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Leagues as a membership mode

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Posted 22 November 2024 - 05:06 AM #1

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On mobile atm, so won’t use the format.

My suggestion : Add leagues, as a seperate gamemode, for a price.

When you create a new account, now you can choose between regular, iron, group iron, realism etc, my suggestion is to add the league options, but it is only playable after purchase.

All regions will get unlocked eventually as progression, with all the relics from all the leagues, creating a mode with huge replay ability and experimentation.

Is this on osrs? Yes, it’s called project Zanaris, to be released soon.

Why do I bother to suggest it here?

Because I would rather support Omicron than Jagex.

I enjoyed playing leagues, but with it being a finite game mode, I am not gonna grind there, knowing its all for nothing in a few weeks, it being cleaned out.

The membership can be 15$ a month, WITHOUT being able to buy it with alora gp.

This has to either be osrs gp or paypal etc, so we actually support Omicron properly.

Coding wise, I know it will be easy for Omicron, a lot of people will genuinely enjoy this, and business wise, Omi can make some good money also, its a win win.

I really cannot see, why this would not be an option, everybody benefits from this.

If you are against this, and you’re not one of those losers that buys alora ranks with alora gp, without actually supporting Omi properly, let me know your rationale.

I personally know a few people also, who wouldn’t mind paying irl money, to play something like this, and I know many players would join once they realize this.

There is a custom rsps, without saying names, that has relics and tasks as a perm option, and it pulled massive amount of players, just for it. And that one is nowhere near as stable or has proper devs like Omi.

I stopped playing Alora for now, and play on some other servers that have relics as perm option, and if this suggestion gets denied, then I guess its a farewell post also.

I simply like Omi as a developer , so hence this suggestion, I would support him gladly.

If not, then no problem on my end, I already got what I wanted in other places.

There is no rational reason this suggestion should get denied, but whatever.

Good business move, many people would want it, no reason not to, and it’s easy to code for Omi, considering you already made it all and was stable to play.

Again, 15$ a month, no other benefit for players other than just pure joy and experiment with different relics, grinds, etc.

Posted 22 November 2024 - 05:51 AM #2


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@Omicron Did you write this suggestion?





Posted 22 November 2024 - 06:31 AM #3



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No support. I know and can see you're trying to entice based off of a business standpoint, but leagues is and has always been a temporary game mode. If it isn't broke, don't fix it, I just don't see any reasonable point for playability long term wise, and sure there may be a limited amount of time to play and that may be why you'd want to have this but that only gives you more to look forward to for the next leagues.


Posted 22 November 2024 - 07:02 AM #4

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No support as Logan said it should be a temporary game mode.












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Posted 22 November 2024 - 08:02 AM #5

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No Support probably people will play it alot in the beginning, but i think it will go downhills very quick

Posted 22 November 2024 - 10:04 AM #6

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I agree with others ^ 

No Support 

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Posted 22 November 2024 - 10:43 AM #7


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Yea no support let the temp game mode stay that way. Only reason you look forward to it is because it's not always there and that's the whole point.

Posted 22 November 2024 - 12:05 PM #8


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No support - we don't have the same number of players as OSRS has to make it viable. 


Posted 22 November 2024 - 01:18 PM #9


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This would not last very long, leagues is not meant to be permanent. The speed at which leagues is played and how progression is means you essentially 'beat' the game and get everything you want for your account i.e all mega rares and any other big unlocks for your account. Once you do that, your burnt out, and you cancel your membership and go find something else because your bored. Even if this did bring an attraction of players it just wouldn't stand very long within the RSPS community.

Posted 22 November 2024 - 02:51 PM #10



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@Lucas You caught me.  :ph34r:


@Mher While I see where you are going with the suggestion (and I do appreciate you wanting to support the server), I think that if this game mode was always available it would lose its lustre sooner than later. Part of the excitement when we release a new League is hopping onto a fresh account and starting from zero just like everyone else, with the ability to make a name for yourself  on the leaderboard and develop a strategy that gets you ahead of others. The prizes (IRL $, tokens, and in-game items purchasable with League points) all work to provide even more excitement to the temporary game mode. If it were permanent, all of these things that I mentioned would no longer be part of it, and it would simply be an OP game mode that I believe would get boring quite quickly.

