What is your suggestion?: Update wilderness slayer cave NPC's drop table
Is this in OSRS?: Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:No
How would this benefit Alora?: Make wilderness more active, wilderness slayer will be more rewarding. Also LMS is dead, make willderness slayer the way to get these items like magic short bow scrolls, ring of wealth scroll, looting bag note's, Imbue scrolls and Blighted resources.
Add to drop list
- Blighted anglerfish
- Blighted manta ray
- Blighted karmabwan
- Blighted entagle sacks
- Blighted teleport sacks
- Blighted ancient ice sacks
- Blighted super Restores
- Revenant cave teleports
- Magic Short Bow Scroll
- Ring of Wealth Scroll
- Looting bag Notes
- Looting bag "Also add to all Rev drop tables it's in OSRS, but no Rev's on Alora drop looting bags"
- Trouver Parchment "Since you dont need this on alora, replace with imbue scroll as a rare drop"