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Better chat functionality

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Posted 20 September 2024 - 05:57 PM #1


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So I searched forums and didn’t see this anywhere so I wanted to make a post about it incase no one else already has (feel free to delete if it has).

So I’ve mostly played mobile but I’ve noticed a few things about the chat functionality that’s been a bit of an annoyance to be personally.

First: that there’s no option (on mobile i don’t know about pc) to clear and messages whether it’s private messages or game chat.

Second: the “game” tab filter doesn’t seem to do anything. I personally just don’t like seeing “you have eaten a shark” a bunch of times. So this would be a suggestion for a better filter list (or a filter list just in general if there isn’t one already in place)

Third: having an option to switch the “yell” tab on and off and have it working. I tried turning it off and I still receive a bunch of messages. This is mostly just a personal preference because I’m ocd about the blue chat bubbles flashing.

And the last suggestion is having the “all” tab clear all the blue flashing chat bubble tabs and keep them cleared when messages come through. This is more of a personal preference thing but it would be nice to have.

Anyways if this has been suggested or is already being worked on you can delete this post, I just wanted to suggest it incase no one else had done it already.

Posted 20 September 2024 - 06:16 PM #2



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First: that there’s no option (on mobile i don’t know about pc) to clear and messages whether it’s private messages or game chat.

Would be a nice feature for sure, support!


Second: the “game” tab filter doesn’t seem to do anything. I personally just don’t like seeing “you have eaten a shark” a bunch of times. So this would be a suggestion for a better filter list (or a filter list just in general if there isn’t one already in place)

Hold your finger on the "Game" tand select the "Game: Filter" option. Then click back to the "All" tab, it should filter spam messages like the shark one you mentioned.


Third: having an option to switch the “yell” tab on and off and have it working. I tried turning it off and I still receive a bunch of messages. This is mostly just a personal preference because I’m ocd about the blue chat bubbles flashing.

Seems to work fine for me. I can only see the yells if I specifically go into the yell tab again after I turn it off.


And the last suggestion is having the “all” tab clear all the blue flashing chat bubble tabs and keep them cleared when messages come through. This is more of a personal preference thing but it would be nice to have.






Posted 20 September 2024 - 06:52 PM #3


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Hey thanks for the reply!

Maybe it’s a mobile thing for the second suggestion then because it’s set to filter and it’s still showing those messages for me so not sure how to go about fixing that.

The third suggestion is more so for my ocd I would just like to see an option to have it turn it off and not have any messages pop up at all. It’s distracting for me to see the blue bubble flashing every 2 seconds when the tab isn’t open.

Posted 20 September 2024 - 10:21 PM #4


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Never played Alora on mobile, but these are all things I'm pretty OCD about on pc myself, so it'd be nice for mobile players to have it as well. Support

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Posted 20 September 2024 - 11:30 PM #5


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Ok so I was trying to upload a picture but it appears to not be working right now but I am on pc now and the chat filtering doesnt appear to work for me either like it wasnt on mobile. I am still getting "you eat a <food>" message in my chat box as well as all the other extra information i dont need from the game


Posted 21 September 2024 - 07:46 AM #6


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Ok so I was trying to upload a picture but it appears to not be working right now but I am on pc now and the chat filtering doesnt appear to work for me either like it wasnt on mobile. I am still getting "you eat a <food>" message in my chat box as well as all the other extra information i dont need from the game


Its because you have the 'Game' Chatbox selected, as H mentioned, you have to select 'All' chat for the filters to work appropriately.


Such as this:



Then if you tap on 'Game' or 'Yell' it will show things unfiltered.

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Posted 21 September 2024 - 11:05 PM #7


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I definitely support the ability to clear messages on mobile, I hope that gets added soon. If messages aren't filtering on mobile properly, hopefully that gets fixed.

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Posted 23 September 2024 - 11:33 PM #8


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I definitely support the ability to clear messages on mobile, I hope that gets added soon. If messages aren't filtering on mobile properly, hopefully that gets fixed.

Tbh I couldn’t get filtering to work on pc or mobile and I tried the suggestion above so not sure why it won’t work.

Posted 24 September 2024 - 12:08 AM #9



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First: that there’s no option (on mobile i don’t know about pc) to clear and messages whether it’s private messages or game chat.


Does the functionality to to filter chat messages exist? If that is not what you mean, then I still support what you are trying to say! 

Second: the “game” tab filter doesn’t seem to do anything. I personally just don’t like seeing “you have eaten a shark” a bunch of times. So this would be a suggestion for a better filter list (or a filter list just in general if there isn’t one already in place)


I have noticed that it does things, -sometimes-. But it could do a much better job of filtering things. There are a lot of sub text action things that get through. 100% support for this. May we could start a compilation of things that we think should be filtered better, a post the whole community could add to. 

Third: having an option to switch the “yell” tab on and off and have it working. I tried turning it off and I still receive a bunch of messages. This is mostly just a personal preference because I’m ocd about the blue chat bubbles flashing.


Support. The flashing tabs at the bottom are sometimes annoying, and with as active as our ::yell channel is I could see how this could be frustrating. 

And the last suggestion is having the “all” tab clear all the blue flashing chat bubble tabs and keep them cleared when messages come through. This is more of a personal preference thing but it would be nice to have.


Additonal support similar to the same thing as stated above. 

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Posted 24 September 2024 - 10:46 AM #10


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I appreciate the support!

And yeah to be honest most of this boils down to my just having ocd about the chat box and the flashing blue bubbles. It’s very distracting for me so having an option to turning off yell chat would be a nice feature to have since it can get pretty spammy most the time.

Also I would have to say your statement about the chat filtering is likely true. I feel like there isn’t actually a chat filtering list and maybe creating one for the game could be beneficial because it seems like the game just tells you every action you do and I’d rather not see that stuff on my chat box unless it’s something important.

But yeah as for mobile I think it’s just slightly behind pc because pc has chat clearing and mobile doesn’t so it’s probably just something they need to add at some point in the near future (hopefully).

Posted 24 September 2024 - 03:43 PM #11



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