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My Problem with Staff 4

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Poll: What do you think? (52 member(s) have cast votes)

Should To Gain chill a little?

  1. Yes (37 votes [71.15%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 71.15%

  2. No (15 votes [28.85%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 28.85%


Posted 01 November 2024 - 08:30 PM #41

Real Alan

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I have seen you provoke To Gain numerous times throughout my time here. This behaviour was clearly the tipping point, leading to the subsequent punishment.


You and others must see the broader context instead of focusing solely on a single situation.


In the future, set aside your ego and use the staff reports section or reach out to Tauri directly, instead of inundating the public forum with needless and immature drama.

Ok.  Say I do things your way.  I use the staff reports section.  Then what happens?  The report just gets denied and nothing gets done. 

I've made reports in the past and already been down that rabbit hole.  Staff just deflect, deny, and waste your time.  


So please, kindly explain how doing things your way benefits me.

Why would I reach out to Tauri?  I don't respect that guy.  

If I'm going to waste my time reaching out to someone, I might as well just reach out to the boss man himself, Omicron.


Think about it...

What do I have to lose from "inundating the public forum with needless and immature drama"? 


What does Omicron & the staff team have to lose?


I may be cringe.  I may be a victim.  But I'm not a liar.  


I may be the absolute worst messenger on Alora, but my messages are valid.


Besides the public loves drama.  If you don't like drama, why don't you just change the channel?  Look at another forum thread.

Don't start crying on someone else's feedback post.

If your staff feedback is different from mine, why don't you just go post your own? 


Each person is entitled to their own feedback.  What Omicron & staff choose to do with the feedback is entirely up to them.  


Btw, here's what happened when I tried to check with staff 1st before doing something...

I got admin to gain's approval via pm

But still ended up in Port Sarim jail the next day.

Here's the link to the story, if you don't already know about it.



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Posted 02 November 2024 - 11:10 AM #42


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My only question to this entire thing is if the name was disrespectful/inappropriate why did staff wait 24 hours to do something about it? League#3 name was also "ruck staff" how was that name not "disrespectful/inappropriate"?

Posted 02 November 2024 - 05:42 PM #43

Unhappy Meal

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@Real Alan its To Gain what do you expect? don't you remember him getting pked in wildy due to "bugged tiles" and getting refunded? plus i have proof (wont show cause will get swept under the rug and or deleted and ill prob be banned now for saying this) of him rwt and or letting rwt slip by and from other users that have been let slip by with rwting. #FUCK TO GAIN

dude is a literal narcissist and has the worst power trip. LOSER

this is also the only server ive ever played since 2013, that if you "call out" a staff member they retaliate so hardcore that they ban you permanently. I have nothing bad to say about Omicron other than he sits back and lets the "staff" handle everything so he doesn't have to, if you speak to him about any type of account issues as far as appeal/etc he will say to talk to staff because he doesn't handle that. The staff on Alora have been a meme for years, check any rsps/or forum or discord, the staff team on Alora has ALWAYS been a joke. They take their "role" to a whole new level, it's almost as if they'd quit their irl job (if they even have one) to be staff here 24/7. And even then, if you login past like 8pm there's no staff online. SEE IF THIS POST DOESNT GET DELETED MARK MY WORDS

Posted 02 November 2024 - 05:42 PM #44

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3/10 troll. I genuinely like trolls and trolling as it’s good comedy, but you failed here.

Playing the “lawyer”, rules this, rules that.

You chose to play the game of “free will”, trying to do whatever you want.

Its allowed, no problems, the thing is though, with that game, comes the “free will”, of others also, not just you.

You got rekt, and it is , what it is, sit and deal with it bro.

But how you gonna expect the public to have sympathy for you, when you literally go around and say fuck you to an admin?

Thats like a soldier, deciding one day, fuck this general, and publicly insult him.

Guess whats gonna happen to that soldier ? Much worse than a “ban”.

