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My Problem with Staff 4

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Poll: What do you think? (52 member(s) have cast votes)

Should To Gain chill a little?

  1. Yes (37 votes [71.15%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 71.15%

  2. No (15 votes [28.85%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 28.85%


Posted 07 November 2024 - 10:38 AM #61


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stop trying to hard on these responses, i really dont care lmao.

your replies indicate you do care, at least enough to keep replying. your inability to rebute his statement with reasoned argument and instead resort to just weak insults indicates i was correct in my statement earlier.

Posted 07 November 2024 - 02:17 PM #62

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stop trying to hard on these responses, i really dont care lmao.

yet you've responded to to his post more then anyone? should look up the definition of caring. 

Posted 07 November 2024 - 03:04 PM #63

Mc Savage

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Rule 1e) Harassment will be defined as anything that can be considered targeted to a specific group or person.

It's funny how you refer everyone back to rules, but can't seem to read them yourself, maybe take all the tissues away from around your monitor, and it might be more clear.

The rules very open ended, however isn't this post is harassing To Gain? I'd say another punishment is in order?

Typical Alan behavior, breaks the rules (again might I add), makes a thread (again) on a Runescape Private Server community forums about how you've been punished on a Runescape Private Server for breaking the rules. I feel for you, must be a pretty sad life (I may be wrong). May I suggest heading to your nearest Wal-Mart, head over to the kids section and find a fluffy toy to take your anger out on, maybe they even have a frog one just for you!

Kids these days just can't leave it alone and have to have everything their way.

Well that's too much time on a Runescape Private Server forums for me. Good luck on your leagues progression Alan!

Posted 07 November 2024 - 03:21 PM #64

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Ok.  Say I do things your way.  I use the staff reports section.  Then what happens?  The report just gets denied and nothing gets done. 

I've made reports in the past and already been down that rabbit hole.  Staff just deflect, deny, and waste your time.  


So please, kindly explain how doing things your way benefits me.

Why would I reach out to Tauri?  I don't respect that guy.  

If I'm going to waste my time reaching out to someone, I might as well just reach out to the boss man himself, Omicron.


Think about it...

What do I have to lose from "inundating the public forum with needless and immature drama"? 


What does Omicron & the staff team have to lose?


I may be cringe.  I may be a victim.  But I'm not a liar.  


I may be the absolute worst messenger on Alora, but my messages are valid.


Besides the public loves drama.  If you don't like drama, why don't you just change the channel?  Look at another forum thread.

Don't start crying on someone else's feedback post.

If your staff feedback is different from mine, why don't you just go post your own? 


Each person is entitled to their own feedback.  What Omicron & staff choose to do with the feedback is entirely up to them.  


Btw, here's what happened when I tried to check with staff 1st before doing something...

I got admin to gain's approval via pm

But still ended up in Port Sarim jail the next day.

Here's the link to the story, if you don't already know about it.


It is important to use reporting features responsibly and only for legit concerns. Although there seems to be a pattern of mistreatment by the staff team towards you, you have yet to provide any solid evidence to the community to support your claims.


Is it the case that the staff team is wasting your time, or are you misusing your time by filing false reports and struggling to attract the community's attention, considering that the relevant forum section is private?



If your claims of mistreatment by the staff team are accurate, what is stopping you from addressing the issue with Omicron himself? Whether he replies or not, surely it cannot be as ineffective as creating a silly public voting poll, which will not fix your problem.



It's important to consider the impact of your actions. Should your posting rights be removed again, you will have no one to blame but yourself.



Every individual has the right to their own opinion, as you stated yourself... So when others share their opinions to your public feedback or opinion threads, why do you seem to react negatively or attempt to exclude them from the discussion?



Did you happen to recall Tauri's response to your first problem with the staff thread before creating that username?


Posted 07 November 2024 - 06:57 PM #65

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Well that was just...lol, keep it up Alan. Praying you find peace one day.

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