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Posted 22 November 2024 - 03:57 PM #11

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No offense meant here, so do read this with an open mind, as I don't think people really understand what I meant, and jumped into some bandwagon of "oh its supposed to".


There was not a single reply here, that actually had meaning in it, and again, no offense.


First off, this would be a completely separate game mode, meaning it will not clash with any future leagues, which would have their own mechanisms and way of being, rankings, etc.


Second, about it becoming "boring", are you seriously telling me, leagues, with all its relics, all its tasks, and literally months if not years of replay ability, with all the different builds and relics, is gonna get "boring"..?


The main game is as boring as it gets, with a fucked up economy, players gambling 20b+ like its nothing, and there barely even being a reason to pvm, other than ironman who wanna brag that they clicked the same npc 50000 times...? Or you go into the wild to get pked by someone in bis gear because he has 50b+ in the bank and dont care ..?


Meanwhile, you can literally experiment so much with a relic version of Alora, lets call it that, not leagues, but a different game MODE, with relics that you unlock, like the combat speed one and bankers note, etc..


I alone can spend a year with this and I can prove how many different things you can try, character builds, and what not. It is the opposite of being boring.


And the real question, which none of you answered, whats it to you..?


You dont go up to realism players and tell them not to play that mode, right? 


So simply let there be a relic version of Alora, a game MODE, and people can pay 15$ or more monthly, in paypal, if THEY decide, to play it or not. 


They wont be hurting anyone by doing so, they will actually properly support the server, contrary to all these "donators" who just buy ranks with Alora gp, and most importantly, this WILL draw in massive numbers of players, which can be good to the main game.


Again, I know of rsps that have relics, and they get the numbers alright.


And finally, since some of you pulled the "its supposed to be" card, a kind reminder, that ideas, are always, further build upon and expanded.


Jagex does this all the time, in fact, how leagues even came to be, was jagex monitoring some osrs youtubers and their challenges, and took the motivation for leagues for that.


Now, im not saying, copy and paste the same leagues and put it as a game mode, Im simply suggesting, another game mode be added to Alora, that will have relics and similar mechanisms



Part of the excitement when we release a new League is hopping onto a fresh account and starting from zero just like everyone else, with the ability to make a name for yourself  on the leaderboard and develop a strategy that gets you ahead of others. The prizes (IRL $, tokens, and in-game items purchasable with League points) all work to provide even more excitement to the temporary game mode


A very few people, as was obvious with the "winners" of this leagues, not that many people right?


But there is an INSANE amount of people, that will play leagues 5 on osrs, and then not even bother to look at the main game of osrs.


Literally check the discords, its a massive amounts of people, who only play leagues, because it has awesome mechanics that allow for a lot more exciting, and most importantly, and this is the main reason everyone plays leagues, is the experimentation ability. You get to pick and choose, and not a boring grind like the main games.


And for the jagex fans saying leagues is meant to be temporary,  their very own project Zanaris proves otherwise, in other words, Jagex THEMSELVES, are releasing a permanent league mode, in a sense.


So yes, this in fact, is even in osrs.


I am curious to see, if there can be a legitimate reply to this.


Btw, you guys can check out about project Zanaris, and literally the amounts of massive people, that are gonna pay big, rent servers, and spend months if not years, playing their very own custom league servers.


The demand is there, people want it, so take advantage of it, before jagex releases Zanaris at a high price for rentals.


15$ a month for a game mode that doesnt clash or hurt anyone, is gonna pull many new players to Alora, and is only a good thing.

Posted 23 November 2024 - 12:54 AM #12

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what a terrible suggestion with unnecessary flame to a large majority of the players because you dont understand how supporting alora can work in different ways.


regardless, no support for obvious reasons






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Posted 23 November 2024 - 07:29 AM #13

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Unnecessary flame to a majority of players..?

There is nothing to understand, keeping a server running, and all the dev work, requires support in terms of REAL money.

But sure snowflake, you go ahead and buy donor ranks with alora gp and pretend you are supporting lmao….

“no support for obvious reasons”, yet you couldn’t even form a single sentence with reason, just like every other reply.

Meh, your guys loss then, do as you wish.

Enjoy project Zanaris and the other rsps overtaking all your works then….

People get what they want, the difference would be who they get it from, and the price difference

Imagine suggesting a perfect idea, only to get replies from robots who cannot reason or think logically.