Trolling aside though, idk what experiences people have with To Gain, but he helped me, and others too, with small things that he couldve easily ignored, and helped with important stuff also.

Very down to earth guy, and very helpful.

So I personally can’t see, why you chose this Admin, over literally any other person?

Honor amongst thieves is a thing, think Robin Hood, if u gonna troll, atleast troll someone deserving and make it so that the public will agree.

And regarding jagex and allowed on osrs btw, jagex is a sinister company full of scumbags, theres hundreds of thousands of people who literally get banned, for literally NO reason, and lose years of progress.

And the mods and staff on jagex are not “allowing” either, you get muted for the stupidest things.

Even youtubers with a big influence get fucked over by jagex.

But yeah, you said respect is earned, well, To Gain, has earned mine, by being helpful and a down to earth guy.

Posted 03 November 2024 - 03:43 AM #45

Mc Savage

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You guys need to realise that its just a game and you need to relax but also realism gp should be tied directly to irl hours worked and staff should be held to police officer standards, but also relax its just a game

Posted 03 November 2024 - 07:11 PM #46

Real Alan

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Another example of staff being extremely soft.



3/10 troll. I genuinely like trolls and trolling as it’s good comedy, but you failed here.

1. You got rekt, and it is , what it is, sit and deal with it bro.

2. But how you gonna expect the public to have sympathy for you, when you literally go around and say fuck you to an admin?

3. Thats like a soldier, deciding one day, fuck this general, and publicly insult him.

Guess whats gonna happen to that soldier ? Much worse than a “ban”.

4. Trolling aside though, idk what experiences people have with To Gain, but he helped me, and others too, with small things that he couldve easily ignored, and helped with important stuff also.

5. Very down to earth guy, and very helpful.

So I personally can’t see, why you chose this Admin, over literally any other person? 


6. But yeah, you said respect is earned, well, To Gain, has earned mine, by being helpful and a down to earth guy.


1. "You got rekt, and it is , what it is, sit and deal with it bro."

That's what I'm doing.  I got banned.  Now I'm sitting down (not playing league 4) and I'm dealing with it. 

I've made a private appeal, which got accepted, and I've made a public feedback announcement which has been seen by over 1,000 people.  Sounds like things are working out for me.  

The poll is also leaning heavily towards "to gain should chill a little", which is an indicator that there are other players out there in the community that can relate or have also been wronged by to gain and his power tripping in the past.


2. "But how you gonna expect the public to have sympathy for you, when you literally go around and say fuck you to an admin?"

It takes courage to stand up and say fk you to a corrupt admin.  Other players that have also been affected by his corruption will respect that.

That's why there are supporters on this thread.  That's why good people in the community like @Cheda have helped refund my lost $10 (long before any staff offered).


3. "Thats like a soldier, deciding one day, fuck this general, and publicly insult him."

If you were a soldier under a corrupt general, what would you do?  Kiss his ass?  

I'm the type of person that's willing to take the punishment if it'll expose the staff abuse.  

I am literally still waiting for staff to tell me which Rule # I broke.  

That's the IRL equivalent of getting pulled over and the cop being unable to explain what you're being pulled over for after 4 days of detaining you.  

"Inappropriate in-game name"?  -> the rules don't say anything about disrespecting staff in in-game names. 


4. "idk what experiences people have with To Gain, but he helped me, and others too, with small things that he couldve easily ignored, and helped with important stuff also."

He's helped me by giving me bad advice, sending me to port sarim jail on his bad advice, and providing the absolute worst costumer service I've ever seen on a RSPS.  


5.  "Very down to earth guy, and very helpful."

When things go his way, he's a down to earth and helpful guy.  When people are looking, he's a down to earth & helpful guy.  

But when things don't go his way, he starts power tripping.  That's the experience I (and many others) have had with To Gain. 

