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Nightmare UIM

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Poll: UIM Integrity (18 member(s) have cast votes)

Should we stop allowing uim to ABUSE the BUGGED nightmare storage?

  1. yes, fix this bug (6 votes [33.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 33.33%

  2. No, i like this bug (12 votes [66.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 66.67%


Posted 14 February 2025 - 08:36 PM #21

Ultimate Ironman

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looks like im the one hurting you, keep doing mental gymnastics all you want, this is a bug and should be fixed. As previous suggestions I've made and supported, I agree if gim trade give them a green helm, if hc's die take away their status, so this 'whataboutism' won't work. Wild how you think this being a BUG is an OPINION, when it's literally a BUG. 


If REAL UIM is too hard for you, and you desperately want a place to safely store your items, then feel free to turn into a normal ironman lil bro. Stop getting your panties in a bunch just because finally someone is bringing light to this issue/BUG. I do respect all opinions posted, but that doesn't mean I can't leave a rebuttle. I respect if people FEEL like its a feature, when it's clearly not cuz so were super restores then, but no one's given me a real reason why this BUG shouldn't be fixed other than "i/others want to abuse it for longer because the other guy did for a long time"

If I wanted a true & authentic UIM experience, I'd play actual runescape lol. You're misinterpreting what a bug vs feature is. Things being the way there are in this server, if accepted by owner/staff, means it's a feature, regardless of if it would be considered a bug in osrs. I played over half my time on this server not knowing that nightmare storage existed, and when I found out, it was a nice feature to use. I personally wouldn't care either way if it stays or gets removed because I'd adjust and do whatever I needed to do. But this stance of saying the whole game mode isn't real if you use an extra storage because it's something you disagree with is crazy. You can make the case that every game mode is flawed because we all take advantage of increased xp rates, boosters, teleport wizard, etc etc. It's not even like UIM's are doing something that they otherwise wouldn't be able to do. I could simply deathpile, start my timer, and do anything I needed anyway. It simply is just a QOL for UIM's that only you seem to have a huge problem with

Posted 14 February 2025 - 09:06 PM #22


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UIM just means no banking and no trading. That's it.
If Jagex didn't want UIM to use other storage methods, they wouldn't allow it. Instead, they have the trade-off of wiping. Alora is much easier than OSRS in all aspects, so I suppose it makes sense to have an item storage with less risk than the normal game. I personally don't like this, so I play with my own restrictions that I find fun (no looting bag and no Item Retrieval).  But it all still fits under the intention of the game mode.
If we really want to be pedantic we can always push this further. The "ultimate" ideal UIM would be no Item Retrieval storage, no looting bag, no POH storage, no STASH storage, no Lost Items Manager, and no other way to store anything outside of your Inventory and Equipment. HCUIM restricts most of those, so............ update loc?

I mean I respect you having that opinion, but Omicrons stated multiple times he wants to be close to OSRS, and honestly if Jagex added this, or something similar, I wouldn’t say anything, but since it’s not, it’s a bug that in my opinion should be fixed. I recognize it’s been in the game for a long time which is why I made this suggestion instead of a bug report. Also I don’t agree that it’s only “no banking and no trading”, or else jagex wouldn’t have made the storages wipe if you died again after, or would allow storages in different boss locations. I respect you put those restrictions on yourself though, that’s even more than what I’d expect from regular UIM to do.

If I wanted a true & authentic UIM experience, I'd play actual runescape lol.

sure cuz osrs has 40x xp rates, 1.23x drop rate multiplier, donator ranks, drop/raid/gauntlet/pet boosters, and a teleport wizard.


You're misinterpreting what a bug vs feature is. Things being the way there are in this server, if accepted by owner/staff, means it's a feature, regardless of if it would be considered a bug in osrs.

how can you definitvely say the owner knows about this? ive had multiple staff ask me before to not report bugs because they want to abuse them lol. you're misinterpreting your feelings for facts


I played over half my time on this server not knowing that nightmare storage existed, and when I found out, it was a nice feature to use.

You played over half your time not knowing about it, and when you found out about this BUG you ABUSED it. I fixed it for you.


But this stance of saying the whole game mode isn't real if you use an extra storage because it's something you disagree with is crazy. You can make the case that every game mode is flawed because we all take advantage of increased xp rates, boosters, teleport wizard, etc etc.

You're abusing a BUG to have SAFE storage AND more storage on a game mode that's literally not supposed to have. Now you're literally confusing what the owner coded in as features for the game as 'flaws' while trying to justify abusing this bug, thats crazy.


It's not even like UIM's are doing something that they otherwise wouldn't be able to do. I could simply deathpile, start my timer, and do anything I needed anyway. It simply is just a QOL for UIM's that only you seem to have a huge problem with

They're literally apples to oranges, death piling is not the same as having a 100% safe storage that you can log out at at any time, no time limit to retrieve, no worries about anything because its literally a bank that you just want to rename to a 'storage'.

