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List of Skilling QoL Suggestions

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Posted 30 January 2025 - 12:20 PM #1

Real Gooner

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1. A couple of months back, I suggested that the ore veins in Motherlode Mine should take longer to deplete, similar to how they do in OSRS. I suggested 23-27 seconds for the lower level and 36-40 seconds for the upper level. Omicron accepted the suggestion but decided to keep the lower level depletion time at about 10 seconds and adjusted the upper level to 24-36 seconds. I'm bringing it up again, hoping Omicron can align the depletion times for both levels with the original game.

2. More Motherlode Mine QoL suggestions:
  • Make it so players are warned when mining ore veins with a full sack at the Motherlode Mine.
  • Have coal provide XP when harvested from pay dirt.
  • Change the Mining level required to unlock the upper level from 72 to 57.
  • Add bonus MLM nuggets to the vote book.
3. The Smithing interface should remember the last item crafted, and can be selected with a space bar if all the required materials are currently held.

4. Combining the mining gloves and superior mining gloves currently costs 60 unidentified minerals. Adjust it to align with OSRS (40 unidentified minerals).

5. Reduce the failure rate when pickpocketing Heroes and add a rare chance for Heroes to provide elite clue scrolls from successful pickpockets.

6. Bump up the XP from the final jump gap at the Ardougne Rooftop Agility Course from 529 to 625, just like it is in OSRS.

7. In OSRS, Butlers can take logs to the sawmill for conversion into planks. It would be great if this feature existed in Alora.

8. Add teleport Dark Mage previous to the menu entry swapper.

9. The left-click/tap option on runecrafting pouches should dynamically swap between “Fill” and “Empty”, depending on our status and what we have in our Inventory.

10. Grimy herbs should begin to automatically clean themselves after cleaning the first one in your inventory.

11. Increase the number of points awarded for healing Pyromancers from 30 to 75 at Wintertodt.

12. Introduce the new interface that lets players 'make-x' for fletching darts, along with a toggle option in the settings menu. Keep in mind, though, that this method isn’t as fast as fletching darts manually.

13. The colossal pouch should now be usable from level 25 Runecrafting and its capacity should scale with our Runecrafting level:
  • Level 25 should have a capacity of 8.
  • Level 50 should have a capacity of 16.
  • Level 75 should have a capacity of 27.
  • Level 85 should have a capacity of 40.

Posted 30 January 2025 - 12:56 PM #2



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1. A couple of months back, I suggested that the ore veins in Motherlode Mine should take longer to deplete, similar to how they do in OSRS. I suggested 23-27 seconds for the lower level and 36-40 seconds for the upper level. Omicron accepted the suggestion but decided to keep the lower level depletion time at about 10 seconds and adjusted the upper level to 24-36 seconds. I'm bringing it up again, hoping Omicron can align the depletion times for both levels with the original game.


2. More Motherlode Mine QoL suggestions:

  • Make it so players are warned when mining ore veins with a full sack at the Motherlode Mine.
  • Have coal provide XP when harvested from pay dirt.
  • Change the Mining level required to unlock the upper level from 72 to 57.
  • Add bonus MLM nuggets to the vote book.

4. The Smithing interface should remember the last item crafted, and can be selected with a space bar if all the required materials are currently held.


5. Combining the mining gloves and superior mining gloves currently costs 60 unidentified minerals. Adjust it to align with OSRS (40 unidentified minerals).


6. Reduce the failure rate when pickpocketing Heroes and add a rare chance for Heroes to provide elite clue scrolls from successful pickpockets.


7. Bump up the XP from the final jump gap at the Ardougne Rooftop Agility Course from 529 to 625, just like it is in OSRS. - should come alongside other agility bumps made on osrs, and possibly wildy course rework.


8. In OSRS, Butlers can take logs to the sawmill for conversion into planks. It would be great if this feature existed in Alora.


9. Add teleport Dark Mage previous to the menu entry swapper. ?? - you can already do this by shift right click adjusting the left click swap option.


10. The left-click/tap option on runecrafting pouches should dynamically swap between “Fill” and “Empty”, depending on our status and what we have in our Inventory.


11. Grimy herbs should begin to automatically clean themselves after cleaning the first one in your inventory. - Neutral, on here you can just click the last herb in inventory so dont think this change would be necessary, also have the degrime spell on arceuus spellbook for people that dont want to click a lot.