Literally not a single intelligent answer here, other than “its not meant to be hur dur”

I understand Omi being concerned people will not play it as much, hence it being a wasted effort, but again, I guarantee, you WILL attract massive amounts of players to this new game mode, and you WILL make good money doing so also.

Do whatever you want with this, and for the others, do not reply unless you can actually form a proper sentence with reason and logic.

Posted 23 November 2024 - 07:50 AM #14



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Unnecessary flame to a majority of players..?

There is nothing to understand, keeping a server running, and all the dev work, requires support in terms of REAL money.

But sure snowflake, you go ahead and buy donor ranks with alora gp and pretend you are supporting lmao….

“no support for obvious reasons”, yet you couldn’t even form a single sentence with reason, just like every other reply.

Meh, your guys loss then, do as you wish.

Enjoy project Zanaris and the other rsps overtaking all your works then….

People get what they want, the difference would be who they get it from, and the price difference

Imagine suggesting a perfect idea, only to get replies from robots who cannot reason or think logically.

Literally not a single intelligent answer here, other than “its not meant to be hur dur”

I understand Omi being concerned people will not play it as much, hence it being a wasted effort, but again, I guarantee, you WILL attract massive amounts of players to this new game mode, and you WILL make good money doing so also.

Do whatever you want with this, and for the others, do not reply unless you can actually form a proper sentence with reason and logic.

You can't just buy the rank with alora gp, someone needs to buy a bond or rank ticket to therefore sell it, thus resulting in the same result. This is what he meant or I assume he meant by you not understanding.


Posted 23 November 2024 - 08:31 AM #15

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Pretty much means buying rank with Alora gp.

The person who bought the rank itself, with real money, is obviously supporting the server.

Not the one who buys that rank with alora gp :)

Anyway my post wasnt as much about that, because I have coded rsps and hosted as well many many years ago, so my perspective on things is a bit different.

I know my suggestion is do able, it will draw in massive numbere, will properly support the server, and will NOT clash with the main Alora game or future leagues in any way.

The only reason for it not to be accepted by the community is the close minded thinking and the fake rationale of “meant to be”.

Again, project Zanaris, is jagex releasing a permanent league mode, so go figure.

But whatever, I have my rsps with all I want, I dont need anything here.

I like Omi as a dev, but if he doesnt want to, his loss.

Posted 23 November 2024 - 08:41 AM #16

Fe Santa
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But whatever, I have my rsps with all I want, I dont need anything here.

You know how to build and operate your own RSPS, and you’re playing one that you like better than Alora. So why are you stressing yourself out and squandering your time fighting the community for stuff that only you seem to want?

Posted 23 November 2024 - 09:02 AM #17

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I have studied the rsps communities, the osrs communities, I know the insane amount of people that would pay to play on a permanent league server, so you can consider this, a collective effort.

So your statement of “only something you want”, is false.

Zoom out of Alora into the vast ocean of osrs/rsps communities, and you will see, what people actually want.

But fyi, I am not stressing, at all, and if you could read and process properly, I literally said above, how the only reason I am suggesting this here, is because Omi is a professional, and can utilize this potential properly.

Fyi, the main reason, not as many players play leagues, as should, is because no sane person is gonna put effort and grind 24/7 for two months, only to lose all the progress.

When project Zanaris is out, and jagex releases the data of how many people rent servers, how many of them use league mechanics, and how long they play it, you can come back to me and apologize for saying “something only you want”.

But hey, you do you, let massive amounts of people pay more money to jagex and rent servers, than pay to Omi and support your beloved Alora.

Posted 23 November 2024 - 09:57 AM #18

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I have studied the rsps communities, the osrs communities, I know the insane amount of people that would pay to play on a permanent league server, so you can consider this, a collective effort.

So your statement of “only something you want”, is false.

Zoom out of Alora into the vast ocean of osrs/rsps communities, and you will see, what people actually want.

But fyi, I am not stressing, at all, and if you could read and process properly, I literally said above, how the only reason I am suggesting this here, is because Omi is a professional, and can utilize this potential properly.

Fyi, the main reason, not as many players play leagues, as should, is because no sane person is gonna put effort and grind 24/7 for two months, only to lose all the progress.

When project Zanaris is out, and jagex releases the data of how many people rent servers, how many of them use league mechanics, and how long they play it, you can come back to me and apologize for saying “something only you want”.

