The osmumten's fang double roll slash effect was nerfed on OSRS being close if not better on OSRS and because how cheap it was nerfed and because of its value. Mechanics on alora are different. I think it would be a great idea to bring back that double roll on the slash side of things because 1. The fang is a mid price and the price that we pay I think we should have that slash effect. I know this is a private server and I dont think every OSRS has to be identical to alora. Not only that fang isn't used nowhere I can think of besides corp,duke,vard,toa. I'm sure there are places that are weak to slash that the fang would be great as if someone don't have the value in there bank to buy a scythe. I honestly just think it would be a great idea to put the fang on where it was and fang would maybe be useful in other places.
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