once every half hour causing the grind for these collections logs to be excessively long.
Note: The ancient artifacts that are already dropped by revenants are very common compared to OSRS, so applying the standard 24% drop rate boost Alora has in comparison to OSRS would still make them considerably rare.
Is this in OSRS?:
Yes it is in OSRS. All revenants drop all ancient artifacts.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
QOL: Makes an unnecessarily long grind for some arguably unimportant items a little bit more relaxed.