No support. Eternal rank is already overpowered as it is. We shouldn't be so focused on making changes that apply to just the top 1% of the player base.
Do more for the 99% (buff drop rates / add & distribute more donor perks across ranks), rather than just catering to biggest donors.

Imagine being the eternal donor that streaks by doing tasks of 3 kraken (then npc contact lunar spell)
does 100 tasks of 3 kraken -> gets the 100 slayer streak announcement on yell & streak slayer points -> you're telling me that's not overpowered?
If you really want to do a slayer fix that benefits the 99%... allow players to select boss tasks.
Everyone super donor ($50) - immortal donor ($10,000) has been asking for that because we're sick & tired of wasting time skipping for boss tasks