I personally wouldn't care either way if it stays or gets removed because I'd adjust and do whatever I needed to do. 








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Posted 14 February 2025 - 09:08 PM #23

Sassa fras

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I mean I respect you having that opinion, but Omicrons stated multiple times he wants to be close to OSRS, and honestly if Jagex added this, or something similar, I wouldn’t say anything, but since it’s not, it’s a bug that in my opinion should be fixed. I recognize it’s been in the game for a long time which is why I made this suggestion instead of a bug report. Also I don’t agree that it’s only “no banking and no trading”, or else jagex wouldn’t have made the storages wipe if you died again after, or would allow storages in different boss locations. I respect you put those restrictions on yourself though, that’s even more than what I’d expect from regular UIM to do.

Two things if we can be fully honest:

1) Omicron may say that, but let's face it - Alora isn't OSRS. Period, full stop, etc. UIM may be easier here with less risk, but that's pretty much in-line with all the other various ways Alora is easier than OSRS. So I don't really think it's anything worth changing at this point.

2) If Jagex decided it was actually against the spirit of the gamemode they wouldn't allow UIM to store items there, period. It'd be a simple fix for them, and yet they haven't done it.

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

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Sassa fras | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

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Posted 14 February 2025 - 09:11 PM #24


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Two things if we can be fully honest:

1) Omicron may say that, but let's face it - Alora isn't OSRS. Period, full stop, etc. UIM may be easier here with less risk, but that's pretty much in-line with all the other various ways Alora is easier than OSRS. So I don't really think it's anything worth changing at this point.

2) If Jagex decided it was actually against the spirit of the gamemode they wouldn't allow UIM to store items there, period. It'd be a simple fix for them, and yet they haven't done it.

we know this isn't osrs, that doesn't mean he tries to be in line with them, and i personally feel like this is one of those things, which is why im bringing it up.


also jagex only allows 1 storage location at a time, and they literally wipe it if the player were to die again. Jagex is allowing storage, they are not allowing MULTIPLE SAFE storages.


also just because you add the word period doesn't make your statement true btw






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Posted 14 February 2025 - 09:22 PM #25

Sassa fras

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we know this isn't osrs, that doesn't mean he tries to be in line with them, and i personally feel like this is one of those things, which is why im bringing it up.


also jagex only allows 1 storage location at a time, and they literally wipe it if the player were to die again. Jagex is allowing storage, they are not allowing MULTIPLE SAFE storages.


also just because you add the word period doesn't make your statement true btw

Nah if they didn't want UIM to have it, they wouldn't have it.

Period. True btw. Etc.

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

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Sassa fras | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

4.6b UIM | UIM KOTS Winner | Fastest to MAX Winner | First Maxed HCUIM

Posted 14 February 2025 - 09:35 PM #26

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Here we are, going in circles yet again, on what we consider to be game mechanics vs a bug. It's rather evident that you've made your mind up, while I also have, so there's no point trying to convince the other, so I'll just leave it at that.

I don't think it's that far of a stretch to assume that ownership/higher level staff members are aware of gameplay mechanics across game modes that have existed for years. This thing we're discussing has been around for quite some time; not like its brand new from the most recent update. The exact same way you're assuming that I think they know, you're assuming that they don't, so here we are again, saying opposite things with the same principle.

All the remaining explanations are simply just reiterating your stance so it's not worth continuing since we're getting nowhere.  

The meme is an interesting choice. Assuming that I would quit or de-iron because of a storage change would be as silly as me thinking you'd quit if GIM trading was removed, or thinking HCIM would quit if some safe deaths were changed lol.


I guess we'll just wait and see what happens in the future. Best of luck with your 2025 goals

Posted 14 February 2025 - 10:49 PM #27



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Nah I like this feature for UIM. We playing rsps for a reason  :D

Posted 14 February 2025 - 11:23 PM #28


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I would be ok with it if deathbanking was fixed to pause the timer on logout & not having to spend half your GP stack at lost item manager every time you want to deathbank.
It does make the game more chill for an RSPS as you don’t have to worry about timers and wiping all the time.
Also, dying to deathbank is a giant pain in the neck on alora because you can’t just buy a locater orb like in OSRS.


Posted 14 February 2025 - 11:55 PM #29


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Very interesting discussions. I've never played the mode and will probably never but respect the few that do play it.


With Alora, there are some features that are purely just found in Alora and that's fine. I think the best solution would be for Omi to either confirm this as an Alora feature, so it's common knowledge, or file it as a bug and fix it :D

Posted 19 February 2025 - 12:06 PM #30



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