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Immortal+ Donator Zone

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:08 PM #1

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What is your suggestion?:
Make a new donator zone for Immortal donator+, detailed suggestions below.



How would this benefit Alora?:

Let me preface this with, I know what I'm asking is going to be over powered, but I'm arguing that $10k into donations on a RSPS deserves it while also not make it game breaking. Not to mention this would be a great incentive for people to aim for immortal status+ (in a world where everyone agrees that there aren't enough benefits).


First of all lets pick a location, I personally like dz2 to be the new area, and move the current things offered from our current dz2 to the normal donator zone.


What should a good donator zone offer?


Skilling options:

•Hunter: Black chinchompas without the bonus xp the wilderness offers, to allow that option to still be better


•Fishing: allow this area to fish angler fish at the same speed as they are in the wilderness (it's usually dead there anyways) with a close bank


•Smithing: a furnace/anvil that will be closer to a bank


•Farming: New herb, tree, fruit tree, and hardwood patches


•Thieving: A vyre and crystal npc close to a bank that players can pickpocket for enhanced teleport crystals and blood shards


•Prayer: an altar close to a bank that provides the bonus xp as your PoH with lit burners, I'd personally like the wilderness altar effect to save bones considering the req to even enter the area, but that's up for debate


•Mining: Amethyst ore vein closer to a bank than the current mining guild location


•Fming: an infinate campfire where you can throw logs in and get the full xp as if you were burning logs with a tinderbox


•Instance puro puro, because $10k+ deserves that


PvM Options:

•Vyrewatch Sentinels: Current location can easily get over crowded, and does so a lot, include them always being aggressive

•Entrance to an instanced catacombs of kourend for private slayer (just how we had it for leagues)



I believe one of the reasons more expansion to the current donator zones before was they didn't want to split up the community so much, but I also believe that there should be significantly more benefits to high tier donators. Also, there's so much content that I'm leaving out of this suggestion that players will still see each other in edgeville or bossing, that it shouldn't really be a factor. Also, there are a LOT of players that have reached immortal and eternal status's that I believe these new areas will have a lot of traction.



EDIT: Please keep in mind, to purchase Immortal from scratch is roughly 45-50b in game gp from scratch, OVER the price of a full max gear set for all pvming scenarios, which is why I think some OP things should come with it.






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Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:31 PM #2

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I don’t like this suggestion. No support.

Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:38 PM #3

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I agree with most of this but there's somethings that doesn't really need to be in a donator zone.  Just make the respawn timer quicker AND increase the amount of them.


We're a server with hundreds of players and 1 world, doesn't make sense we have to share 5 vyrewatch and 8 chins (mufasa). numbers aren't accurate but it is close enough.


If that can't be done then i guess the suggestion from variant is another option, it will also benefit everyone in a way.


Also massive support for the instanced kourend catacombs ( i also think it should be for 50$ donators or more) in osrs you can hop world and find a quiet place without having to crash some1 or getting crashed.




*EDIT, no support for the firemaking part

Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:45 PM #4

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I don’t like this suggestion. No support. You always fail to see the bigger picture.

Can you explain what the 'bigger picture' is? I don't mind mind no supports, but these mindless jabs are unnecessary, I promise you aren't as smart as you think you are if that's what you're thinking






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Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:45 PM #5


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I do support the idea of a new donor zone with some new features but I think it should be Extreme+ considering Extreme and Legendary ranks are already feeling a little lackluster. Also, I feel some of these features you suggested are a little too OP even regardless of what rank a player has.





•Hunter: Black chinchompas without the bonus xp the wilderness offers, to allow that option to still be better



•Fishing: allow this area to fish angler fish at the same speed as they are in the wilderness (it's usually dead there anyways) with a close bank

No - Faster rates outside the wild would be a little too OP.


•Smithing: a furnace/anvil that will be closer to a bank



•Farming: New herb, tree, fruit tree, and hardwood patches

Yes - While it's a little OP, I think its okay


•Thieving: A vyre and crystal npc close to a bank that players can pickpocket for enhanced teleport crystals and blood shards



•Prayer: an altar close to a bank that provides the bonus xp as your PoH with lit burners, I'd personally like the wilderness altar effect to save bones considering the req to even enter the area, but that's up for debate

Yes - Only if it's same XP rate as POH and saves maybe 25% of bones (or none)


•Mining: Amethyst ore vein closer to a bank than the current mining guild location



•Fming: an infinate campfire where you can throw logs in and get the full xp as if you were burning logs with a tinderbox

No - Too OP


•Instance puro puro, because $10k+ deserves that

Yes - If it's a shared instance for each donor rank after Legendary+


PvM Options:

•Vyrewatch Sentinels: Current location can easily get over crowded, and does so a lot, include them always being aggressive

Yes - But still needs to lose aggro after 10 min


•Entrance to an instanced catacombs of kourend for private slayer (just how we had it for leagues)

Yes - If it's a shared instance for each donor rank after Legendary+


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Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:55 PM #6

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Can you explain what the 'bigger picture' is? I don't mind mind no supports, but these mindless jabs are unnecessary, I promise you aren't as smart as you think you are if that's what you're thinking

I’ve seen it go wrong far more many times than I’ve seen it go right. This is also Alora we’re talking about. Half the stuff you say I gotta shake my head.

