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Leagues Drop Rate Feedback

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Posted 11 November 2024 - 03:55 PM #21

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Definitely appreciate it's at least being discussed but it still just doesn't seem right. There was an issue last Leagues with drop rates, you just reconfirmed another issue this Leagues, at least with Barrows. OSRS is literally guaranteed purples and we are grinding harder on a private server. I'm sorry people took off of work to win a PS5, but rates should be better. Thanks again.

Discussed this with Omicron 
Omicron :
League rates for raids are fine
Rates are pretty much exactly double unless you hit a max cap (which is usually only possible in TOA at 550+ raid level, but you're still at a 1/2 chance at that point)
I simulated TOA raids from level 300-550 assuming you get 30k points (max is 64k, so that's probably undershooting it), and the purple rolls are always doubled or higher.
ToB ones are easier, since it's a static rate in hm/regular, in hardmode for example your team needs to roll a value less than 40/100 to get a purple 1/2.5 for HM raid.
There was an issue where the boost was just not being applied to barrows though, but I believe that's working now as of the latest update

Posted 11 November 2024 - 05:23 PM #22

Real Cheese

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Appreciate you raising this and starting up the conversation. Even if the coding is correct, rates are not fine. Even staff members are agreeing with all the players so you know it's not just a handful of complainers. If these rates are double and it's still as bad as everyone is saying, then double the normal rates on here at these donor levels being capped is not enough. 


It's frustrating to hear that "it's fine" when the vast majority of league players at the point of raiding are saying how bad it is. It's sad to hear and see many league players deciding to stop already and go back to their regular accounts because they got some points for the reward shop but don't want to continue because it's not fun anymore.


Also for TOA many including myself are running them at 700+ even up to almost 1000 and seeing more white than purple. I don't know how that works with however the points are calculated. I can say the percentage tracker on my 815 layout only says 20% chance and that's solo so I don't know what points I would be missing out on and for other doing higher invos. These were also done during server toa bonus at 1.2 and even the generous 1.4 that was given yesterday. You can lookup tons of screenshots of collection logs and videos of osrs league players when they raid and it's completely different.


My opinion is that with the low dono ranks, it really makes a big impact on whatever the multiplier is being added to roll the purple and it's too low. Since it seems like these won't be changed during the competition timeframe I would love to see this reevaluated at least afterwards to find a better solution for the next league.




Discussed this with Omicron 
Omicron :
League rates for raids are fine
Rates are pretty much exactly double unless you hit a max cap (which is usually only possible in TOA at 550+ raid level, but you're still at a 1/2 chance at that point)
I simulated TOA raids from level 300-550 assuming you get 30k points (max is 64k, so that's probably undershooting it), and the purple rolls are always doubled or higher.
ToB ones are easier, since it's a static rate in hm/regular, in hardmode for example your team needs to roll a value less than 40/100 to get a purple 1/2.5 for HM raid.
There was an issue where the boost was just not being applied to barrows though, but I believe that's working now as of the latest update


Posted 11 November 2024 - 05:59 PM #23



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As To Gain said, I've looked over the rates and tested them out, and they're correct. The reason we found the issue with barrows is because we were asked to look into it, and we did. The only other thing that might hinder player's progress is a hard cap on TOA that would cap the purple rate to 55%, which we've decided to remove, but that may not make it into this league. That being said, a 55% chance at a purple can start to appear in to 450-500 raid level range assuming players get 30k+ points, which still is quite reasonable.

@Real Cheese

This is a fair opinion, in the next league we will likely bump up the drop rate multiplier for 3x so that players can fly through content more easily. As we add more regions and expand the game, players have more they can do in the same amount of time, and part of keeping that a fun experience will be increasing drop rates so that players can complete content relatively quickly.
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Posted 11 November 2024 - 08:07 PM #24

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What about CoX? I understand it's all "anecdotal" but I went 40 dry while being T7. I see exceptionally better drop rates on the normal game as an Eternal donator. 

As for ToA, I was running 700-800 invocations and only getting around 22-25k~ points, so not sure how players would get to the 30k+ points you mention. And while 55% does seem reasonable, you can literally get 100% on OSRS. 

Overall, this Leagues has felt much better than previous and I do appreciate the progress you have made, especially with the additional regions. Appreciate you both looking into it, as well as responding. 


As To Gain said, I've looked over the rates and tested them out, and they're correct. The reason we found the issue with barrows is because we were asked to look into it, and we did. The only other thing that might hinder player's progress is a hard cap on TOA that would cap the purple rate to 55%, which we've decided to remove, but that may not make it into this league. That being said, a 55% chance at a purple can start to appear in to 450-500 raid level range assuming players get 30k+ points, which still is quite reasonable.