12. Increase the number of points awarded for healing Pyromancers from 30 to 75 at Wintertodt. - should be done along with all wintertodt qol changes when the time is right, probably not a priority but would be nice to see.


13. Introduce the new interface that lets players 'make-x' for fletching darts, along with a toggle option in the menu settings. Keep in mind, though, that this method isn’t as fast as fletching darts manually.


14. The colossal pouch should now be usable from level 25 Runecrafting and its capacity should scale with our Runecrafting level:

  • Level 25 should have a capacity of 8.
  • Level 50 should have a capacity of 16.
  • Level 75 should have a capacity of 27.
  • Level 85 should have a capacity of 40.



Posted 30 January 2025 - 01:20 PM #3


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Support, on everything, i think i did made suggestion on last item at furn, can be broken, but whatever.

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Posted 30 January 2025 - 01:25 PM #4

Real Gooner

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@ Logan - About #9, I’m suggesting that the Dark Mage's previous option should be the top choice, right before the talk-to option. It’s similar to how you can prioritise trade over talk-to and pickpocket over attack. It would be super if you could do the same thing with the Teleport Wizard. If these features already exist, could you help me out? I’ve tried messing with a variety of settings in the main game and RuneLite, but I’m not getting the results I want.

Posted 30 January 2025 - 01:36 PM #5



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@ Logan - About #9, I’m suggesting that the Dark Mage's previous option should be the top choice, right before the talk-to option. It’s similar to how you can prioritise trade over talk-to and pickpocket over attack. It would be super if you could do the same thing with the Teleport Wizard. If these features already exist, could you help me out? I’ve tried messing with a variety of settings in the main game and RuneLite, but I’m not getting the results I want.

- could add the feature specifically on mes for mobile so I can see the usage there but yea this is already a feature on runelite doing it this way instead.


Posted 30 January 2025 - 02:27 PM #6

Real Gooner

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- could add the feature specifically on mes for mobile so I can see the usage there but yea this is already a feature on runelite doing it this way instead.

Appreciate the assistance, Logan. I’ve mostly been on the vanilla client for Old School RuneScape, so I’m still trying to figure out how some of the RuneLite features work.

Posted 30 January 2025 - 03:35 PM #7



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1. A couple of months back, I suggested that the ore veins in Motherlode Mine should take longer to deplete, similar to how they do in OSRS. I suggested 23-27 seconds for the lower level and 36-40 seconds for the upper level. Omicron accepted the suggestion but decided to keep the lower level depletion time at about 10 seconds and adjusted the upper level to 24-36 seconds. I'm bringing it up again, hoping Omicron can align the depletion times for both levels with the original game.



2. More Motherlode Mine QoL suggestions:

  • Make it so players are warned when mining ore veins with a full sack at the Motherlode Mine.
  • Support.
  • Have coal provide XP when harvested from pay dirt.
  • Support.
  • Change the Mining level required to unlock the upper level from 72 to 57.
  • Support.
  • Add bonus MLM nuggets to the vote book.
  • Support.

3. The Smithing interface should remember the last item crafted, and can be selected with a space bar if all the required materials are currently held.



4. Combining the mining gloves and superior mining gloves currently costs 60 unidentified minerals. Adjust it to align with OSRS (40 unidentified minerals).



5. Reduce the failure rate when pickpocketing Heroes and add a rare chance for Heroes to provide elite clue scrolls from successful pickpockets.



6. Bump up the XP from the final jump gap at the Ardougne Rooftop Agility Course from 529 to 625, just like it is in OSRS.



7. In OSRS, Butlers can take logs to the sawmill for conversion into planks. It would be great if this feature existed in Alora.



8. Add teleport Dark Mage previous to the menu entry swapper.

Already possible.


9. The left-click/tap option on runecrafting pouches should dynamically swap between “Fill” and “Empty”, depending on our status and what we have in our Inventory.

Not experienced with mobile. If it helps, sure.


10. Grimy herbs should begin to automatically clean themselves after cleaning the first one in your inventory.



11. Increase the number of points awarded for healing Pyromancers from 30 to 75 at Wintertodt.

A wintertodt rework to match OSRS would be nice.


12. Introduce the new interface that lets players 'make-x' for fletching darts, along with a toggle option in the menu settings. Keep in mind, though, that this method isn’t as fast as fletching darts manually.