Posted 10 February 2025 - 05:55 PM #7

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I do support the idea of a new donor zone with some new features but I think it should be Extreme+ considering Extreme and Legendary ranks are already feeling a little lackluster. Also, I feel some of these features you suggested are a little too OP even regardless of what rank a player has.

I like how you gave reasonings behind your support/no support, thank you. I'd argue extreme is too low to receive these benefits, $250 is less than a single rank ticket. I'd be okay with going as low as Uber, or Master, but no lower personally.



I agree with most of this but there's somethings that doesn't really need to be in a donator zone.  Just make the respawn timer quicker AND increase the amount of them.


We're a server with hundreds of players and 1 world, doesn't make sense we have to share 5 vyrewatch and 8 chins (mufasa). numbers aren't accurate but it is close enough.


If that can't be done then i guess the suggestion from variant is another option, it will also benefit everyone in a way.


Also massive support for the instanced kourend catacombs ( i also think it should be for 50$ donators or more) in osrs you can hop world and find a quiet place without having to crash some1 or getting crashed.




*EDIT, no support for the firemaking part

I agree that this can be solved by adding npcs to areas where it clearly needs it, and I agree that a 1 world server should have that.






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Posted 10 February 2025 - 06:02 PM #8



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I would much rather if we reworked/added some donator perks, rather than a donator zone for higher donator ranks, not really a fan of those to be honest.


No support.





Posted 10 February 2025 - 06:05 PM #9

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I like most of the suggestions. BUT it shouldn't be locked away behind a 10k donator rank.

Thieving Vyre and elves aren't a problem as it is. Vyre are right next to a teleport and Elves commonly give jugs of wine which makes you able to stay at the spot for a long time.

The infinite bonfire seems too broken. No support.

Moving Anglers into the current DZ2 instead of manta rays could be a play, since mantas can be fished in DZ1.

Instanced Puro puro and Catacombs would be nice, since as stated by Maliketh we only have 1 world and it can get crowded.

Vyrewatch Sentinels are annoying to farm. More spawns, faster spawns or maybe multiple rooms/instances of the current place could be an option. idk.


I think developing DZ2 further would be nice, but I don't think it should be a priority.

Posted 10 February 2025 - 06:06 PM #10


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I am neutral on this idea, however what i'm about to suggest would change it to a support. If this was added in today, it would leave a gap between Extreme Donator -> Master Donator. 10$ donators have a tonne of benefits which is well suited for the price of the rank, as for 50$ donator for free slayer skips. The only real benefits from Extreme - Master is the increased drop rates for Uber/Master and earlier wave starts. 


If there was some wriggle room on adding a few more donator benefits for the ranks in-between (I can think of a list if you'd like, haven't really thought too much into it yet) then I'd be more than happy to support the quotations in your post. 


One downside I can see that if this is added, there will be more and more suggestions, which yes, can get declined, but would like to see whatever the zone is originally set with, for there to be no more additions.


What is your suggestion?:
Make a new donator zone for Immortal donator+, detailed suggestions below.



How would this benefit Alora?:

Let me preface this with, I know what I'm asking is going to be over powered, but I'm arguing that $10k into donations on a RSPS deserves it while also not make it game breaking. Not to mention this would be a great incentive for people to aim for immortal status+ (in a world where everyone agrees that there aren't enough benefits).


First of all lets pick a location, I personally like dz2 to be the new area, and move the current things offered from our current dz2 to the normal donator zone.


What should a good donator zone offer?


Skilling options:

•Hunter: Black chinchompas without the bonus xp the wilderness offers, to allow that option to still be better



•Fishing: allow this area to fish angler fish at the same speed as they are in the wilderness (it's usually dead there anyways) with a close bank

Support -> Anglers are easy to get your hands on for any game mode.


•Smithing: a furnace/anvil that will be closer to a bank



•Farming: New herb, tree, fruit tree, and hardwood patches



•Thieving: A vyre and crystal npc close to a bank that players can pickpocket for enhanced teleport crystals and blood shards

Might be a bit too overpowered - But support nonetheless


•Prayer: an altar close to a bank that provides the bonus xp as your PoH with lit burners, I'd personally like the wilderness altar effect to save bones considering the req to even enter the area, but that's up for debate

Maybe not the wilderness effect, as that seems just a bit too overpowered.


•Mining: Amethyst ore vein closer to a bank than the current mining guild location



•Fming: an infinate campfire where you can throw logs in and get the full xp as if you were burning logs with a tinderbox

Potentially at 3/4 of full xp e.g 1k = 750xp on campire


•Instance puro puro, because $10k+ deserves that



PvM Options:

•Vyrewatch Sentinels: Current location can easily get over crowded, and does so a lot, include them always being aggressive

•Entrance to an instanced catacombs of kourend for private slayer (just how we had it for leagues)




I believe one of the reasons more expansion to the current donator zones before was they didn't want to split up the community so much, but I also believe that there should be significantly more benefits to high tier donators. Also, there's so much content that I'm leaving out of this suggestion that players will still see each other in edgeville or bossing, that it shouldn't really be a factor. Also, there are a LOT of players that have reached immortal and eternal status's that I believe these new areas will have a lot of traction.