But hey, you do you, let massive amounts of people pay more money to jagex and rent servers, than pay to Omi and support your beloved Alora.

Putting out leagues as a seasonal event improves the overall experience by fostering excitement and allowing for the implementation of diverse gameplay mechanics.


A lot of players aren’t focused on the rewards, aside from those aiming for dragon rank and iron men who can’t simply buy the cosmetics. The main excitement in leagues comes from the thought, "I’ve got just 2 months to dive into this before it’s gone. How far can I push my account during that time?"


Personally, I find that leagues get dull pretty quickly after you hit your points goal. They’re enjoyable in short bursts. If you look at the stats, they don’t tend to stay popular for long.


I find that you are setting your expectations a bit too high for Project Zanaris. Most RSPS aren’t going anywhere, and plenty, like Alora, will keep thriving. Project Zanaris is going to have its limitations and won’t be able to match the level of freedom that a lot of other RSPS provide.

Posted 23 November 2024 - 11:00 AM #19

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Your reply is all assumptions, your own ego take on things, and not the way it actually is.

Leagues get dull for you after “a while”…? So in those short 2 months, you get dull?

This is your problem, not the actual majority of players, both osrs and rsps.

Please do tell me, how the main game of alora or osrs, after years, isn’t dull for you then?

You realize, the only reason rsps even exist, is because no normal and sane person, wants to spend months clicking on the same pixel, just to get some levels. That is legit, a mental ilness.

So simply expand on this train of thought, and apply RELICS, to the main game.

Forget leagues, this is about adding a game mode, with relics.

And that is very FAR from dull or boring.

As for your statement of people playing leagues because they only got 2 months to enjoy, that is again, a very weird, mental ilness. That is more your brain chasing dopamine, similar to addicts.

The REAL joy, of having relics in game, is very similar to the concept of an rsps.

Creativity, experimentation, and genuinely having fun, not “grinding”.

About project Zanaris and high expectations, the data and evidence is already there, and I can guarantee you, it will murder the rsps community in cold blood.

No rsps stands a chance against that project, as long as you keep this annoying trait of making it “similar to osrs”, which seems to be yet another weird fetish and ilness.

And it goes directly against the concepts of an rsps to begin with, which was all about creativity, modifications and enjoying experimenting, not being a copy cat of the original game and pretend to be 1:1 with osrs.

Go play osrs, and then play any other rsps, and you’ll realize you will never have as smooth and stable , functional gameplay ,in comparison.

This alone throws away the whole “1:1 with osrs” bullshit, with statements like “leagues are SUPPOSED to be temporary”

Have a mind of your own ffs, rsps again, is all about creativity and doing your OWN work.

But it seems, you guys cannot even throw a single legitimate argument, other than being stuck in some box because its “taboo”.

I’ll revisit this forum once Zanaris has launched, and come back with the “I told you”.

Take advantage of my suggestion, Omi, or again, your loss, I dont need or gain anything, just trying to help out a cool developer.
And to add to this, pre eoc runescape, was all about pking. After eoc, the BIGGEST rsps with massive player bases, were pking servers.

It only recently, with the additions of raids and other bosses, became a semi pvm game.

Even today, the biggest streamer and youtuber on osrs, Odablock, is a pker.

The people want creativity, experimenting and genuinely enjoying things.

But the funny thing is, most pvmers and skillers, afk things, watch youtube on the side, do some botting, pretend to be gamers and then think they actually have a say in anything or how things should be.

Absurd honestly.

I understand that many people dont wanna come out of their comfort zone, “oh just let things be”, but thats not how things work.

Ideas need to be further expanded upon, and create things, that makes things better.

Posted 23 November 2024 - 11:18 AM #20

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Man…suggestions get heated af

Is it that serious?

While I really don’t care for leagues, I do like the idea of seasonal leagues. I think the hype around it is better for the community as a whole. I equate it to companies that release “limited time only” items that present big advertisement opportunities to bring in new customers or just further engage their current customer-base.

In an attempt to not have someone jump down my throat - let me offer a middle ground option - which would be to have more frequent leagues on a set schedule. (making this up on the fly)

Every year hold 2 league events. One that’s only a few weeks long which includes IRL/in-game prizes for top players. Then at some point during the “off-season” release a more casual leagues event that lasts a few months, no prizes, and is just a re-release of an old leagues.


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