Welcome to the January edition of the Alora times.
I hope you all had a good time during the festive period. Big year has passed us by with many people coming and going, us being blessed with loads of huge updates, and lastly the many events that have been hosted by the staff team. Overall I'd say it has been a successful year, now its time to make this one even better with you all!
January Vote Competition [December 1st - December 21st]
Christmas Event & Sale, Mixology, Mobile UI Rework & much more!
If you want to check out our past updates, click here.
Alora's Official Rules can be found here.
The latest Staff Changes are as follows:
To see our past Staff Updates, click here.

H: Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?
Ivy: This would definitely have to be Mike King. He is a mental health advocate here in New Zealand who has created a completely free youth councilling service in the country. He's created a platform that provides services to our youth in need, by breaking down barriers of cost and wait times.
H: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
Ivy: I would trade lives for a day with the president for sure. Being able to make an agenda on issues like poverty, would be super impactful to millions. (Plus he wouldn't last a day in my household if we're swapping!)
H: What is your favourite hobby?
Ivy: My favourite hobby would definitely be snowboarding in the winter. I'm very fortunate to live around a 20 minute drive to a ski camp. If you've ever boarded, the pure bliss of hitting a slope is next to none!
H: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?
Ivy: I would 100% change my allergies to pollen! Imagine this, you're allergic to freshly mowen grass! Throughout 8 months of the year, consistency sneezing, it's rough
H: Got any goals you're chipping away at that you'd like to share with us, and how its going?
Ivy: So my biggest goal at the moment would be rebuilding everything on the EIM after I was a silly goose and dropped everything. The progress is going really well, as I'm currently re-hunting 3 more zenytes, while hopping between different content such as TDs, barrows and cerebrus for an eternal crystal!
If you'd like to be interviewed or see a particular member of the Alora community interviewed and/or particular question answered, make sure to message H on forums.

Here we honour our fallen comrades from the last month and there were a few of them! We wish them the best on their new Ironman journeys and better luck next time!
Stay up to date with some of our community members' recent Goals & Achievements:
Loot from : 4000 Corporeal Beast
Variants end of the year recap

Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or send your achievement in the #newspaper_submissions channel in Alora Discord to be featured here!
The winners of December MOTM is...
Congratulations! You have stood out in the eyes of the Alora community. Thank you for being great members here on Alora and enjoy your rewards. :)
The link to the Member of the Month thread can be found here.
Make sure to check out our streamers and video makers. They would love to have you keep them company during their streams and check out the content they create for Alora!
sandesus tv https://www.youtube....cVdXYRlJhLv1tHQ
jipy https://www.youtube....q8J9BMj_0eI1yaA
dragnovith https://www.youtube....wfSvaUJ46X0O26Q
ents v1 https://www.youtube....JUMSWnToW8RUH8Q
galeschui https://www.youtube....zZj7YvPvbamWDwg
i stylo https://www.youtube....Gy1sNT44br8v4uA
Fpk Scratch https://www.youtube....I3dxp8NAT_YBIkQ
UncleNaps https://www.youtube....UGFJz7zslWax9QQ
casa https://www.youtube....xyxU--uIM8SSRkQ
am klka https://www.youtube....abjXMLbzX9xUaPQ
Walkchaos https://www.youtube....QehS6ALll4nl3OA
Plank or Not https://www.youtube....ghbd-w-WH8TSuDQ
DIY Sip https://www.youtube....lg-KQrjtCXpmozA
If you enjoy Alora content, make sure to hit the Subscribe button on their channels to show them your support!
If I've missed anyone I do apologize, just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in.
That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper! If you would like to see something added to the paper make sure to message H!
You can read the previous edition by clicking here.