Also id like to add, if the suggestion is to buff the drop rate, you should post the current drop rate along with comparisons to osrs.
I would but I already did that 2 years ago and I'm too lazy to do it again in 2025 (here's the link) - see comments section for calculations
Most of the people that no support my suggestions aren't very good at math anyways
They no support because they hold grudges, act like bullies, and continue to demonstrate intolerance to opinions that differ from their own (despite claiming to have changed).
Just take a look at Linkki, Fiji, and Ben Linus from above

They're upset because I "no supported" their soulreaper axe suggestion and are no supporting my suggestion out of spite.

-Background -
They want to make the soulreaper axe easier to get for themselves -> so they proposed making the pieces tradeable (a feature that is not on OSRS)
They think this would increase the number of people doing DT2 bosses but really it would not.
How come?
Because under the current system, players are required do all 4 bosses and get all 4 pieces before cashing out by selling the soulreaper axe.
This motivates players to do ALL 4 of the bosses.
Without this feature, players could camp 1 boss that they like (eg: pet hunters) and profit by selling that boss's axe piece.
This would tank the price of the soulreaper axe for players who obtained it normally, the way it was intended on OSRS by doing ALL 4 of the DT2 bosses
Eventually the price of the soulreaper axe will become dependent on the limiting reagent (aka the boss that players least like to do - probably whisperer)
Meanwhile, the listings for the other 3 axe pieces will start flooding the TP.
Every new seller will lower their prices to outbid the pre-existing offers, driving the prices of the other 3 pieces down.
At the end of the day, only the piece from the least popular DT2 boss will hold any value, which will end up making DT2 bosses (as a whole) less popular.
If Linkki & Fiji's goal is really to make the soulreaper axe easier to get -> why not just suggest buffing the drop rates of the pieces?
I would 100% support that. But instead, Linkki & Fiji want to cut corners.
They only think about the short term benefits for themselves and fail to consider longer term implications.
Rather than try to understand opposing opinions and find common ground, they band together to bully others.
These are the people that lead Paragon cc btw - what does that tell you about their character and maturity level? I'll let you guys be the judge.
The OSRS orb/mega rare comparison is flawed. On OSRS nightmare & pnm are botted to shit, and the items are used in like 1 or 2 places max, so the price continues to drop since there's no demand. On Alora nobody wants to kill nightmare, and nobody wants to buy items either, so the items are stuck in a weird spot.
So COX, TOB, TOA, and Corp are not botted to shit? If they're all botted, doesn't that kinda cancel each other out?
Like 4 inches, 8 inches, 12 inches -> cancels out or scales to 1 inch, 2 inch, 3 inch
Also, on Alora there are certainly people who buy these items.
People like To gain or yourself who are wealthy enough to use harmonized orb in the wild to hunt defenseless PVMers and build your long killstreaks

Are you perhaps trying to gate keep the predominantly iron/realism alora community from enjoying Alora content with nightmare powered staves?