Event Description:
Following a similar layout as the classic bingo, teams will complete tiles on the board to accumulate points. The most points at the end of the event will be the winner!
Duration of the event:
The event will begin on the 1st of February 8PM server time and end on the 8th of February 8PM server time.
How does it work?
The participants are divided into teams of x players based on their account progress (to keep things fair) by the captain of the team. During the event, completing a bingo row grants 50 points (both horizontally and vertically) and filling the board grants 100 points. If a team somehow manages to fill the bingo completely they will claim 1st prize. The Board, teams and other related info will be in the Discord server which we will link to the participants.
1st Place - 5b
2nd Place - 2.5b
3rd Place - 1b
MVP Drops - 750m
MVP Points - 750m
Huge shoutout to the generous donations:
@Moron - 1.5b
@smnd - 1b
@Mhk - 1b
Teams and Signups:
We will make teams based on account progression and donator rank to ensure that every team has a fair chance of winning. ICE members with the rank Recruit+ may enter.
Sign ups close 31st January 12pm server time.
Please make sure to sign up using this template to help captains pick their teams:
Discord name:
Alora account you will be participating with:
Donator rank:
Timezone (US,AUS,EU):
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]:
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn:
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident):
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...)
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants)
Please Read #Event-Rules on Discord
ICE is super excited to be bringing this event to you, just a reminder, if your looking for a community to join? Join "ICE" in-game and head over to ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING - Clan Recruitment - Alora RSPS | Oldschool MMORPG to apply for a rank today!