If there's a bug in the game, To gain's the type of admin that would blame the player for playing the game (& abusing the bug), rather than blame the game makers/testers.


6. "But yeah, you said respect is earned, well, To Gain, has earned mine, by being helpful and a down to earth guy."

Exactly, To Gain has rightfully earned my disrespect.  You and I, mher, can have different experiences and that's 100% ok.  



You guys need to realise that its just a game and you need to relax but also realism gp should be tied directly to irl hours worked and staff should be held to police officer standards, but also relax its just a game

Well, Mr. Police officer, what rule # did my in game name Ruck T0 GaLn violate?

Here's the link to the official rules

Why am I still being detained on League 4 days later with 15 staff members standing around liking each other comments, rather than simply letting me know what # rule was broken?



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Posted 03 November 2024 - 07:27 PM #47


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wtf am I reading 

Posted 03 November 2024 - 10:50 PM #48

UIM Avgar
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Did you really expect bottom of the barrel bootlickers to side with you? Not gonna happen.


This dude loves the attention you're giving him, because he knows no matter how hard you cry & shit your pants, he's going to be on top.

I figured by now, as long as you've been playing, that you'd know staff members generally get off on getting to finally use what limited power they have, against you.


If you want some advice, stop stalking this page like your life depends on it, go find something else fun to do instead of sulking on the forums.

Posted 03 November 2024 - 11:19 PM #49

Real Alan

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I figured by now, as long as you've been playing, that you'd know staff members generally get off on getting to finally use what limited power they have, against you.



can any staff members here confirm what this guy is saying?



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Posted 03 November 2024 - 11:47 PM #50


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Ayeeee, I'm in the screenshot! :D

HMU for anything, anywhere, anytime!





Posted 04 November 2024 - 10:13 AM #51


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You don't just get to make up special rules for punishing specific people.

Everyone is tried under the same rules.   


Hard disagree on that. Just arguing to argue here, I don't care about any of the drama I was having a blast reading but, this specifically, I have qualms with. 
Your past crimes or altercations (for lack of better words), no matter how unrelated to the current "drama", definitely matter and changes how you are dealt with. Here, in real life, anywhere. 


At school, at work, with the police, with your wife, your mom. It ALWAYS matter.

Posted 04 November 2024 - 03:28 PM #52

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Came to check on how Leagues are going and got another episode of Real Drama with Real Alan. Can't complain, I find it hilarious.

Did Alan bait this response? Oh yeah
Did To Gain overreact? Yep

I personally think Alan should be able to have any name he wants, considering what names are out there. In this case, if an admin got offended, just change his name to Ruck Alan or Ruck Real Alan, done.

In the end, Alan seems to be an active member of Alora community and is putting in his time to make the server better. Making suggestions or baiting out staff, he's still contributing. 
I can see how staff can be fed up with him, but how can you not appreciate his persistence on studying each rule to find some silly loophole. He's like a villain in every kids cartoon, scheming and plotting his next Alora adventure.

Hoping "My problem with staff 5" will have some more fun drama

Posted 04 November 2024 - 10:05 PM #53

Real Alan

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10/10 explanation.  Glad you understand my sense of humor  <3



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Posted 06 November 2024 - 05:39 AM #54


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We do see a lot of Alan's post everything about Alora/staff/player with FACTS, but actually, staff could make one big post and say with FACTS why he got jailed as a penguin + muted on forums for a long time and in-game and now what?? Ban on leagues for some *ruck to gain*??? But in previous Leagues when it was *ruck staff* it was just fine, so what are the differences between *ruck to gain* and *ruck staff*? And knowing actually that there were a lot of racist/sexual names created and nothing is happening to them, why?

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Posted 06 November 2024 - 06:15 AM #55

Real Alan

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what are the differences between *ruck to gain* and *ruck staff*?

What's wrong with @Ruck Staff ?




And what's wrong with @ RUCK T0 GAlN ?




