What is your suggestion?:
Remove UIM abusing nightmare storage along with an extra storage such as hespori or zulrah.
Is this in OSRS?:
OSRS doesn't allow this abuse/bug
How would this benefit Alora?:
Currently, and for far too long, UIM have been able to abuse nightmare storage since it's a free storage that will never be deleted even if they die elsewhere. This makes the game mode laughable to call 'uim' when they're given so many 'bank' options to store items as is.
We should only allow things OSRS allows such as POH, ONE death storage at bosses that OSRS offers, emote clue storage, and looting bag.
I know this has been abused for so long, but we shouldn't allow bugs to remain just because others have abused it. If having storage means that much to these "uim" they should just make regular ironmen instead of 'ironman with extra steps'.
This really should be a bug report, but considering its long abuse history I'd like the community to give their input, and all input is valid even if you dont play the game mode. It's not hard to tell objectively this is wrong, and if you want it it's only because you abuse it.