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ICE February 2025 Bingo

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Posted 27 January 2025 - 07:45 AM #21


Global Moderator

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Discord name: Knud._.
Alora account you will be participating with: Brask
Donator rank: Master
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): EU
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: Around 25-50. Give or take
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: Would love to learn TOB. Im decent at COX
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): Tbow,Torva,Scythe,Shadow etc
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) Kinda busy life atm. But i have time to play Bingo aswell
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) No.

Posted 27 January 2025 - 11:06 AM #22


Elite Ironman

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Discord name: Wunderhake5000
Alora account you will be participating with: Reaper
Donator rank: Immortal
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): EU
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: 20-45
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: None 
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with: Max range, Max melee without Scythe, almost max Mage without shadow, (if my EIM partner gives back stuff)
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? have to attend a event the first two days so i dont have time to play, pls ask mack to give me his bank, very good at shagging corp
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? if nobody wants

Posted 27 January 2025 - 03:50 PM #23

Group Ironman

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    19 Nov 2024

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      6h 28m 41s

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Discord name:Bossin Alora account you will be participating with: Fappalot Donator rank:Eternal Timezone (US,AUS,EU):US How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]:depends on work schedule but few hours a day What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: able to do all content What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): tbow,trident,nox hally (unless teammates arent using scythe/shadow) so wont always have those weapons available Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) work 9 - 7 everyday usually. I play at night time (est time zone) Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) no

Posted 27 January 2025 - 07:05 PM #24


Posts: 2
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    08 Jan 2025

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      13h 45m 41s

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Discord name: Blkcoffee_ (Coffee)
Alora account you will be participating with: OnlyCoffee
Donator rank: Super
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): US
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: 15-25hrs
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: All PVM bosses - Cox Raids - All skills (if needed..)
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): Toxic trident - whip
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...)     am playing on an ironman - still working on gearing up but stats are maxed
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) if nobody wants ill be happy to do it - i should have enough time

Posted 28 January 2025 - 10:08 AM #25

Legendary Donator

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Discord name:  Punx#6681
Alora account you will be participating with:  Punx
Donator rank:    Legendary
Timezone (US,AUS,EU):  CST
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: Not much, full of work (Prob 10h-15h trought the 7 days)
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn:  All
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): T Bow-Schythe-Shadow
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) I love ICE
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) No

Posted 28 January 2025 - 03:46 PM #26

Big Pookie
Elite Ironman

Big Pookie
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Discord name: thegoodguyty. 

Alora account you will be participating with: Big Pookie (EIM)

Donator rank: Super

Timezone (US,AUS,EU): US, CST

How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: 30+

What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: Pretty new to most PvM, however, open to learning everything suitable for my current gear/stats

What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): Elite void, trident, tent, Zombie Axe, Most Barrows sets (noob).

Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) I work from home, so if there are easier tasks that can be completed - I can knock those out if my rng is blessed. Also, this weekend - Friday/Saturday, planning to stay up late, wife is out of town so all-nighters sound pleasant. 

Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) Absolutely not - I am not equipped to be supreme leader my future team needs. However, my team Captain will keep 10% of my winnings for leading us to victory.


Posted 29 January 2025 - 03:30 AM #27


Posts: 131
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  •  18 bugs found

Discord name: Hamiltown
Alora account you will be participating with: Synestia
Donator rank: Master
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): US/EU (bad at sleeping)
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: 4-6 hrs/day maybe more
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: all
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): tbow  :wub: 
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...)  :FeelsTastyMan:
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) no

Posted 30 January 2025 - 11:59 AM #28

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Discord name: tauri
Alora account you will be participating with: Tauri
Donator rank: Eternal
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): EU
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: 20-40
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: all
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): max gear
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...): no need
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants): If noone else wants

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Posted 30 January 2025 - 05:11 PM #29


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Discord name: Smiv

Alora account you will be participating with: Smiv

Donator rank: Master

Timezone (US,AUS,EU): US

How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: Hefty on the weekend, few hours a day during week

What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: Not Barrows (or colosseum)

What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): Yes

Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) Require help at low level content and barrows

Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) noty

Posted Image


Posted 31 January 2025 - 11:11 AM #30

B e e

B e e
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Discord name: Stewarto
Alora account you will be participating with: B e e
Donator rank: Green one
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): EU
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: try to play a few hours during weekdays :)! ( as much as I can during the bingo week :)! )
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: willing to learn all -collo and inferno xd, I suck in most solo content thats semi hard :(
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): Trident / Tbow/bowfa / rapier
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) big ping = big plank for me lol
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) Negative

Posted 31 January 2025 - 11:57 AM #31

Free June
Elite Ironman

Free June
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Discord name: _tobiaz
Alora account you will be participating with: Free June
Donator rank: $250
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): EU/ GMT+1
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: i can put in like 4 hours a day when i work, can technically play all day when i'm off.
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: I'm pretty versatile, but i suck at Toa/ToB/Dt2 bosses/colo
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): i've got pretty close to BiS gear, including a tbow. No masori/scythe etc tho.
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) I'll defo put in hours, just work a 32-hr contract which takes up quite alot of time :D
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) If nobody else wants to be, sure!

Posted 31 January 2025 - 02:54 PM #32


Posts: 10
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  •  Member since:
    27 Oct 2024

    • Time spent:
      14h 27m 30s

  •  Total level:
Discord name: DMSDrums - Tango Eight Fiver
Alora account you will be participating with: PoopyKing
Donator rank: Regular (red)
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): US, East coast
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: I will play as much as possible. I work from 7:30am-5pm everyday, but my evenings are usually pretty open, which is when I play.
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: I am willing to learn anything, but I have experience in most bosses, Nex, raids 1 and all skills. TOB And TOA are brand new to me, as well as super end game bosses like nightmare and newer content, but I will do my best to learn quickly and contribute.
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident): toxic swamp with ahrims + torm, occult, and eternals (imbued Sara max cape), acb/bp with karils + anguish , archers and pegs (Ava’s max cape), nox hally/tent+ddef + BGS/crystal hally with full bandos, torture, brimstone, and prims. (Max fire cape) Barrows gloves currently, but working on ferocious.
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) I am super cool (humble too lol) and always willing to contribute in anyway. I joke a lot but when it’s time for business, it’s TIME FOR BUSINESS.
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? I would have absolutely 0 clue on how to be a captain of a team, as this is my first time participating in this bingo competition.

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