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Posted 10 February 2025 - 06:07 PM #11

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I would much rather if we reworked/added some donator perks, rather than a donator zone for higher donator ranks, not really a fan of those to be honest.


No support.

Couldn't we do both at the same time? Unless you just don't like a new donator zone all together, I'm not sure why, but fair.


I'd personally really like some kind of server wide announcement with a group discussion for people to post their ideas/wants for donator rework, whether it be via ranks or zones, and then Omicron can poll the ideas he's willing to run with for everyone to vote. This obviously not being the end all be all, but it'd be a nice way for Omicron to gauge what players want, and give a chance for everyone to have a voice.

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 11:00 PM #12



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I do think some of these suggestions seem to be OP as you declared in the beginning. But as mentioned by Saeed, there are some that need to be ingame already because we don't have worlds to hop to.


Things like abby demons in catacomb, chins, vyres, even puro puro. 


Each time I login, it says we have over 500 players online. There is bound to be atleast a couple of those that want to do these activities at once and it isn't possible since everything is so limited.


So we either fix that or embrace this idea with some twitches here and there!

Posted 11 February 2025 - 03:51 AM #13

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This idea is great...


Firstly, these were all "options" and you weren't asking for these specifically to be all added into a zone together.


You were asking for a donator zone for the higher ranks which absolutely should be done, and you were showing some of your ideas, which some are OP agreed with some of the comments above, but there's ALOT of different ideas that people could come together and make this zone worthy of a $10,000 rank at the same time as not being too OP.


Currently, the donator zones in my opinion are absolutely no reason to get donator status for, I think they they lack any real benefit.


Jumping all the way up to $10,000 in my opinion is only good for those who PVM which Alora is not just a "pvm" game, EXAMPLE : I don't pvm much, I'm $10,000 donator and I don't use the benefits from this therefore, I was dubious to even bother going for it / Eternal.


This idea creates more/different version of content and if you achieve a $10,000 donation + in a private server, this should come with better benefits for people across the board, not just pvmers.


Current things I benefit from being Immortal:
Skin colour ~ visual

Text colour ~ visual 

Pet insurance ~ (if you have immortal you can pay for pet insurance, it's not expensive)

Create pots (4) instead of (3) ~ you can decant noted pots anyway, this saves 1 pot every 4 made, nothing major ~ arguably should be available at a lower donation rank

Zulrah death box fee waived ~ again, nothing much (100k or so?) really not worthy of a $10,000 donation this should probably be free for a $10 donor.

Boosted drop rate ~ PVM
Bonus vote points ~ ok
Bonus pet drop ~ PVM
Raids / fight caves / inferno ~ PVM 
Slayer task bonus's ~ PVM 
Raids Death ~ PVM 
Making planks ~ Ok for ironmen I suppose ?
NO EXTRA TP slots (same from UBER +)

Clue increase ~ ok

Slayer task ~ PVM
PK Points ~ PVP 

Bloody chest ~ not worth for normies realistically anyway Ok for ironmen 

Boss instance ~ PVM
Crystal chest ~ not worth for normies realistically anyway Ok for ironmen 
Pest control points ~ ok bonus but likely got what you need from there before immortal is achieved anyway
Stardust ~ ok

Rank transfer ~ ok

Free gnome child ~ ok


All in all, this shows how much ranks only benefit the PVM'ers and not skillers or anyone who doesn't just PVM for that matter.



I'm aware I can go and do all these things that could be added to a donator zone, which I do, but having some included in a new donator zone, is very encouraging to get rank.


This suggestion is one of the best suggestions I've seen, and It's moaned about a lot in game and 90% of the time people who I speak to about not wanting to invest in rank is because of the lack of benefits.
















Posted 11 February 2025 - 07:59 AM #14


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I wouldn't mind new donator zone or just work on the donator benefits.

Posted 11 February 2025 - 11:56 AM #15

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I agree with some of the suggestions, as long as they are nerfed a tad bit. Sadly the last update took away one of the big features that I liked with Immortal. Now ALL pets are auto insured, so that can pretty be removed from Immortal perks...



Pet insurance ~ (if you have immortal you can pay for pet insurance, it's not expensive)

Posted 27 February 2025 - 05:41 AM #16

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I support these perks but spoken from a Master donator; all the cool, handy and OP perks go to immortal+ lately.


So it would be nice to get atleast a few if those perks to some if the lower tiers like uber/master+. The perks you get with immortal+ doesnt compare to what you get to the road of those top ranks.


What perks should be in which donator perk I wouldnt know, but there are some realy cool perks in here I must say, especially the vyre ones and more instances for different content.

Posted Yesterday, 07:41 AM #17

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Don't like people paying that amounts of money only to make their skill game easier. What's next? Asking for wildy bosses to be placed in a single safe instance for HC characters because they feel unsafe?

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