I think it's time we revamp the store, it's extremely out dated, and some items can seem like a scam at the current prices. Ideas listed below.
Also, please understand, ALL of the items I'm suggesting to add for 'normies' are already able to be purchased via custom donations (even if it seems p2w, its already like this sadly), while the cosmetic items i suggested for ironmen (3rd age included) can ALREADY be purchased on ironmen as well via custom donations, this just takes some of those requests off Omicron's back.
Items to be removed:
- Cow outfit
- Gnome scarf
Item Price Change:
- Crystal key- from 10 tokens to 4
- Dragon Warhammer: from 600 tokens to 150
- Armadyl/Saradomin godswords: from 350/300 to 100
- Abyssal whip: from 45 to 20
- Toxic staff of the dead: from 185 to 50
- Ancient wyvern shield: from 600 tokens to 250
- Barrows sets: from 75 tokens to 20
- Prayer Scroll: from 350 tokens to 60
Items to add (including ironmen)
- Booster Pack (2 drop, 1 pet, 1 raid): 40 tokens
Scroll of imbueing (removable from 1 item to imbue another like osrs): 300 tokens
- Super Cosmetic Box: 2,000 tokens (allows you to pick a cosmetic item from a list of items of your choice, preferably from the ;;customs list that range from $100-$150 -excludes 3rd age-)
- Ultimate Cosmetic Box: 5,500 tokens (allows you to pick cosmetic costumes like santa, anti-santa, clown, druidic, etc)
- 3rd age equipment box: 2,500 tokens (allows you to pick a 3rd age item of your choice from a pop up interface)
- 3rd age weapon box: 3,500 tokens (allows you to pick one of the 3 3rd age weapons)
- Rainbow Phat: 10,500 tokens (same cost as phat set)
- Silver Phat: 3,500 tokens
- Ring of Levitation: 10,000 tokens
- Flying Carpet: 10,000 tokens
- Golden Coffin: 5,000 tokens
- Graceful set: 250 tokens (already can "buy" with dark dye, and reselling to grace's shop, just a different method)
- Group name change ticket: 250 tokens
- Wise Old Man's Staff: 10,000 tokens
Items to add (excluding ironmen)
- Ancient blood ornament kit: 7,500 tokens
- Infernal cape: 1,500 tokens
- Dizana's Quiver: 1,500 tokens
- Enhanced Crystal Key: 25 tokens
- Thread of Elidinis: 500 tokens
- Mage Arena 2 capes: 500 tokens each
- Holy/Sanguine orn kits: 5,000 tokens each
- Keris crystal set: 3,000 tokens