@Real Cheese

This is a fair opinion, in the next league we will likely bump up the drop rate multiplier for 3x so that players can fly through content more easily. As we add more regions and expand the game, players have more they can do in the same amount of time, and part of keeping that a fun experience will be increasing drop rates so that players can complete content relatively quickly.

Posted 12 November 2024 - 10:05 AM #25


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As To Gain said, I've looked over the rates and tested them out, and they're correct. The reason we found the issue with barrows is because we were asked to look into it, and we did. The only other thing that might hinder player's progress is a hard cap on TOA that would cap the purple rate to 55%, which we've decided to remove, but that may not make it into this league. That being said, a 55% chance at a purple can start to appear in to 450-500 raid level range assuming players get 30k+ points, which still is quite reasonable.

@Real Cheese

This is a fair opinion, in the next league we will likely bump up the drop rate multiplier for 3x so that players can fly through content more easily. As we add more regions and expand the game, players have more they can do in the same amount of time, and part of keeping that a fun experience will be increasing drop rates so that players can complete content relatively quickly.

How are we supposed to get 30k+ points? a 700 raid invo only nets an avg 22-25k points even with 3 downing Warden. 1000 raid invo barely nets you 30,000 points.

Posted 12 November 2024 - 01:27 PM #26

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Yup, agreed. I ran a 500 raid level per the simulations Omi mentioned about, and only hit 17k points. So unless you're farming P2 Wardens good luck.

How are we supposed to get 30k+ points? a 700 raid invo only nets an avg 22-25k points even with 3 downing Warden. 1000 raid invo barely nets you 30,000 points.

Posted 12 November 2024 - 01:44 PM #27


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Dry at toa. Dry at barrows. Dry at cox. Like everyone else. Yet someone think drop rates are fine. Why is that exactly? 

Posted 12 November 2024 - 04:06 PM #28


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Discussed this with Omicron 
Omicron :
League rates for raids are fine
Rates are pretty much exactly double unless you hit a max cap (which is usually only possible in TOA at 550+ raid level, but you're still at a 1/2 chance at that point)
I simulated TOA raids from level 300-550 assuming you get 30k points (max is 64k, so that's probably undershooting it), and the purple rolls are always doubled or higher.
ToB ones are easier, since it's a static rate in hm/regular, in hardmode for example your team needs to roll a value less than 40/100 to get a purple 1/2.5 for HM raid.
There was an issue where the boost was just not being applied to barrows though, but I believe that's working now as of the latest update






Posted 12 November 2024 - 08:15 PM #29


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if rates arent being adjusted for this league i might aswell just play my ironman again since im not competing for prizes. Gf leagues 4. maybe next 1

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Posted 12 November 2024 - 08:43 PM #30

Real Cheese

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I did 13 barrow runs after update, no items. Currently on a 15 dry streak at cox. Did 3 solo TOB runs for nothing. The points don't seem to be adding up right for TOA so it's not worth the time it takes for those runs either. Would be nice to see a change with the last week to go since all the token prizes have been claimed and many people dropping off this mode already. A change would most certainly bring people back and be more enjoyable for those trying to get points. Gamers just trying to game here.

Posted 13 November 2024 - 09:52 AM #31


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adding this here today, half kc done in hardmode, half done in normals. Only seen 3 other purples from team. REALLY getting boring, leagues are meant to be fun and getting endgame gear and bis weapons should NOT take the entire league, whats the point if I get my BIS gear on the last day and cant use it for long?

Posted 13 November 2024 - 11:10 AM #32


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to say the league raids drop rate is fine is such horse shit. why should anyone even bother continue to play league if they have lower drop rate doing higher invos than the main game...when they can just play the main game. the leagues were supposed to be a fun, temporary game mode to be able to complete end game content with the best gear and buffed perks. instead the fun has been completely sucked out of it in a rat race for even 20% of some end game gear because the drop rates are so laughably shit

Posted 14 November 2024 - 01:05 AM #33


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If anything just boost the leagues drop rates by 1.5x (or even 1.75x for the hell of it) for the last week .. it's not like there is an economy to preserve so why not?

Posted 15 November 2024 - 12:05 PM #34



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@Julewicki The CoX rates are even higher, they're boosted 3.5x over the main game  (part of this boost is applied before the Tier 6 drop boost comes into effect). I'll make some adjustments to make TOA more feasible, so that the higher invocation raids are putting out higher drop rates.

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