Welcome to the Vorkath Drop Hunt!
This week we've got rewards for every rare drop you can get from Vorkath!

Any visage drop - Bowfa + Ancient wyvern shield (Winner @xMistics)
Vorki (pet) - Ancestral robe set
Jar of decay - Dhcb + Saturated heart (Winner @
Dragonbone necklace #1 - Dragon warhammer (Winner @Mhk)
Dragonbone necklace #2 - $10 Bond (Winner @Kvri)
Dragonbone necklace #3 - $10 Bond (Winner @B3astmode)
1. Each reward can only be claimed on time - First come first serve
2. If you receive one the the drops, TAKE A SCREENSHOT and post on this forum topic
3. Whoever posts their screenshot first is the person who is rewarded
4. As rewards are claimed they will be marked as such on this forum topic, so keep an eye on it
5. You are allowed to win more than one reward if you're lucky enough to be the first to obtain more than one drop
6. This event will be on going through October 20th
Thank you to @Reload for some of the rewards for this event!