Not really a fan, neutral.


13. The colossal pouch should now be usable from level 25 Runecrafting and its capacity should scale with our Runecrafting level:

  • Level 25 should have a capacity of 8.
  • Level 50 should have a capacity of 16.
  • Level 75 should have a capacity of 27.
  • Level 85 should have a capacity of 40.
  • Support.






Posted 30 January 2025 - 04:05 PM #8


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I support basically everything here, great suggestions!


But with the fletching darts update, would you still be able to mass fletch by clicking rapidly? Or would the interface prevent/delay that? 


If the fletching interface prevents/delays mass fletching darts then I strongly do not support.

| Realism "uwk" | HCIM "Gl" | EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" |

Posted 30 January 2025 - 04:23 PM #9

Real Gooner

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I support basically everything here, great suggestions!
But with the fletching darts update, would you still be able to mass fletch by clicking rapidly? Or would the interface prevent/delay that? 
If the fletching interface prevents/delays mass fletching darts then I strongly do not support.

I get the hesitation people have about this idea. Just so you know, I wouldn’t have suggested it if we didn’t have a toggle option for it.

Players can now toggle a ‘Make-x’ interface for Fletching Darts. This setting is toggled Off by default for existing accounts, but can be enabled in the Settings Menu. If you're making a new account, this setting will be toggled On by default and needs to be disabled if you'd like to go back to making darts rapidly.


Posted 30 January 2025 - 11:30 PM #10



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Excellent suggestions. It's evident that a lot of thought went into your thread.





Posted 02 February 2025 - 02:38 PM #11


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Support for everything. They are all in OSRS so why not here (IDK about the MLM ones if they are but they seem like good QoLs anyway). :)

Also with #5, same for Paladins and Hard clues as well as Gnomes and Medium clues.

Posted 03 February 2025 - 02:33 AM #12

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Support for everyting, seems well thought out and good changes.

Posted 20 March 2025 - 04:31 PM #13

fuck tits

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1. A couple of months back, I suggested that the ore veins in Motherlode Mine should take longer to deplete, similar to how they do in OSRS. I suggested 23-27 seconds for the lower level and 36-40 seconds for the upper level. Omicron accepted the suggestion but decided to keep the lower level depletion time at about 10 seconds and adjusted the upper level to 24-36 seconds. I'm bringing it up again, hoping Omicron can align the depletion times for both levels with the original game.

2. More Motherlode Mine QoL suggestions:

  • Make it so players are warned when mining ore veins with a full sack at the Motherlode Mine.
  • Have coal provide XP when harvested from pay dirt.
  • Change the Mining level required to unlock the upper level from 72 to 57.
  • Add bonus MLM nuggets to the vote book.
3. The Smithing interface should remember the last item crafted, and can be selected with a space bar if all the required materials are currently held.

4. Combining the mining gloves and superior mining gloves currently costs 60 unidentified minerals. Adjust it to align with OSRS (40 unidentified minerals).

5. Reduce the failure rate when pickpocketing Heroes and add a rare chance for Heroes to provide elite clue scrolls from successful pickpockets.

6. Bump up the XP from the final jump gap at the Ardougne Rooftop Agility Course from 529 to 625, just like it is in OSRS.

7. In OSRS, Butlers can take logs to the sawmill for conversion into planks. It would be great if this feature existed in Alora.

8. Add teleport Dark Mage previous to the menu entry swapper.

9. The left-click/tap option on runecrafting pouches should dynamically swap between “Fill” and “Empty”, depending on our status and what we have in our Inventory.

10. Grimy herbs should begin to automatically clean themselves after cleaning the first one in your inventory.

11. Increase the number of points awarded for healing Pyromancers from 30 to 75 at Wintertodt.

12. Introduce the new interface that lets players 'make-x' for fletching darts, along with a toggle option in the settings menu. Keep in mind, though, that this method isn’t as fast as fletching darts manually.

13. The colossal pouch should now be usable from level 25 Runecrafting and its capacity should scale with our Runecrafting level:
  • Level 25 should have a capacity of 8.
  • Level 50 should have a capacity of 16.
  • Level 75 should have a capacity of 27.
  • Level 85 should have a capacity of 40.


generally agree with your ideas, some would make game too ez tho.

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