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Posted 06 November 2024 - 06:54 AM #56


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Don't poke the bear and expect it to lie still; "Ruck staff" is mostly directed to staff in general, while the To Gain account is directed to him. You clearly tried getting a reaction from him, and you did. But not the one you expected.


Same thing as me saying something about Realism players, and then targetting you in particular. Just hits differently, right?


You keep spamming this thread in yell, even tho it's not looking good on your side. It's not the first time I see you trying to get reactions out of people, but then start complaining when you get punished.


Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned. I'd just close this thread and not get yourself in deeper shit than you already are. 

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Posted 06 November 2024 - 11:37 PM #57

Real Alan

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You clearly tried getting a reaction from him, and you did. But not the one you expected.


Same thing as me saying something about Realism players, and then targetting you in particular. Just hits differently, right?


You keep spamming this thread in yell, even tho it's not looking good on your side. It's not the first time I see you trying to get reactions out of people, but then start complaining when you get punished.


Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned. I'd just close this thread and not get yourself in deeper shit than you already are. 

1. How do you know what I expected?  Perhaps, I'm smarter than you think and have prepared for both outcomes.

2. I wouldn't give a fk if you made a Ruck Alan, Ruck AIan, or Ruck A1an account.  There's a billion Alans in the world.  Why tf would I assume someone I've never met before is named after me?

Even if you did made a Rk Real Alan account, I still wouldn't give a fk.  I'm perfectly fine living rent free in your heads.  I got a life outside of Alora and literally don't have time to care what you name your account.  

3. Why should I care whether some guy on the internet thinks I look good or not?  Please tell me, what is a player supposed to do to look good anyways?     

4. How would closing the thread benefit me?  Currently over 70% of the Alora community have voted To Gain should chill a little.  I think that sends a message.  Also this post has 1829 views, while the 8th anniversary post has 2,131.  That means 85% of the people who know about the 8th anniversary, also know about To gain needing to chill a lil.  Sounds like a win in my book.  



Can’t be dissing To Gain my guy.

Dude can abuse penguins, tele out of wildy, disconnect server MULTIPLE times to “test bugs” & whatever other shady shit.

Not sure what made you think the name was acceptable!!!

I read the rules and there was no rule pertaining to disrespecting staff in in-game names -> that's why I thought it was acceptable

Also, I'm a grown man who expects other grown men to not cry over names.  

Like crying over name calling is 1 thing. 

Crying because someone else's name offended you... that's a whole 'nother level of soft.

Especially when it doesn't include "disrespectful language towards race, belief system, ethics, or sexual orientation"





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Posted 07 November 2024 - 07:13 AM #58


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 Currently over 70% of the Alora community have voted To Gain should chill a little






Can you stop with this inaccurate stat. 70%+ people on this thread that have voted agree. That is not 70% of the alora community.

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Posted 07 November 2024 - 09:46 AM #59

Real Alan

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Can you stop with this inaccurate stat. 70%+ people on this thread that have voted agree. That is not 70% of the alora community.


America has 335 million people, only about 140 million people voted in the presidential election (72m T / 68m H). 

Can we say 51% of Americans (72/140) voted for Trump even though less than 335 million people voted?  


Similarly, if the poll is open to all of the Alora community -> can we say 70% of the Alora community voted for To Gain to chill a lil

even though the poll only had 37/51 votes?


Please help me understand how you would have written the stat.  



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Posted 07 November 2024 - 09:50 AM #60


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America has 335 million people, only about 140 million people voted in the presidential election (72m T / 68m H). 

Can we say 51% of Americans (72/140) voted for Trump even though less than 335 million people voted?  


Similarly, if the poll is open to all of the Alora community -> can we say 70% of the Alora community voted for To Gain to chill a lil

even though the poll only had 37/51 votes?


Please help me understand how you would have written the stat.  


stop trying to hard on these responses, i really dont care lmao.

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