F2P No-arm Tournament
Players must signup for this tournament prior to the start, you must follow the gear rules listed below. For this event, all items will be SAFE on death, in a 1v1 tournament bracket. This PvP tournament is based off of your skills and only the strongest will survive. This event will start at 8:15pm UTC (server time). Sign ups will close at 8:10pm UTC (server time).
Neklace: Amulet of Power > Amulet of Strength
Cape: No bonus capes allowed
Top: Monk robe
Bottom: Monk robe
Boots: No bonus boots allowed
Gloves: Green D'hide vambs ONLY
Rings: No rings allowed
Weapons: Maple Shortbow > Rune scimitar > Rune 2h Sword
Special weapons: NONE.
Items are SAFE on death.
No food higher than sharks allowed.
Must use one of the following presets above.
1st place: 100M GP
2nd place: 75M GP
3rd place: 50M GP
Bracket - https://brackethq.com/b/fvkfc/