Alora League 5.0 Information
Hello everyone,
As you may have recently seen in our Development Blog, our next Leagues event is right around the corner! We're excited to announce that we're hosting our 5th Alora League in less than two weeks.
This League event will be a continuation of Alora Leagues with a lot of the same content you know and love, though we've added a few new twists to freshen things up. Firstly, we've added some cool new relics from the Raging Echoes League on OSRS. We've also added a number of new tasks to complete, and of course, all-new in-game rewards from Raging Echoes. There are numerous other changes, such as the ability to fight Echo bosses, to smaller things such as being able to damage Zulrah with Melee attacks. We've also made drop rates less grindy this league, unlocking 3x at Relic 2 unlock, 4x at Relic 5, and finally 5x drop rates at Relic 7 unlock.
If you did not participate in either of the previous Leagues, here's the rundown:
On March 21st at 7pm Eastern Time, starting on fresh accounts that are initially locked to Zeah, you'll be able to complete tasks and collect points.
As with the previous league, Desert, Karamja, Morytania and Varlamore regions can be unlocked, and we now have a brand new unlockable region: Tirannwn will now be accessible, giving access to new-to-Leagues content such as the Gauntlet.
The players who have accumulated the most points by the end of the tournament will be awarded with some juicy prizes, including a PlayStation 5 for the top prize! We've also juiced up the 2nd and 3rd prizes in value, by throwing in a Nintendo Switch for the 2nd place winner. There are also many other token prizes that can be won for the first players to accomplish certain tasks, such as obtaining the first boss pet. At the end of the tournament, players can spend their points on new, unique items from the Leagues reward shop.
Start date: March 21st, 7pm EST (Midnight server time)
End date: April 11th, 7pm EST (Midnight server time)
How does it work?
On March 21st, you'll be able to create a fresh account to participate in Leagues. This account will be wiped on April 21st and no items can be transferred off of it to a normal account, due to the increased drop rates on this game mode and other perks. Certain areas will be instanced, such as the Kourend Catacombs, to allow players to have a bit more space to train and compete. We are also instancing bosses such as Sarachnis to prevent overcrowding. While donator ranks do apply on these accounts, due to the account being permanently locked at the end of the tournament, at that point you will need to put in a request to transfer the total spent to one of your main Alora accounts -- no minimum amount applies on these transfers and the lowest donation rank can be transferred.
Top Alora cash prizes:
- PlayStation 5
- Nintendo Switch
- AirPods Pro
- Corsair K70 Core Keyboard
In addition, all top 10 players (by points) will receive a commemorative Alora lanyard:
Top Alora Token prizes:
- First Megarare Voucher: 1,000 tokens
- First Colosseum completion: 1,000 tokens
- First to obtain Infernal cape: 1,000 tokens
- First to 200m exp in any skill: 1,000 tokens
- First to obtain Youngllef pet: 1,000 tokens
- Second Megarare Voucher: 750 tokens
- First 1,000-level Tombs of Amascut completion: 750 tokens
- First to obtain any boss pet: 750 tokens
- First to obtain any 3rd age piece: 750 tokens
- Third Megarare Voucher: 500 tokens
- First to complete a Master difficulty task: 500 tokens
- First to complete a collection log entry: 250 tokens
Even if you don't receive one of the big cash prizes, there are plenty of reasons to play leagues! If you're feeling lucky, try your hand at a specific token prize, such as obtaining a boss pet You'll also have the ability to spend your points on many different in-game prizes at the end of the tournament, including previous League rewards and the newly added Raging Echoes Rewards:
- Echo home teleport scroll
- Unlocks the Echo home teleport animation
- Echo death scroll
- Unlocks the Echo death animation
- Echo npc contact scroll
- Unlocks the Echo NPC Contact spell animation
- Echo spirit tree scroll
- Cosmetic override for Spirit tree in Player-owned house.
- Raging Echoes Banner
- Echo Ahrim's ornament kit
- Echo Virtus ornament kit
- Echo Venator bow ornament kit
- Echo Relic Hunter sets
- Echo nexus rug
- Component required to build Raging echoes rug in Rug space in Player-owned house.
- Echo nexus scroll
- Cosmetic override for the Portal nexus in Player-owned house.
- Raging Echoes curtains
- Component required to build Raging echoes curtains in Curtain space in Player-owned house.
- Echo scrying pool scroll
- Cosmetic override for Scrying pool in Player-owned house.
- Echo portal scroll
- Cosmetic override for Portals in Portal space.
Rewards added in the previous League:
- Armageddon rug
- Armageddon cape fabric
- Used to change imbued God capes to cosmetic variants
- Armageddon weapon scroll
- Used to change Armadyl godsword, Dark bow, Voidwaker, and Volatile nightmare staff to corrupted variants
- Armageddon teleport scroll
- Unlocks the Armageddon home teleport animation
- The rules and prizes are subject to change based on availability.
- If a cash prize is unavailable in your country, an equivalent prize or amount via PayPal may be substituted.
- Winners of cash prizes can choose to receive Alora tokens or Rank tickets and can receive 50% more by doing so.
We'll have more detailed information of this tournament on release day, but this thread should give you a basic outline of what's to come. We hope you guys are just as excited for the start of our fifth Alora League!