What is your suggestion?:
Change the way the purple chance % is distributed. Currently there's a flat 13.5% chance at a purple distributed to the entire group, this GREATLY effects players wanting to run 4 and 5 man TOB's.
The current rate would leave 3 man team to average 4.5 purples per player, per 100 raids.
My suggestion would be make it a flat 5% per player regardless of team size.
How would this benefit Alora?:
I don't know the math on how deaths effect purple rate, but it seems like it effects it a lot, so it's very unlikely players with large groups will run 100 deathless raids, so even then they will not be seeing 5 purples per 100 tobs regardless.
Also, it will incentivize larger teams for a team raid, and would make the content significantly more engaging bringing players together. This was very noticible during yesterdays tob boost that significantly smaller teams were the only ones being ran.
This would increase the overall purples coming into the game from an avg of 14 to and avg of 25 per 5 man tobs in 100 raids (roughly 25hrs of game play), but more purples from tob is exactly what players have been asking for since I started Alora, and we still seem to be over hesitant to give players what they want.
In comparison to cox; 1 player can avg 100 raids in roughly the same time as they can 1 tob (15mins approx). 1 player avging 1 purple per 10 raids would be 10 purples in 25 hrs. Multiply that by 5 players (as a 5 man tob would be) that'd be 50 purples in 25 hrs of game play for 5 players, which is still significantly less than what tob would be with this change, AND cox is ran significantly more than tob since it's way easier to do it solo than finding a team at tob.
EDIT: 5 man tob does NOT make it easier, it literally scales per player in the raid